History of the Britons | Page 9

to several
British generals who lived after this time. It is not unlikely that the
town, name, and dignity, still lingered in the provinces after the
Romans were gone, particularly as the cities of Britain maintained for a
time a species of independence.
27. The seventh emperor was Maximus. He withdrew from Britain with
all his military force, slew Gratian, the king of the Romans, and
obtained the sovereignty of all Europe. Unwilling to send back his
warlike companions to their wives, children, and possessions in Britain,
he conferred upon them numerous districts from the lake on the summit
of Mons Jovis, to the city called Cant Guic, and to the western Tumulus,
that is, to Cruc Occident.* These are the Armoric Britons, and they
remain there to the present day. In consequence of their absence,
Britain being overcome by foreign nations, the lawful heirs were cast
out, till God interposed with his assistance. We are informed by the
tradition of our ancestors that seven emperors went into Britain, though
the Romans affirm there were nine. * This district, in modern language,
extended from the great St. Bernard in Piedmont to Cantavic in Picardy,
and from Picardy to the western coast of France.
28. Thus, aggreeably to the account given by the Britons, the Romans
governed them four hundred and nine years.
After this, the Britons despised the authority of the Romans, equally
refusing to pay them tribute, or to receive their kings; nor durst the
Romans any longer attempt the government of a country, the natives of
which massacred their deputies.
29. We must now return to the tyrant Maximus. Gratian, with his
brother Valentinian, reigned seven years. Ambrose, bishop of Milan,
was then eminent for his skill in the dogmata of the Catholics.
Valentinianus and Theodosius reigned eight years. At that time a synod
was held at Constantinople, attended by three hundred and fifty of the
fathers, and in which all heresies were condemned. Jerome, the

presbyter of Bethlehem, was then universally celebrated. Whilst
Gratian exercised supreme dominion over the world, Maximus, in a
sedition of the soldiers, was saluted emperor in Britain, and soon after
crossed the sea to Gaul. At Paris, by the treachery of Mellobaudes, his
master of the horse, Gratian was defeated and fleeing to Lyons, was
taken and put to death; Maximus afterwards associated his son victor in
the government.
Martin, distinguished for his great virtues, was at this period bishop of
Tours. After a considerable space of time, Maximus was divested of
royal power by the consuls Valentinianus and Theodosius, and
sentenced to be beheaded at the third mile-stone from Aquileia: in the
same year also his son Victor was killed in Gaul by Arbogastes, five
thousand six hundred and ninety years from the creation of the world.
30. Thrice were the Roman deputies put to death by the Britons, and
yet these, when harassed by the incursions of the barbarous nations, viz.
Of the Scots and Picts, earnestly solicited the aid of the Romans. To
give effect to their entreaties, ambassadors were sent, who made their
entrance with impressions of deep sorrow, having their heads covered
with dust, and carrying rich presents, to expiate the murder of the
deputies. They were favourably received by the consuls, and swore
submission to the Roman yoke, with whatever severity it might be
The Romans, therefore, came with a powerful army to the assistance of
the Britons; and having appointed over them a ruler, and settled the
government, returned to Rome: and this took place alternately during
the space of three hundred and forty-eight years. The Britons, however,
from the oppression of the empire, again massacred The Roman
deputies, and again petitioned for succour. Once more the Romans
undertook the government of the Britons, and assisted them in repelling
their neighbours; and, after having exhausted the country of its gold,
silver, brass, honey, and costly vestments, and having besides received
rich gifts, they returned in great triumph to Rome.
31. After the above-said war between the Britons and Romans, the
assassination of their rulers, and the victory of Maximus, who slew

Gratian, and the termination of the Roman power in Britain, they were
in alarm forty years.
Vortigern then reigned in Britain. In his time, the natives had cause of
dread, not only from the inroads of the Scots and Picts, but also from
the Romans, and their apprehensions of Ambrosius.* * These words
relate evidently to some cause of dispute between the Romans,
Ambrosius, and Vortigern. Vortigern is said to have been sovereign of
the Dimetae, and Ambrosius son to the king of the Damnonii. The latter
was half a Roman by descent, and naturally supported the Roman
interest: the former was entirely a Briton, and as naturally seconded by
the original Britons.
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