Handbook of Universal Literature | Page 4

Anne C. Lynch Botta
Van der Palm; Loosjes; Loots, Tollens, Van Kampen, De s'Gravenweert, Hoevill, and others.
1. Introduction. The Ancient Scandinavians; their Influence on the English Race.--2. The Mythology.--3. The Scandinavian Languages.--4. Icelandic, or Old Norse Literature: the Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda, the Scalds, the Sagas, the "Heimskringla." The Folks-Sagas and Ballads of the Middle Ages.--5. Danish Literature: Saxo Grammaticus and Theodoric; Arreboe, Kingo, Tycho Brahe, Holberg, Evald, Baggesen, Oehlenschl?ger, Grundtvig, Blicher, Ingemann, Heiberg, Gyllenbourg, Winther, Hertz, M��ller, Hans Andersen, Plong, Goldschmidt, Hastrup, and others; Malte Brun, Rask, Rafn, Magnusen, the brothers Oersted.--6. Swedish Literature: Messenius, Stjernhjelm, Lucidor, and others. The Gallic period: Dalin, Nordenflycht, Crutz and Gyllenborg, Gustavus III., Kellgren, Leopold, Oxenstjerna. The New Era: Bellman, Hallman, Kexel, Wallenberg, Lidner, Thorild, Lengren, Franzen, Wallin. The Phosphorists: Atterbom, Hammarsk?ld, and Palmblad. The Gothic School: Geijer, Tegn��r, Stagnelius, Almquist, Vitalis, Runeberg, and others. The Romance Writers: Cederborg, Bremer, Carl��n, Knorring. Science: Swedenborg, Linnaeus, and others.
INTRODUCTION.--1. German Literature and its Divisions.--2. The Mythology. --3. The Language.
PERIOD FIRST--1. Early Literature; Translation of the Bible by Ulphilas; the Hildebrand Lied.--2. The Age of Charlemagne; his Successors; the Ludwig's Lied; Roswitha; the Lombard Cycle.--3. The Suabian Age; the Crusades; the Minnesingers; the Romances of Chivalry; the Heldenbuch; the Nibelungen Lied.--4. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries; the Mastersingers; Satires and Fables; Mysteries and Dramatic Representations; the Mystics; the Universities; the Invention of Printing.
PERIOD SECOND.--From 1517 to 1700.--1. The Lutheran Period: Luther, Melanchthon.--2. Manuel, Zwingle, Fischart, Franck, Arnd, Boehm.--3. Poetry, Satire, and Demonology; Paracelsus and Agrippa; the Thirty Years' War.--4. The Seventeenth Century: Opitz, Leibnitz, Puffendorf, Kepler, Wolf, Thomasius, Gerhard; Silesian Schools; Hoffmannswaldau, Lohenstein.
PERIOD THIRD.--1. The Swiss and Saxon Schools; Gottsched, Bodmer, Rabener, Gellert, K?stner, and others.--2. Klopstock, Lessing, Wieland, and Herder. --3. Goethe and Schiller.--4. The G?ttingen School: Voss, Stolberg, Claudius, B��rger, and others.--5. The Romantic School: the Schlegels, Novalis; Tieck, K?rner, Arndt, Uhland, Heine, and others.--6. The Drama: Goethe and Schiller; the _Power Men_; M��llner, Werner, Howald, and Grillparzer.--7. Philosophy: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Hartmann. Science: Liebig, Du Bois-Raymond, Virchow, Helmholst, Haeckel.--8. Miscellaneous Writings.
INTRODUCTION.--1. English Literature. Its Divisions.--2. The Language.
PERIOD FIRST.--1. Celtic Literature, Irish, Scotch, and Cymric Celts; the Chronicles of Ireland; Ossian's Poems; Traditions of Arthur; the Triads; Tales.--2. Latin Literature, Bede; Alcuin; Erigena.--3. _Anglo- Saxon Literature_. Poetry; Prose; Versions of Scripture; the Saxon Chronicle; Alfred.
