(2nd edition)
(second edition)
Ian Lyall
© Ian Lyall
July 2011
Published 2011 by Lulu Enterprises
26-28 Hammersmith Grove
London W6 7BA
ISBN: 978-1409291107
This book owes very much to Tom Wright's “Justification
by Faith: God's Plan and Paul's Vision”
I had been much influenced by the teaching of John Piper
on Romans, and read Tom Wright because he was
answering criticism by John Piper.
I could not but be impressed by Wright's careful handling
of the W ord of God, and the breath-taking vision offered
of God's work in our salvation.
Newark-on-Trent, UK
6th July, 2009.
Some month's ago, I listened to many sermons by John
Piper, (on his website www.desiringgod.org) .
This gave me a thorough understanding and valuing
afresh of the traditional reformed/protestant teaching on
Justification by Faith.
W ell and good! Then some two months ago I was
browsing a bookshop, looking at the latest fiction and then
turned round to see what they might have in the various
non-fiction departments. I found myself face-to-face with
the religious books, and directly in front of the Christian
ones and,starring be face-on was a book entitled
'Justification by Faith' by Tom Wright. I picked a copy up
and read the back-page blurb. This was a book to read!
I was quite unprepared for what I was to read. Tom Wright
argued very closely, carefully and cogently from the Bible
that the traditional teaching misses the main point of what
(as Wright sub-titled his book), 'God's plan and Paul's
vision' My eyes were opened wide to a new and more
majestic view of God's salvation. In particular, I had some
years ago written an (unpublished) piece on Bible
Covenants and had to ask myself: How does this fit in
with justification?
Tom W right had the answer to my question, and I present
in these page an account of what I now believe on this
subject, beginning with traditional justification teaching,
but then turning to covenants and finally to the fulfilment
of God's plan.
PREFACE to the Second Edition
Although that book was authored in the flash of
inspiration, I recognise it was put together in haste, and
there is a certain lack of flow in the argument I followed. It
has been borne on me to produce something, not
sanitized but with more forethought.
At the same time, with further reading over the course of
two years, I find there is new material to add.
So: This book has new material, the old material has been
reworked, and in places the sequence changed around.
May this work bring the greater glory to our majestic,
covenant-faithful God, who loved us and gave his Son to
fulfil his purposes.
Ian Lyall
Newark-on-Trent. 25th June 2011
1 Creation and Fall-----------------------------------------------------p10
2. Salvation---------------------------------------------------------------p14
3. God's Covenant with Abraham---------------------------------p18
4. The Covenant Fulfilled in the Messiah----------------------p28
5. The Resurrection---------------------------------------------------p35
6. God's People 'in Christ'------------------------------------------p43
7. The Denouement---------------------------------------------------p49
8. What do I do?-------------------------------------------------------p62
The God who created all there is had to begin his plan
for salvation after the first sin; more resulted from the
Fall than mankind's sin.
1 Creation and Fall.
I propose to start this study by thinking about Creation, I
recall a Sunday morning some years back. It was
February; one of those mornings when you could kid
yourself it was springtime. We were staying the weekend
with some friends in Sheffield, and being such a glorious
morning, our hosts took us out for a run into Derbyshire.
W e made our way out of Sheffield, climbing away from
the city, and then we crested a rise, and there spread out
before us in the sunshine was the Hope Valley. The view
was breath-taking, and I still recall the awe I felt as I took
the scene in, thinking to myself, “This has to be the
handiwork of a creator God”. It is popular nowadays to
scorn the idea that everything around is the work of a
divine Creator. Much easier to see it as the result of blind
evolution. Personally, I find this idea offensive; there is no
want in the pride of evolutionists, who tell us it all began
with a “Big Bang” some 141/2 billion years ago. The
presumption of it!. And it seems likely that before long it
will be a legal offence to teach creation in our schools. So,
let us turn to Genesis, and chapters 1 and 2. It is now
pertinent here to give a complete analysis of these
chapters, but rather to note certain points that are relevant
to our topic.
So we turn and do this point-bypoint. -In verses 14-25,
God creates all plant and animal life, and at the end we
read “God saw that it was all good” -we then move on to
the creation of mankind. It's worth just reminding
ourselves of the text at this point. 26 Then God said, "Let
us make

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