Harlequinade | Page 5

Dion Clayton Calthrop and Granville Barker
is serious to stand straight. So he is always knock-kneed and bandy-legged, and they laugh like anything. And, as they never grow old, jokes never grow old to them and they never ask for new ones. So this is always Momus's welcome cry when he comes to make them laugh ...
MOMUS. Yes ... here we are again.
CHARON. And in a nice state.
MOMUS. Almost almighty Mercury, take me with you. I know why Psyche went ... she was as bored as I am. I can help you find her. For if she's up to mischief, I shall soon know where she is.
[Though he looks very, very funny as he pleads, Mercury shakes his head.
Don't go thinking because you're so clever, you can do better without a fool like me. Saturday afternoon it is. If, when Jupiter starts work on Monday, there's no one to draw the corks of the bottled lightning ... look out for trouble. Come along, too, Charon.
MOMUS. Yes, you're growing ever so dull. A week on earth will do you good ... if you're not too much of an old 'un.
CHARON. I'm not an old 'un.
MOMUS. You are an old 'un.
[And when a thing isn't really funny, say it twice and it often sounds so. Charon is tempted.
CHARON. I can't leave the boat.
HIPPONAX. Oh, take me back to earth again. They'll mock at me on the other side of this hellish river ... play tricks on me ...
MERCURY. Charon, give him your oar. He shall mind the boat till Monday. A final and a wholesome exercise in what he calls his philosophy, to row all day from a place he has never understood to a place he doesn't believe in.
HIPPONAX. I can't row.
MOMUS. You don't know what you can do till you try. You'll have more muscle by Monday.
CHARON. Can you get good wine below?
MERCURY. To your boat, philosopher.
[What is a blind man to question the voice of a god? He turns to the hated river, tapping the ground with his pole. Now comes a joke, one of the very oldest.
MOMUS. One moment.
HIPPONAX. [As he turns back, hopeful of respite.] What is it?
MOMUS. How far would you have got if I hadn't called you back?
[Mercury hardly smiles. But Charon is abandoned to mirth. He slaps his old knees with his hands.
CHARON. He's a funny fellow.
HIPPONAX. Dull clown!
[And he starts again. But there's another joke he must be part of, just as old and just as silly.
MOMUS. No, no! Turn to the right, and to the right. Still to the right. And again to the right. That's right.
[Round and round went Hipponax until he found his path again. S ... and unkind? Yes, Nature and children with their parables of humour sometimes seem to be so ... but only if we lose all touch with them. Then the voice of Mercury is like music...
MERCURY. Come; earthwards both of you. I smell the spring and fields and flowers. Is that Pan piping? No, a bird's song. Such little things as that does Psyche love and seek. On we go.
[Mercury is gone. You should wonder how, though it looks mere walking. Charon is walking after, so tame an exit that it will never do.
"Give us a back, old 'un," says Momus, and leap-frogs him. Poor old back, it gives way. For Momus is a weight indeed. But if you can't laugh at your own hurts, what can you laugh at? So Charon totters after, chuckling as he rubs his bones.
And Uncle Edward and Alice draw the blue curtains. Uncle Edward's eye questions the audience. They don't so often applaud this scene. For one thing, they're still settling down. And then, applause is not the only sign they're liking it, nor yet the best. But you can tell by the feel of them. Edward can. And if it's a friendly, happy, a sort of "home-y" feel, why then, the quieter they sit the better. But Alice only thinks of how the actors do, and she is never too pleased with this scene. It's never beautiful enough to look at. Mercury (poor dear!) is never really like a god. And so she hurries to the next.
* * * * *
ALICE. The next part is going to be all in dumb-show, because it's in the fifteenth century, and that's how they used to play things in the fifteenth century, when they played heaps of Harlequinades ... and Uncle and I and the actors are nothing if not correct.
ALICE. But first we are going to skip an awful lot, all the part about the Early Ages, and the Middle Ages and all about how the gods gradually became actors...
UNCLE EDWARD. Better tell them.
ALICE. Well, it's rather difficult to understand. But you know if you stop believing in a thing, such as fairies,
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