History of the Mackenzies | Page 7

Alexander Mackenzie
of the Knights of Glynn; Maurice, ancestor of the Knights of Kerry;
and Thomas, progenitor of the Fitzgeralds of Limerick. But it is quite
unnecessary to deal with Colin's brothers and their descendants here. It
will be sufficient if we dispose of Colin himself, who, according to the
genealogy given to him by those who claim him as their progenitor,
was really not Colin Fitz-Gerald but Colin Fitz-John. He must, however,
be dealt with a little more at length; for, whoever he may have been,
and however mythical his personal history, his name will always
command a certain amount of interest for members of the Clan
Mackenzie, and those who have become allied with them by marriage
or association.
Most of us are acquainted with the turbulent state of the West
Highlands and Islands in the reign of Alexander II., when the Highland
Chiefs became so powerful, and were so remote from the centre of
Government, that they could not be brought under the King's authority.
His Majesty determined to make a serious effort to reduce these men to
obedience, and for this purpose he proceeded, at the head of a large
force, but died on his way in 1249, on the Island of Kerrera, leaving his
son, Alexander III., then only nine years of age, with the full weight
and responsibility of government on his shoulders.
Shortly after the King attained his majority, Colin Fitzgerald, correctly
speaking Fitz John is said to have been driven out of Ireland and to
have sought refuge at the Scottish Court, where he was heartily
welcomed by the King, by whom his rank and prowess well known to
him by repute, were duly recognised and acknowledged.
At this time Alexander was preparing to meet Haco, King of Norway,
who, on the 2nd of October, 1262, landed with a large force on the
coast of Ayrshire, where he was met by a gallant force of fifteen
hundred knights splendidly mounted on magnificent chargers - many of

them of pure Spanish breed - wearing breastplates, while their riders,
clad in complete armour, with a numerous army of foot armed with
spears, bows and arrows, and other weapons of war, according to the
usage in their respective provinces, the whole of this valiant force led
by the King in person. These splendid, well-accoutred armies met at
Largs two or three days after, and then commenced that sanguinary and
memorable engagement which was the first decisive check to the
arrogance of the Norsemen who had so long held sway in the West
Highlands and Isles, and the first opening up of the channel which led
to the subsequent arrangements between Alexander III. of Scotland and
Magnus IV. of Norway in consequence of which an entirely new
organisation was introduced into the Hebrides, then inhabited by a
mixed race composed of the natives and largely of the descendants of
successive immigrant colonists of Norwegians and Danes who had
settled in the country.
In this memorable engagement, we are told, the Scots commenced the
attack. The right wing, composed of the men of Argyle, of Lennox, of
Athole, and Galloway, was commanded by Alexander, Lord High
Steward, while Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March, commanded the left
wing, composed of the men of the Lothians, Berwick, Stirling, and Fife.
The King placed himself in the centre, at the head of the choice men of
Ross, Perth, Angus, Mearns, Mar, Moray, Inverness, and Caithness,
where he was confronted by Haco in person, who, for the purpose of
meeting the Scottish King, took post in the Norwegian centre. The
High Steward, by a dexterous movement, made the enemy's left give
way, and instantly, by another adroit manoeuvre, he wheeled back on
the rear of Haco's centre, where he found the two warrior Kings
desperately engaged. This induced Haco, after exhibiting all the
prowess of a brave King and an able commander, to retreat from the
field, followed by his left wing, leaving, as has been variously stated,
sixteen to twenty-four thousand of his followers on the field, while the
loss on the Scottish side is estimated at about five thousand. The men
of Caithness and Sutherland were led by the Flemish Freskin, those of
Moray by one of their great chiefs, and there is every reason to believe
that the men of Ross rallied round one of their native chiefs. Among the
most distinguished warriors who took part in this great and decisive
victory for the Scots, under the immediate eye of their brave King, was,

it is said, Colin Fitzgerald, who is referred to in a fragment of the
Record of Icolmkill as "Callenus peregrinus Hibernus nobilis ex familia
Geraldinorum qui proximo anno ab Hibernia pulsus opud regni benigne
acceptus hinc usque in curta permansit et in praefacto proelio strenue
pugnavit." That
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