Henrik Ibsen
The Project Gutenberg eBook, Henrik Ibsen, by Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
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Title: Henrik Ibsen A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an
Index to Characters
Author: Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
Release Date: February 8, 2006 [eBook #17719]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
E-text prepared by Louise Hope, David Starner, and the Project
Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Transcriber's note:
A number of typographical errors have been corrected. Details are
given at the end of the file. Except for these errata, all material in
brackets [] is from the original text.
Words or phrases enclosed by + signs are in bold face (+bold+).
Practical Bibliographies
A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters
Compiled by
INA TEN EYCK FIRKINS Reference Librarian of the University of
New York The H. W. Wilson Company London: Grafton & Company
1921 Published April, 1921
The following bibliography has been compiled to meet a general rather
than a scholarly need. It is for this reason that the subject index has
been expanded beyond the limits required by the Ibsen specialist.
While it is hoped that the bibliography will not be despised by the
expert, it has been the convenience of the library assistant, the college
student and the ubiquitous club woman that the compiler has had in
mind throughout its preparation.
No attempt has been made to compile a complete list of Ibsen's writings.
The work of Dr. J. B. Halvorsen has rendered that service unnecessary.
Therefore a brief list of the best Norwegian and English editions is all
that has been included. The attempt has been made to provide a list of
the best available critical and biographical material relating to Henrik
Ibsen, and to present it in such a form as will meet satisfactorily the
constant demand for information about special phases of the great
dramatist's work.
The bibliography has been compiled through examination of the books
in local collections, in the Library of Congress, in Columbia University
Library, and in the New York Public Library. The American, English,
French, Italian, German and Scandinavian national bibliographies, the
general and special indexes to periodicals and all available reference
lists have been consulted.
The bibliography is arranged in three lists, an Author Index, a Subject
Index, and an Index to Characters. In the author list full information
about the book or article is given; in the subject list, the author and title
only of books are given, with page references; full information is to be
obtained by referring to the author index. Magazine references are
given in full.
The Index to Characters contains an alphabetical list of all the
characters in the plays, and the title of the play in which each character
may be found.
September 10, 1920.
Abbreviations 7 Editions 9 Author Index 11 Subject Index 39 Index to
Characters 75
+Acad.+ Academy +Amer.+ American (Phila.) +Ath.+ Athenaeum
(Lond.) +Atlan.+ Atlantic Monthly +Bib. d'Art de la critique+
+Blackw.+ Blackwood's Magazine +Bk. Buyer+ Book-Buyer
+Bookm.+ Bookman +Calif. M.+ Californian Illustrated Magazine
+Canad. M.+ Canadian Magazine +Cath. W.+ Catholic World +Cent.+
Century Magazine +Chaut.+ Chautauquan +Class. J.+ Classical Journal
+Contemp.+ Contemporary Review +Cosmop.+ Cosmopolitan +Cur.
Lit.+ Current Literature +Deut. Med. Presse+ Deutsche Medizinische
Presse +Dram. Mir.+ Dramatic Mirror +Dub. R.+ Dublin Review
+Eclectic M.+ Eclectic Magazine +Econ. R.+ Economic Review
+Every Sat.+ Every Saturday +Fortn.+ Fortnightly Review +Freie
Bühne+ Freie Bühne für modernes Leben +Gent. M.+ Gentleman's
Magazine +Green Bk. Album.+ Green Book Album +Hampton.+
Hampton Magazine +Harp. B.+ Harper's Bazar +Harp. W.+ Harper's
Weekly +Harv. M.+ Harvard Monthly +Hist. Polit. Blätter f. d. Kath.
Deutschland+ Historisich-Politische Blätter für das Katholische
Deutschland +Il. Lond. News+ Illustrated London News +Indep.+
Independent +Internat. M.+ International Monthly +Internat. Q.+
International Quarterly +Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil.+ Journal of
English and Germanic Philology +Lippinc.+ Lippincott's Magazine
+Lit. Digest+ Literary Digest +Lit. W.+ (Bost.) Literary World (Boston)
+Liv. Age+ Living Age +Lond. Q.+ London Quarterly +Metrop.+
Metropolitan +Mod. Lang. R.+ Modern Language Review +Monthly
R.+ Monthly Review +Munsey.+ Munsey's Magazine +Nat'l. M.
(Bost.)+ National Magazine +National R.+ National Review +Nebraska
Univ. Studies+ Nebraska University Studies +New Century R.+ New
Century Review +New Eng. and Yale R.+ New England and Yale
Review +New Eng. M.+ New England Magazine +New R.+ New
Review +N.Y. Dram.+ New York Dramatist +19 Cent.+ Nineteenth
Century +No. Amer. R.+ North American Review +Outl.+ Outlook
+Pop. Sci.+ M. Popular Science Monthly +Pub.

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