somewhat descriptive, I give them--viz., Geranium-leaved Anemone,
and Stork's-bill Windflower.
The appearance of a bold piece of this plant when in flower is
exceedingly cheerful; the soft-looking feathery foliage forms a rich
groundwork for the lavish number of flowers, which vary much in
colour, from sky-blue to nearly white, according to the number of days
they may have been in blow, blue being the opening colour. The
flowers are produced singly on stems, 6in. high, and ornamented with a
whorl of finely-cut leaflets, stalked, lobed, and toothed; above this
whorl the ruddy flower stem is much more slender. During sunshine the
flowers are 1½in. across the tips of sepals, becoming reflexed. The
foliage, as before hinted, is in the form of a whorl, there being no root
leaf, and the soft appearance of the whole plant is due to its downiness,
which extends to and includes the calyx. The lobes of the leaves are
cupped, but the leaves themselves reflex until their tips touch the
ground, whence their distinct and pleasing form.
This plant is most at home in the half shade of trees, where its flowers
retain their blue colour longer. It should be grown in bold patches, and
in free or sandy soil. The tubers may be transplanted soon after the tops
have died off in late summer.
Flowering period, April and May.
Anemone Blanda.
This is a lovely winter flower, of great value in our gardens, from its
showiness. It is a recent introduction from the warmer climes of the
South of Europe and Asia Minor; and though it is not so vigorous under
cultivation in our climate as most Windflowers, it proves perfectly
hardy. A little extra care should be taken in planting it as regards soil
and position, in order to grow it well. It belongs to that section of its
numerous genus having an involucrum of stalked leaflets.
The flowers are produced on stalks, 4in. to 6in. high; they are nearly
2in. across, of a fine deep blue colour; the sepals are numerous and
narrow, in the way of A. stellata, or star anemone. The leaves are
triternate, divisions deeply cut and acute; the leaves of the involucrum
are stalked, trifid, and deeply cut. The whole plant much resembles A.
Apennina. Where it can be established, it must prove one of the most
useful flowers, and to possess such charming winter blossom is worth
much effort in affording it suitable conditions. The soil should be rich,
light, and well drained, as sandy loam, and if mixed with plenty of leaf
soil all the better. The position should be sheltered, otherwise this
native of warm countries will have its early leaves and flowers
damaged by the wintry blast, and the evil does not stop there, for the
check at such a period interferes with the root development, and
repetitions of such damage drive the plants into a state of "dwindling,"
and I may add, this is the condition in which this plant may frequently
be seen. Many of the Anemones may be planted without much care,
other than that of giving them a little shade from sunshine. The present
subject, however, being so early, is not likely to obtain too much bright
weather, but rather the reverse. If, then, it is planted in warm quarters, it
may be expected to yield its desirable flowers in average quantity
compared with other Windflowers, and in such proportion will its roots
increase. The latter may be divided (providing they are of good size and
healthy) when the leaves have died off.
Flowering period, February and March.
Anemone Coronaria.
Hardy and tuberous. The illustration (Fig. 6) is of the double form, in
which it may frequently be seen; also in many colours, as blue, purple,
white, scarlet, and striped; the same colours may be found in the single
and semi-double forms. There are many shades or half colours, which
are anything but pleasing, and where such have established themselves,
either as seedlings or otherwise, they should be weeded out, as there are
numerous distinct hues, which may just as easily be cultivated. The
great variety in colour and form of this Anemone is perhaps its most
peculiar characteristic; for nearly 300 years it has had a place in
English gardens, and came originally from the Levant. Its habit is neat;
seldom does it reach a foot in height, the flowers being produced
terminally; they are poppy-like, and 2in. to 3in. across, having six
sepals. The leaves are ternate, segments numerous; each leaf springs
from the tuber, with the exception of those of the involucre.
In planting this species, it should be kept in mind that it neither likes
too much sunshine nor a light

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