PERIOD SECOND.--The Norman Age and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.--1. Literature in the Latin Tongue.--2. _Literature in Norman-French_. Poetry; Romances of Chivalry.--3. _Saxon-English_. Metrical Remains.--4. Literature in the fourteenth Century.--Prose Writers: Occam, Duns Scotus, Wickliffe, Mandeville, Chaucer. Poetry; Langland, Gower, Chaucer.--5. Literature in the Fifteenth Century. Ballads.--6. Poets of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries in Scotland. Wyntoun, Harbour, and others.
PERIOD THIRD.--1. Age of the Reformation (1509-1558). Classical, Theological, and Miscellaneous Literature: Sir Thomas More and others. Poetry: Skelton, Surrey, and Sackville; the Drama.--2. _The Age of Spenser, Shakespeare, Bacon, and Milton_ (1558-1660). Scholastic and Ecclesiastical Literature. Translations of the Bible: Hooker, Andrews, Donne. Hall, Taylor, Baxter; other Prose Writers: Fuller, Cudworth, Bacon, Hobbes, Raleigh, Milton, Sidney, Selden, Burton, Browne, and Cowley. Dramatic Poetry: Marlowe and Greene, Shakspeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Ben Jonson, and others; Massinger, Ford, and Shirley; Decline of the Drama. Non-dramatic Poetry: Spenser and the Minor Poets. Lyrical Poets: Donne, Cowley, Denham, Waller, Milton.--3. The Age of the Restoration and Revolution (1660-1702). Prose: Leighton, Tillotson, Barrow, Bunyan, Locke, and others. The Drama: Dryden, Otway. Comedy: Didactic Poetry: Roscommon, Marvell, Butler, Pryor, Dryden.--4. The Eighteenth Century. The First Generation (1702-1727): Pope, Swift, and others; the Periodical Essayists: Addison, Steele. The Second Generation (1727- 1760); Theology: Warburton, Butler, Watts, Doddridge. Philosophy: Hume. Miscellaneous Prose: Johnson; the Novelists: Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne. The Drama; Non-dramatic Poetry: Young, Blair, Akenside, Thomson, Gray, and Collins. The Third Generation (1760-1800); the Historians: Hume, Robertson, and Gibbon. Miscellaneous Prose: Johnson, Goldsmith, "Junius," Pitt, Fox, Sheridan, and Burke, Criticism: Burke, Reynolds, Campbell, Kames. Political Economy: Adam Smith. Ethics: Paley, Smith, Tucker. Metaphysics: Reid. Theological and Religious Writers: Campbell, Paley, Watson, Newton, Hannah More, and Wilberforce. Poetry: Comedies of Goldsmith and Sheridan; Minor Poets; Later Poems; Beattie's Minstrel; Cowper and Burns. 5. The Nineteenth Century. The Poets: Campbell, Southey, Scott, Byron; Coleridge and Wordsworth; Wilson, Shelley, Keats; Crabbe, Moore, and others; Tennyson, Browning, Procter, and others. Fiction: the Waverley and other Novels; Dickens, Thackeray, and others. History: Arnold, Thirlwall, Grote, Macaulay, Alison, Carlyle, Freeman, Buckle. Criticism: Hallam, De Quincey, Macaulay, Carlyle, Wilson, Lamb, and others. Theology: Poster, Hall, Chalmers. Philosophy: Stewart, Brown, Mackintosh, Bentham, Alison, and others. Political Economy: Mill, Whewell, Whately, De Morgan, Hamilton. Periodical Writings: the Edinburgh, Quarterly, and Westminster Reviews, and Blackwood's Magazine. Physical Science: Brewster, Herschel, Playfair, Miller, Buckland, Whewell.--Since 1860. I. Poets: Matthew Arnold, Algernon Swinburne, Dante Rossetti, Robert Buchanan, Edwin Arnold, "Owen Meredith," William Morris, Jean Ingelow, Adelaide Procter, Christina Rossetti, Augusta Webster, Mary Robinson, and others.
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