Harry Heathcote of Gangoil | Page 6

Anthony Trollope
uncombed, and with that wild look which falls upon those who wander about the Australian plains, living a nomad life. This was Jacko--so called, and no one knew him by any other name--a lad whom Heathcote had picked up about six months since, and who had become a favorite. "The old woman says as you was wanting me?" suggested Jacko. "Going to be fine to-night, Jacko?"
Jacko went to the edge of the veranda and looked up to the sky. "My word! little squall a-coming," he said.
"I wish it would come from ten thousand buckets," said the master.
"No buckets at all," said Jacko. "Want the horses, master?"
"Of course. I want the horses, and I want you to come with me. There are two horses saddled there; I'll ride Hamlet."

Harry jumped from the ground, kissed his wife, called her "old girl," and told her to be happy, and got on his horse at the garden gate. Both the ladies came off the veranda to see him start. "It's as dark as pitch," said Kate Daly.
"That's because you have just come out of the light."
"But it is dark--quite dark. You won't be late, will you?" said the wife.
"I can't be very early, as it's near ten now. I shall be back about twelve." So saying, he broke at once into a gallop, and vanished into the night, his young groom scampering after him.
"Why should he go out now?" Kate said to her sister.
"He is afraid of fire."
"But he can't prevent the fires by riding about in the dark. I suppose the fires come from the heat."
"He thinks they come from enemies, and he has heard something. One wretched man may do so much when every thing is dried to tinder. I do so wish it would rain."
The night, in truth, was very dark. It was now midsummer, at which time with us the days are so long that the coming of the one almost catches the departure of its predecessor. But Gangoil was not far outside the tropics, and there were no long summer nights. The heat was intense; but there was a low soughing wind which seemed to moan among the trees without moving them. As they crossed the little home inclosure and the horse paddock, the track was just visible, the trees being dead and the spaces open. About half a mile from the house, while they were still in the horse paddock, Harry turned from the track, and Jacko, of course, turned with him. "You can sit your horse jumping, Jacko?" he asked.
"My word! jump like glory," answered Jacko. He was soon tried. Harry rode at the bush fence--which was not, indeed, much of a fence, made of logs lengthways and crossways, about three feet and a half high-- and went over it. Jacko followed him, rushing his horse at the leap, losing his seat and almost falling over the animal's shoulders as he came to the ground. "My word!" said Jacko, just saving himself by a scramble; "who ever saw the like of that?"
"Why don't you sit in your saddle, you stupid young duffer?"
"Sit in my saddle! Why don't he jump proper? Well, you go on. I don't know that I'm a duffer. Duffer, indeed! My word!" Heathcote had turned to the left, leaving the track, which was, indeed, the main road toward the nearest town and the coast, and was now pushing on through the forest with no pathway at all to guide him. To ordinary eyes the attempt to steer any course would have been hopeless. But an Australian squatter, if he have any well-grounded claim to the character of a bushman, has eyes which are not ordinary, and he has, probably, nurtured within himself, unconsciously, topographical instincts which are unintelligible to the inhabitants of cities. Harry, too, was near his own home, and went forward through the thick gloom without a doubt, Jacko following him faithfully. In about half an hour they came to another fence, but now it was too absolutely dark for jumping. Harry had not seen it till he was close to it, and then he pulled up his horse. "My word! why don't you jump away, Mr. Harry? Who's a duffer now?"
"Hold your tongue, or I'll put my whip across your back. Get down and help me pull a log away. The horses couldn't see where to put their feet." Jacko did as he was bid, and worked hard, but still grumbled at having been called a duffer. The animals were quickly led over, the logs were replaced, and the two were again galloping through the forest.
"I thought you were making for the wool-shed," said Jacko.
"We're eight miles beyond the wool-shed," said Harry. They had now crossed another paddock, and had come to the extreme fence on the run.
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