Handbook of
Couples Therapy
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Handbook of
Couples Therapy
Edited by
Michele Harway
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Handbook of couples therapy / edited by Michele Harway. p. cm.
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I SBN 0-471-44408 -1 (cloth: alk. paper)
1. Marital psychotherapy—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Harway, Michele.
RC488.5.H3263 2005
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Ack nowledgment s
OMPLETING A VOLUMElike this is accompanied by a variety of feel-
ings. T
he main one is relief at being able to take the manuscript off
my desk, although knowing how busy I get, my desk will probably
stay clean for a grand total of about 50 seconds. Closely following the re-
lief is the sense of gratit ude that I feel toward a myriad of people who
were involved in helping me complete this project. I f irst want to thank
Dr. Florence Kaslow who encouraged me to develop this edited volume and
who was instrumental in convincing Wiley to publish it. Dr. Kaslow has al-
ways been a wonderful role model and professional cheerleader for me.
The staff of John Wiley & Sons, particularly Isabel Pratt and Peggy
Alexander (who stepped in when the original editor changed positions), are
much apprec iat ed.
During the time I was dev eloping the concept behind the book and invit-
ing chapter authors, I was going through a diff icult professional transition
and I want to thank all of my friends at the Phillips Graduate Instit ute who
were my sounding boards and dear, “family members.” I won’t mention
you all by name, but I think you know who you are, and I hope you know
that I care about you deeply. Since joining the facult y at Antioch Universit y, Santa Barbara, I have
found a wonderfully supportive group of colleagues and new friends. I
want to particularly thank Dr. Catherine Radecki-Bush who tolerated my
brief moments of insanit y as I completed this task. Cathy also was helpful
to me in my work by asking me to teach a class on couples therapy, knowing
perhaps that preparing for the class would crystallize some important rele-
vant ideas. Finally, I would like to thank the many couples I have been honored to
work with clinically over the

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