History of the Missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the Oriental | Page 3

Rufus Anderson
male and female, giving the time during which they were severally connected with the missions.
Thankful acknowledgments are due to the Rev. Thomas Laurie, D.D., the writer of a number of valuable and popular works, and to the Rev. Isaac R. Worcester, well known as the Editor of the Missionary Herald, for their kind and careful revision of the work.
This History of the Missions of the Board to the Oriental Churches, is respectfully dedicated to the friends of those missions; and the author, who has no pecuniary interest in the work, will be amply rewarded, should he be regarded as having given a true and faithful account of the agency of the Board in the Republication of the Gospel in Bible Lands.
Boston, 1872.

The First Missionaries.--Their Instructions.--Reception by other Missionaries.--The Seven Churches.--Temporary Separation.--Mr. Parsons at Jerusalem.--Disturbing Influence from the Greek Revolution.--Returns to Smyrna.--Their Voyage to Alexandria.--Death and Character of Mr. Parsons.--Mr. Fisk goes to Malta.--Printing Establishment.--Rev. Jonas King becomes Mr. Fisk's Associate.--Rev. Joseph Wolff.--The Missionaries in Egypt.--Crossing the Desert.--At Jerusalem.--Beir?t and Lebanon.--The Emir Beshir.--An interesting Convocation.--Journals and Labors.--Jerusalem revisited.--Arrest of Messrs. Fisk and Bird.--Visit to Hebron.--Sale of Scriptures. --Return to Beir?t.--Communion of Saints.--Journey to Damascus and Aleppo.
Proclamation of the Grand Seignior.--Jerusalem again visited. --Absurd Reports.--Disturbed State of the Country.--Mr. King's Farewell Letter.--He visits Smyrna and Constantinople. --Contributions in France and England.--Agency among the Churches. --Sickness and Death of Mr. Fisk.--His Character.--Jerusalem reoccupied.--Danger to the Mission Families.--Death of Mrs. Thomson.--New Missionaries.--Death of Dr. Dodge.--The Cholera. --Station at Jerusalem suspended.--Opinion of Dr. Hawes.--Burying Ground on Mount Zion.
Origin of the Mission to Syria.--Beir?t.--Studies of the Missionaries.--Native Helpers.--Papal Opposition.--Hopeful View. --Education.--First Acquaintance with Asaad Shidiak.--Greek Invasion.--Providential Interposition.--Pious Natives.--Dionysius at Jerusalem.--A Prayer-meeting.--The Mission Church.--Works in the Native Languages.--Persecution of Mr. Bird.--Apprehension of War. --Suspension of the Mission.--Parting Scene.
Significance of the Narrative.--Early History of Asaad.--Becomes known to the Missionaries.--Employed by Mr. King.--Prepares an Answer to Mr. King's "Farewell Letter."--His Conversion.--Employed by the Mission.--Stands on Protestant Ground.--His Constitutional Weakness.--Puts Himself in the Patriarch's Power.--His Boldness. --His Escape.--His Account of his Experiences.--First Effort to Recapture him.--Second and successful Effort.--Is taken to the Patriarch.--Imprisoned and in Chains.--The Family relent.--Barbarous Treatment.--Increased Cruelty.--Time and Manner of his Death.--A Martyr.--Exploration by an English Merchant.--Remarks on the Narrative.
THE PRESS AT MALTA.--1822-1833.
Why at Malta.--Successful Publications.--Publication of the Armeno-Turkish New Testament.--Extent of the Publications.--Singular Use of Alphabets and Languages.--Preaching at Malta.--Missionary Fellowship.--The Press removed to Smyrna.
Need of Information.--The Author's Visit to the Mediterranean. --Results of Malta Conferences.--Explorers of Armenia.--Preparations for the Tour.--The Route.--Sojourn at Shoosha.--German Colonies. --Sufferings from Illness.--Kindness of the English Embassy in Persia.--The Nestorians of Former Ages.--How Attention was first drawn to the Nestorians.--A Week among the Nestorians.--The Published Researches.--Religious Condition of the Armenians.
