Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus | Page 6

Rufus Estes
loaf sugar, the grated rind
and strained juice of a large lemon, one and one-half pints of white
wine. Whisk the soup over a gentle fire until on the point of boiling,
removing immediately. Turn into a tureen, and serve with a plate of
sponge cakes or fancy biscuits. (This soup should be served as soon as
taken from fire.)
~CHESTNUT SOUP~--Peel and blanch the chestnuts, boil them in

salted water until quite soft, pass through a sieve, add more water if too
thick, and a spoonful of butter or several of sweet cream, season to taste,
and serve with small squares of bread fried crisp in butter or olive oil.
of a cod by the white skin of the belly, taking care to remove all blood.
Place the fish in a kettle with salted cold water; boil fast at first, then
slowly. When done take out and skin. Pour over it a sauce made as
One-fourth pound butter put into a stewpan with one tablespoonful of
flour, moistened with one pint of cream or rich milk, and salt and
pepper, and also one teaspoonful essence of anchovies. Place the pan
over the fire and let thicken, but not boil.
~BOILED MACKEREL~--Prepare and clean some mackerel. Put in
water and boil until they are done. When cooked, drain and put the
mackerel on a hot dish. Blanch some fennel in salted water. When it is
soft drain and chop finely. Put one tablespoonful in half pint of butter
sauce. Serve in a sauce boat with the fish.
the fish, wipe, and if you have no regular fish kettle with a perforated
lid, tie in a piece of cheesecloth and place gently in a kettle of boiling
salted water. Push the kettle back on the fire (where it will simmer
gently, instead of boiling hard) and cook, allowing about six minutes to
the pound. Remove carefully, drain, and chill. If the fish breaks and
looks badly take out the bones, flake, pile lightly on the platter and
pour the sauce over it. This may be a hot sauce Hollandaise or a cold
sauce tartare.
~BROILED MACKEREL~--Draw and wash the mackerel. Cut off
heads and rub over with salt and leave for an hour. Rub a gridiron with
olive oil, lay the mackerel on it and broil over a charcoal fire. Place
some chopped parsley and onions on a hot dish, with the hot fish,
squeezing over the mackerel a little lemon juice. Serve hot.

mackerel, open and remove bones. Season with butter, pepper, and salt.
Place the fish on a gridiron and broil over a clear fire. Put a part of the
butter in a saucepan and stir it over the fire until it is richly browned,
squeezing into it a little lemon juice. Place the fish on a hot dish,
arrange some sprigs of parsley around it, and pour over it the butter
sauce, and serve hot.
~CODFISH CONES~--When it is not convenient to make and fry fish
balls try this substitute. Pick enough salt codfish into shreds to measure
two cups and let stand in cold water for two or more hours, then drain
dry. Make a sauce from one cup of hot milk, two level tablespoons each
of flour and butter, and cook five minutes. Mash and season enough hot
boiled potatoes to measure two cups, add the sauce and the fish and
beat well with a fork. Shape in small cones, set on a butter pan, brush
with melted butter and scatter fine bread crumbs over. Set in oven to
~CODFISH HASH~--Take a cup of cooked cod, pick in pieces and
soak in cold water for twelve hours. Boil some potatoes and add them
to the finely chopped fish, a little at a time. Put in a saucepan with
some butter and stir. Let it cook gently.
~FINNAN HADDIE FISH CAKES~--The finnan haddie parboiled
with an equal quantity of mashed potatoes, season with melted butter,
salt and pepper, add a beaten egg, and mold into cakes.
~FISH, EAST INDIA STYLE~--Peel two medium-sized onions, cut
into thin slices. Put in a stewpan with a small lump of butter and fry
until lightly browned. Pour over them some white stock, judging the
quantity by that of the fish; one ounce of butter, little curry powder, salt,
lemon juice, a little sugar, and cayenne pepper. Boil the stock for
fifteen or twenty minutes, then strain into a stewpan, skim and put in
the fish, having it carefully prepared. Boil gently, without breaking the
fish. Wash and boil half a cup of rice in water, and when cooked it
should be dried and the grains unbroken. Turn the
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