Halloween at Merryvale | Page 4

Alice Hale Burnett

Fat fairly rolled over with laughter and after a few more attempts
Herbie gave up his place to Linn Smith. Then Father Brown took
Herbie's apple off the string and, tossing it to him, said:
"Here's the Boobie prize."
Linn had no better luck than Herbie, although he tried his hardest. The
apple always bobbed about his head, rolling away just as he thought he
had it.
"You're next," called out Toad, as Fat stepped forward toward the
"Good evening," said Fat, bowing low, "I've a very empty feeling,
would you like to step inside?"

"Ah, hurry up," shouted Reddy, "I want a turn some time tonight."
"So do I," chimed in Hopie Smith.
Fat grinned. "Don't be in such a hurry; it never pays," he retorted.
Again and again he tried but did no better than the rest. Hopie Smith,
who followed, had no success, and then came Reddy's turn. Bending
down, he brought his face up under the lower end of the apple and
opening his mouth very wide and bringing his teeth together with a
quick snap he succeeded in biting a piece out of the apple.
"Dandy," shouted Toad, "he gets the prize," and as he handed the
winner a box Reddy opened it and exclaimed:
"Oh, it's a knife, that's great, and I needed one too."
"That's a beauty," declared Herbie, "You're lucky, Red."
"Don't you think the candy's cold by this time?" whispered Fat to Toad.
"Let's find out," suggested Toad, and the two boys walked over to the
table where the pans had been placed to cool. Very gently placing his
finger tips upon the candy, Fat exclaimed:
"Oh, it's just right; plenty cool enough to pull."
"Hey, come on, everybody," shouted Toad, "the candy's ready."
"I'll get some butter," offered Chuck, running off to the kitchen, saying
as he went: "Wait until it comes; it keeps the candy from sticking."
When he returned the boys all greased their fingers well with butter and
set to work pulling the taffy.

"Let's see which one can make his the lightest," suggested Linn. "I used
to be pretty good at this work when I was young," he laughed.
"Well, Grandpa, I'll beat you this time," boasted Toad.
"Won't somebody help me out of this?" wailed Herbie, holding up
before him two very sticky hands. He had been so anxious to
commence pulling his taffy that he had not waited for the butter.
"You're a sad looking sight," laughed Fat. "Why didn't you wait to see
how I did it," he chuckled.
"You'd better go and wash it all off," suggested Father, "and make a
fresh start, for there's plenty of taffy."
Herbie took his advice.
"Reddy, what was that the teacher said in school the other day about
too much candy being bad for little boys?" inquired Chuck from his
corner by the fireplace, at which Reddy laughed.
"Come on," he said, "let's see who's taffy's the lightest."
"Yes, everyone hold out his piece," proposed Linn.
"Oh, yours is," admitted Toad as he saw Linn's cream-colored taffy.
"Looks like a lock of Mary Lee's hair," observed Herbie, glancing at
Linn's piece.
"You're always talking about her," teased Fat.
"Am not," denied Herbie stoutly, his face turning red.
"Oh, look at the little dear blush," cried Toad in great glee, just dodging
the sofa pillow aimed at his head by Herbie.
Hopie, leaning back comfortably against the side of the fireplace,
heaved a sigh of contentment.

"Got a tummy ache?" asked Reddy.
"Nope, just enjoying myself," was the answer as he took another bite
from his piece of taffy.
"What'll we do next?" inquired Chuck, turning to Father Brown.
"I'm expecting a witch at nine o'clock to tell fortunes," was the reply. "I
hope she doesn't disappoint us."
"A witch," shrieked Fat in a high, thin voice, making believe to be very
much alarmed. "I hope she won't change me into a snake."
"Oh, you'd make a better turtle--you're so fond of walking slow,"
laughed Linn.
"She'll turn Herbie into a sleeping Prince, and Mary Lee will be the
Princess who kisses him and wakes him up," said Chuck, teasingly, at
which all the boys roared with laughter.
As Herbie started off after Chuck a merry chase followed which the
other boys enjoyed, at times holding Chuck until Herbie was almost
upon him and then letting him go, only to catch Herbie and hold him in
turn. Suddenly in the midst of the uproar there came a sharp rap on the
"Hush," whispered Chuck, "it's the witch."
[Illustration: "Three cheers for Hopie!" shouted all the boys.]
"Come in," invited Father and the boys, standing in a group watching
the knob of the door turn slowly.
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