Glinda of Oz | Page 5

L. Frank Baum

part of the country," explained the Sorceress. "The lake surely is there,
and in the lake is an island -- a Magic Isle -- and on that island live the
people called the Skeezers."
"What are they like?" inquired the Ruler of Oz.
"My magic cannot tell me that," confessed Glinda, "for the magic of the
Skeezers prevents anyone outside of their domain knowing anything
about them."
"The Flatheads must know, if they're going to fight the Skeezers,"
suggested Dorothy
"Perhaps so," Glinda replied, "but I can get little information
concerning the Flatheads, either. They are people who inhabit a
mountain just south of the Lake of the Skeezers. The mountain has
steep sides and a broad, hollow top, like a basin, and in this basin the
Flatheads have their dwellings. They also are magic- workers and
usually keep to themselves and allow no one from outside to visit them.
I have learned that the Flatheads number about one hundred people --
men, women and children -- while the Skeezers number just one
hundred and one."
"What did they quarrel about, and why do they wish to fight one
another?" was Ozma's next question.
"I cannot tell your Majesty that," said Glinda.
"But see here!" cried Dorothy, "it's against the law for anyone but
Glinda and the Wizard to work magic in the Land of Oz, so if these two

strange people are magic-makers they are breaking the law and ought to
be punished!" Ozma smiled upon her little friend.
"Those who do not know me or my laws," she said, "cannot be
expected to obey my laws. If we know nothing of the Skeezers or the
Flatheads, it is likely that they know nothing of us."
"But they ought to know, Ozma, and we ought to know. Who's going to
tell them, and how are we going to make them behave?"
"That," returned Ozma, "is what I am now considering. What would
you advise, Glinda?"
The Sorceress took a little time to consider this question, before she
made reply. Then she said: "Had you not learned of the existence of the
Flatheads and the Skeezers, through my Book of Records, you would
never have worried about them or their quarrels. So, if you pay no
attention to these peoples, you may never hear of them again."
"But that wouldn't be right," declared Ozma. "I am Ruler of all the
Land of Oz, which includes the Gillikin Country, the Quadling Country,
the Winkie Country and the Munchkin Country, as well as the Emerald
City, and being the Princess of this fairyland it is my duty to make all
my people -- wherever they may be -- happy and content and to settle
their disputes and keep them from quarreling. So, while the Skeezers
and Flatheads may not know me or that I am their lawful Ruler, I now
know that they inhabit my kingdom and are my subjects, so I would not
be doing my duty if I kept away from them and allowed them to fight."
"That's a fact, Ozma," commented Dorothy. "You've got to go up to the
Gillikin Country and make these people behave themselves and make
up their quarrels. But how are you going to do it?"
"That is what is puzzling me also, your Majesty," said the Sorceress. "It
may be dangerous for you to go into those strange countries, where the
people are possibly fierce and warlike."
"I am not afraid," said Ozma, with a smile.

"'Tisn't a question of being 'fraid," argued Dorothy. "Of course we
know you're a fairy, and can't be killed or hurt, and we know you've a
lot of magic of your own to help you. But, Ozma dear, in spite of all
this you've been in trouble before, on account of wicked enemies, and it
isn't right for the Ruler of all Oz to put herself in danger."
"Perhaps I shall be in no danger at all," returned Ozma, with a little
laugh. "You mustn't imagine danger, Dorothy, for one should only
imagine nice things, and we do not know that the Skeezers and
Flatheads are wicked people or my enemies. Perhaps they would be
good and listen to reason."
"Dorothy is right, your Majesty," asserted the Sorceress. "It is true we
know nothing of these faraway subjects, except that they intend to fight
one another, and have a certain amount of magic power at their
command. Such folks do not like to submit to interference and they are
more likely to resent your coming among them than to receive you
kindly and graciously, as is your due."
"If you had an army to take with you," added Dorothy, "it wouldn't be
so bad; but there isn't such a thing as an army in all Oz."
"I have one soldier,"
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