it is
hoped that the volume may afford a suitable introduction to a
fascinating field of travel, while to such as have already viewed its
glories it may serve to renew old associations and awaken cherished
memories of a river without peer or parallel in its wealth of story, its
boundless mystery, and the hold which it has exercised upon all who
have lingered by the hero-trodden paths that wind among its mysterious
promontories and song-haunted strands.
There are many rivers whose celebrity is of much greater antiquity than
that of the Rhine. The Nile and the Ganges are intimately associated
with the early history of civilization and the mysterious beginnings of
wisdom; the Tiber is eloquent of that vanished Empire which was the
first to carry the torch of advancement into the dark places of barbarian
Europe; the name of the Jordan is sacred to thousands as that first heard
in infancy and linked with lives and memories divine. But, universal as
is the fame of these rivers, none of them has awakened in the breasts of
the dwellers on their banks such a fervent devotion, such intense
enthusiasm, or such a powerful patriotic appeal as has the Rhine, at
once the river, the frontier, and the palladium of the German folk.
The Magic of the Rhine
But the appeal is wider, for the Rhine is peculiarly the home of a
legendary mysticism almost unique. Those whose lives are spent in
their creation and interpretation know that song and legend have a
particular affinity for water. Hogg, the friend of Shelley, was wont to
tell how the bright eyes of his comrade would dilate at the sight of even
a puddle by the roadside. Has water a hypnotic attraction for certain
minds? Be that as it may, there has crystallized round the great
waterways of the world a traditionary lore which preserves the thought
and feeling of the past, and retains many a circumstance of wonder and
marvel from olden epochs which the modern world could ill have
Varied and valuable as are the traditional tales of other streams, none
possess that colour of intensity and mystery, that spell of ancient
profundity which belong to the legends of the Rhine. In perusing these
we feel our very souls plunged in darkness as that of the carven gloom
of some Gothic cathedral or the Cimmerian depths of some ancient
forest unpierced by sun-shafts. It is the Teutonic mystery which has us
in its grip, a thing as readily recognizable as the Celtic glamour or the
Egyptian gloom--a thing of the shadows of eld, stern, ancient, of a
ponderous fantasy, instinct with the spirit of nature, of dwarfs, elves,
kobolds, erlkings, the wraiths and shades of forest and flood, of
mountain and mere, of castled height and swift whirlpool, the denizens
of the deep valleys and mines, the bergs and heaths of this great
province of romance, this rich satrapy of Faëry.
A Land of Legend
Nowhere is legend so thickly strewn as on the banks of the Rhine. Each
step is eloquent of tradition, each town, village, and valley. No hill, no
castle but has its story, true or legendary. The Teuton is easily the
world’s master in the art of conserving local lore. As one speeds down
the broad breast of this wondrous river, gay with summer and flushed
with the laughter of early vineyards, so close is the network of legend
that the swiftly read or spoken tale of one locality is scarce over ere the
traveller is confronted by another. It is a surfeit of romance, an
inexhaustible hoard of the matter of marvel.
This noble stream with its wealth of tradition has made such a powerful
impression upon the national imagination that it has become intimate in
the soul of the people and commands a reverence and affection which
is not given by any other modern nation to its greatest and most
characteristic river. The Englishman has only a mitigated pride in the
Thames, as a great commercial asset or, its metropolitan borders once
passed, a river of peculiarly restful character; the Frenchman evinces no
very great enthusiasm toward the Seine; and if there are many Spanish
songs about the “chainless Guadalquivir,” the dons have been content
to retain its Arabic name. But what German heart does not thrill at the
name of the Rhine? What German cheek does not flush at the sound of
that mighty thunder-hymn which tells of his determination to preserve
the river of his fathers at the cost of his best blood? Nay, what man of
patriotic temperament but feels a responsive chord awake within him at
the thought of that majestic song, so stern, so strong, “clad in armour,”
vibrant with the clang of swords, instinct

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