Heather and Snow | Page 2

George MacDonald
weicht upo what a body says!'
That depen's upo the body. Did ye never hear maister Craig p'int oot the
differ atween believin a body and believin in a body, Francie?'
'No--and I dinna care.'
'I wudna like ye to gang awa thinking I misdoobtit yer word, Francie! I
believe onything ye tell me, as far as I think ye ken, but maybe no sae
far as ye think ye ken. I believe ye, but I confess I dinna believe in
ye--yet. What hae ye ever dune to gie a body ony richt to believe in ye?
Ye're a guid rider, and a guid shot for a laddie, and ye rin middlin
fest--I canna say like a deer, for I reckon I cud lick ye mysel at rinnin!
But, efter and a',--'
'Wha's braggin noo, Kirsty?' cried the boy, with a touch of not
ill-humoured triumph.
'Me,' answered Kirsty; '--and I'll do what I brag o'!' she added, throwing
her stocking on the patch of green sward about the stone, and starting to
her feet with a laugh. 'Is't to be uphill or alang?'
They were near the foot of a hill to whose top went the heather, but
along whose base, between the heather and the bogland below, lay an
irregular belt of moss and grass, pretty clear of stones. The boy did not
seem eager to accept the challenge.
'There's nae guid in lickin a lassie!' he said with a shrug.
'There mith be guid in tryin to du't though--especially gien ye war lickit
at it!' returned the girl.
'What guid can there be in a body bein lickit at onything?'

'The guid o' haein a body's pride ta'en doon a wee.'
'I'm no sae sure o' the guid o' that! It wud only hand ye ohn tried (_from
trying_) again.'
'Jist there's what yer pride dis to ye, Francie! Ye maun aye be first, or
ye'll no try! Ye'll never du naething for fear o' no bein able to gang on
believin ye cud du 't better nor ony ither body! Ye dinna want to fin' oot
'at ye're naebody in particlar. It's a sair pity ye wunna hae yer pride
ta'en doon. Ye wud be a hantle better wantin aboot three pairts o'
't.--Come, I'm ready for ye! Never min' 'at I'm a lassie: naebody 'ill
'Ye hae nae sheen (_shoes_)!' objected the boy.
'Ye can put aff yer ain!'
'My feet's no sae hard as yours!'
'Weel, I'll put on mine. They're here, sic as they are. Ye see I want them
gangin throuw the heather wi' Steenie; that's some sair upo the feet.
Straucht up hill throuw the heather, and I'll put my sheen on!'
'I'm no sae guid uphill.'
'See there noo, Francie! Ye tak yersel for unco courteous, and
honourable, and generous, and k-nichtly, and a' that--oh, I ken a' aboot
it, and it's a' verra weel sae far as it gangs; but what the better are ye for
't, whan, a' the time ye're despisin a body 'cause she's but a quean, ye
maun hae ilka advantage o' her, or ye winna gie her a chance o' lickin
ye!--Here! I'll put on my sheen, and rin ye alang the laich grun'! My
sheen's twice the weicht o' yours, and they dinna fit me!'
The boy did not dare go on refusing: he feared what Kirsty would say
next. But he relished nothing at all in the challenge. It was not fit for a
man to run races with a girl: there were no laurels, nothing but laughter
to be won by victory over her! and in his heart he was not at all sure of
beating Kirsty: she had always beaten him when they were children.

Since then they had been at the parish school together, but there public
opinion kept the boys and girls to their own special sports. Now Kirsty
had left school, and Francis was going to the grammar-school at the
county-town. They were both about fifteen. All the sense was on the
side of the girl, and she had been doing her best to make the boy
practical like herself--hitherto without much success, although he was
by no means a bad sort of fellow. He had not yet passed the
stage--some appear never to pass it in this world--in which an admirer
feels himself in the same category with his hero. Many are content with
themselves because they side with those whose ways they do not
endeavour to follow. Such are most who call themselves Christians. If
men admired themselves only for what they did, their conceit would be
greatly moderated.
Kirsty put on her heavy tacketed (_hob-nailed_) shoes--much too large
for her, having been made for her brother--stood up erect, and putting
her elbows back, said,
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