Halloween at Merryvale | Page 5

Alice Hale Burnett
and took from beneath her cape a small pad, a long quill pen and a queer little bottle filled with milky white fluid.
"If you drink any of that you'll get as small as a flea," said Fat in a low voice.
The old witch rapped hard on the floor with her cane.
"Herbie, come forward," she commanded.
"Go ahead," giggled Reddy, giving him a little push and Herbie stepped before the witch.
She did not notice him at first, being very busy writing upon a slip of paper with the quill pen which she dipped into a little bottle. Presently she raised her head and handed him the paper.
"Bend low thine ear," she said, and Herbie obeyed.
"Keep this until I am gone," she added, "then hold it over yonder candle light, for thy fortune is written there."
Each boy was now called in turn and received a slip of paper. Then the old witch arose.
"To those who obey my commands, good luck; to those who disobey, ill fortune," she cried, shaking her stick in the air, and in another moment she had quickly hobbled from the room.
Chuck now turned on the lights and Linn exclaimed:
"Where on earth did she ever come from?"
"Why, witches come out of the air," explained Toad. "They travel on a broomstick."
"Let's see what she wrote on the papers," proposed Hopie Smith.
"Yes," agreed Reddy, "she told me to hold it over the candle light," at which Chuck came forward with a candle that he placed on the center table, holding his slip of paper over the flame. The other boys eagerly gathered about to watch.
Soon the paper got hot and letters began to appear.
"Look, there's an 'a' and two 'e's,' and--and," cried Chuck, "it's quite plain now. I can read it."
"Go on," shouted Reddy, "let's hear it."
Chuck began:
"If your head will rule your heart, From a cent you'll never part; So tell your heart to rule your head, And all will mourn you when you're dead."
"That means if you're stingy no one will care when you're gone," explained Linn, at which Chuck laughed with the others.
Herbie now held his over the light, and as the letters appeared, he read:
"Don't always be in too great haste, It often means a dreadful waste; Await your turn and take with ease, The piece you want with fingers greased."
"That's you and the molasses candy," laughed Reddy, adding, "Here's mine:
"Your hair may be of brilliant hue, But this should never bother you; For when the winter winds blow most, Your head will be as warm as toast."
"That's great," cried Reddy as all the boys laughed.
Fat now held his slip over the flame, and, as the words appeared read slowly:
"If you should eat a pound of lemons every other day, You'd grow as lean as any pole, for so I've heard folks say; But if, upon the other hand, you keep on eating pie, You'll grow so big and round and tall, you'll almost reach the sky."
"You'd better be careful, Fat, and buy a barrel of lemons," suggested Toad.
"I'll order a wagon-load," grinned Fat.
Hopie now held his paper near the candle, and in a moment read:
"If you're the lad, to find the coin That's hidden in the flour, You, the highest will enjoy, Of health, and wealth and power."
Toad's turn now came and upon his paper was written:
"You're very fond of teasing all the girls, And pulling off the ribbons from their curls; But mark my words, these tricks you'll surely rue, For when you're grown, a few they'll play on you."
"That's a good one for you to remember, Toad," laughed the others.
Linn now read:
"Your mouth may be large, as I've oft heard you say, But your words show a brain that is working; You'll go to the top of the ladder because, You do what you do without shirking."
"The old witch must have liked you, Linn," commented Reddy. "That's the best yet."
"Let's try to blow out the candles next," suggested Toad, to which the others agreed.
"Bet I win this," boasted Fat, "I've got a lot of wind."
"Reddy ought to win," laughed Chuck, "he's always blowing about what he can do."
A tray with ten candles was now placed upon the table by Toad and the boys got in line while Father Brown lighted the candles. Then, with paper and pencil he stood near at hand to keep the score.
"Only one puff each, remember, so make it a big one," he laughed.
Fat and Herbie, from their places in the line, began at once puffing and blowing.
"Hey, what are you trying to do," called Linn Smith, "start a cyclone?"
"No, we're only practising," was the laughing reply.
"I'll puff, and I'll puff 'till I blow your house in," sang Herbie, adding, "here's where I win."
Hopie Smith, first in line, filled out his chest with all the air it
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