Henrietta Temple | Page 8

Benjamin Disraeli
it,' said Glastonbury, seriously.
Sir Ratcliffe hurried his tutor along. 'Here is my best friend, Constance,' he eagerly exclaimed. Lady Armine rose and welcomed Mr. Glastonbury very cordially. 'Your presence, my dear sir, has, I assure you, been long desired by both of us,' she said, with a delightful smile.
'No compliments, believe me,' added Sir Ratcliffe; 'Constance never pays compliments. She fixed upon your own room herself. She always calls it Mr. Glastonbury's room.'
'Ah! madam,' said Mr. Glastonbury, laying his hand very gently on the shoulder of Sir Ratcliffe, and meaning to say something felicitous, 'I know this dear youth well; and I have always thought whoever could claim this heart should be counted a very fortunate woman.'
'And such the possessor esteems herself,' replied Lady Armine with a smile.
Sir Ratcliffe, after a quarter of an hour or so had passed in conversation, said: 'Come, Glastonbury, you have arrived at a good time, for dinner is at hand. Let me show you to your room. I fear you have had a hot day's journey. Thank God, we are together again. Give me your staff; I will take care of it; no fear of that. So, this way. You have seen the old Place before? Take care of that step. I say, Constance,' said Sir Ratcliffe, in a suppressed voice, and running back to his wife, 'how do you like him?'
'Very much indeed.'
'But do you really?'
'Really, truly.'
'Angel!' exclaimed the gratified Sir Ratcliffe.
Progress of Affairs at Armine.
LIFE is adventurous. Events are perpetually occurring, even in the calmness of domestic existence, which change in an instant the whole train and tenor of our thoughts and feelings, and often materially influence our fortunes and our character. It is strange, and sometimes as profitable as it is singular, to recall our state on the eve of some acquaintance which transfigures our being; with some man whose philosophy revolutionises our mind; with some woman whose charms metamorphose our career. These retrospective meditations are fruitful of self-knowledge.
The visit of Glastonbury was one of those incidents which, from the unexpected results that they occasion, swell into events. He had not been long a guest at Armine before Sir Ratcliffe and his lady could not refrain from mutually communicating to each other the gratification they should feel could Glastonbury be induced to cast his lot among them. His benevolent and placid temper, his many accomplishments, and the entire affection which he evidently entertained for everybody that bore the name, and for everything that related to the fortunes of Armine, all pointed him out as a friend alike to be cherished and to be valued. Under his auspices the garden of the fair Constance soon flourished: his taste guided her pencil, and his voice accompanied her lute. Sir Ratcliffe, too, thoroughly enjoyed his society: Glastonbury was with him the only link, in life, between the present and the past. They talked over old times together; and sorrowful recollections lost half their bitterness, from the tenderness of his sympathetic reminiscences. Sir Ratcliffe, too, was conscious of the value of such a companion for his gifted wife. And Glastonbury, moreover, among his many accomplishments, had the excellent quality of never being in the way. He was aware that young people, and especially young lovers, are not averse sometimes to being alone; and his friends, in his absence, never felt that he was neglected, because his pursuits were so various and his resources so numerous that they were sure he was employed and amused.
In the pleasaunce of Armine, at the termination of a long turfen avenue of purple beeches, there was a turreted gate, flanked by round towers, intended by Sir Ferdinand for one of the principal entrances of his castle. Over the gate were small but convenient chambers, to which you ascended by a winding stair-. case in one of the towers; the other was a mere shell. It was sunset; the long vista gleamed in the dying rays, that shed also a rich breadth of light over the bold and baronial arch. Our friends had been examining the chambers, and Lady Armine, who was a little wearied by the exertion, stood opposite the building, leaning on her husband and his friend.
'A man might go far, and find a worse dwelling than that portal,' said Glastonbury, musingly. 'Me-thinks life might glide away pleasantly enough in those little rooms, with one's books and drawings, and this noble avenue for a pensive stroll.'
'I wish to heaven, my dear Glastonbury, you would try the experiment,' said Sir Ratcliffe.
'Ah! do, Mr. Glastonbury,' added Lady Armine, 'take pity upon us!'
'At any rate, it is not so dull as a cloister,' added Sir Ratcliffe; 'and say what they like, there is nothing like living among friends.'
'You would find me very troublesome,' replied Glastonbury, with a smile; and then, turning
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