THE ARMENIANS.--1827-1835.
Effect of Mr. King's "Farewell Letter."--School of Peshtimaljian. --Its Influence on the Priesthood.--The Erasmus of the Armenians.--A Preparedness for Reformation.--Commencement of the Mission. --Splendid Scenery.--Destructive Conflagration.--Schools for the Greeks.--The Armenian Patriarch.--Accessions to the Mission.--Outset of the Mission characterized.--Unexpected Obstacles.--Remarkable Converts.--Removal of the Press.--Supply of School-books.--High School.--New Missionaries.--New Stations.
THE ARMENIANS.--1836-1840.
Trebizond.--Favoring Circumstances.--Improvement in the Publishing Department.--Progressive Civilization among the Turks.--Papal Opposition.--Signs of Progress.--Education of Women.--Active Usefulness of Der Kevoork.--Death of Peshtimaljian.--Deaths by the Plague.--Missionary Convocation.--Remarkable Occurrence.--Serope at Broosa.--Vertanes and Harit?n.--Year of Persecution.--Causes of the Persecution.--The Sultan enlisted.--Deposition of the Patriarch Stepan.--Banishment of Hohannes.--Zeal of the Persecutors. --Co?peration of the Greek Synod.--An Imperial Firman.--Efforts to Expel the Missionaries.--Divine Providence effectually interposes. --The Power of the Persecution broken.--Hohannes recalled.--The Persecutors brought low.--Stepan restored to Office.
THE ARMENIANS.--1840-1844.
Pledges of the New Sultan.--Boarding School at Bebek.--Station commenced at Erzroom.--Interest at Nicomedia.--The Gospel introduced into Adabazar.--Danger from the Papacy.--Favorable Reaction.--New Missionaries.--Publications.--Scripture Translations.--Education. --Signs of Progress.--Visit of Vertanes to Nicomedia.--Awakening at Adabazar.--New Missionaries.--An Anxious Sinner seeking Rest. --Unexpected Opposition.--Hohannes goes to the United States.--A Native Mission.--Prayer Meetings.--Publications.--Preaching to Women.--A Turkish Execution.--Efforts of Sir Stratford Canning.--A Second Execution.--The Ambassador's Demand on the Sultan.--The Death Penalty no more to be Inflicted.--Importance of the Pledge. --Sufferings from Persecution.--Changes in the Mission.--Case of Mr. Temple.--Death of Mrs. Van Lennep.
The Greek Mind as affected by Circumstances.--Death of Mr. Gridley. --Education of Greek Youth.--Result of Experience.--Marriage of Mr. King.--His School in Poros.--He removes to Athens.--Change in the Government.--A New Missionary.--High Schools.--Station at Argos. --Power of the Hierarchy.--Free Circulation of the New Testament. --Opposition to the Old Testament.--Intrigues against the Mission. --Success notwithstanding.--Station on Scio.--Argos relinquished. --Removal from Scio to Ariopolis.--Serious Embarrassments.--Death of Mrs. Houston.--Religious Toleration and Political Parties.--Growth of Intolerance.--The Station abandoned.--The Retiring Missionaries. --Station among the Greeks of Cyprus.--Explorations.--Ignorance of the People.--Insalubrious Climate.--Friendly Disposition of the People.--Death of Mr. Pease.--Relinquishment of the Station.--Athens the only Station retained in Greece.--Preaching and the Press. --Labors among the Greeks of Turkey.--Why in great measure Discontinued.--Valuable Results.
THE NESTORIANS.--1833-1836.
Commencement of the Mission.--Instructions to the Missionary.--Rise of the Nestorians.--Their Missions.--Destroyed by the Mohammedans. --The Overland Journey of Mr. and
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