Ghosts | Page 9

Henrik Ibsen

painful--position I might possibly be placed in. In the best circles in
town the matter of this Orphanage is attracting a great deal of attention.
Indeed the Orphanage is to some extent built for the benefit of the town
too, and it is to be hoped that it may result in the lowering of our
poor-rate by a considerable amount. But as I have been your adviser in
the matter and have taken charge of the business side of it, I should be
afraid that it would be I that spiteful persons would attack first of all.
Mrs. Alving. Yes, you ought not to expose yourself to that.
Manders. Not to mention the attacks that would undoubtedly be made
upon me in certain newspapers and reviews.
Mrs. Alving. Say no more about it, dear Mr. Manders; that quite
decides it.
Manders. Then you don't wish it to be insured?
Mrs. Alving. No, we will give up the idea.
Manders (leaning back in his chair). But suppose, now, that some
accident happened?--one can never tell--would you be prepared to
make good the damage?
Mrs. Alving. No; I tell you quite plainly I would not do so under any
Manders. Still, you know, Mrs. Alving--after all, it is a serious
responsibility that we are taking upon ourselves.
Mrs. Alving. But do you think we can do otherwise?
Manders. No, that's just it. We really can't do otherwise. We ought not

to expose ourselves to a mistaken judgment; and we have no right to do
anything that will scandalise the community.
Mrs. Alving. You ought not to, as a clergyman, at any rate.
Manders. And, what is more, I certainly think that we may count upon
our enterprise being attended by good fortune--indeed, that it will be
under a special protection.
Mrs. Alving. Let us hope so, Mr. Manders.
Manders. Then we will leave it alone?
Mrs. Alving. Certainly.
Manders. Very good. As you wish. (Makes a note.) No insurance, then.
Mrs. Alving. It's a funny thing that you should just have happened to
speak about that today--
Manders. I have often meant to ask you about it.
Mrs. Alving. --because yesterday we very nearly had a fire up there.
Manders. Do you mean it!
Mrs. Alving. Oh, as a matter of fact it was nothing of any consequence.
Some shavings in the carpenter's shop caught fire.
Manders. Where Engstrand works?
Mrs. Alving. Yes. They say he is often so careless with matches.
Manders. He has so many things on his mind, poor fellow--so many
anxieties. Heaven be thanked, I am told he is really making an effort to
live a blameless life,
Mrs. Alving. Really? Who told you so?

Manders. He assured me himself that it is so. He's good workman, too.
Mrs. Alving. Oh, yes, when he is sober.
Manders. Ah, that sad weakness of his! But the pain in his poor leg
often drives him to it, he tells me. The last time he was in town, I was
really quite touched by him. He came to my house and thanked me so
gratefully for getting him work here, where he could have the chance of
being with Regina.
Mrs. Alving. He doesn't see very much of her.
Manders. But he assured me that he saw her every day.
Mrs. Alving. Oh well, perhaps he does.
Manders. He feels so strongly that he needs someone who can keep a
hold on him when temptations assail him. That is the most winning
thing about Jacob Engstrand; he comes to one like a helpless child and
accuses himself and confesses his frailty. The last time he came and
had a talk with me... Suppose now, Mrs. Alving, that it were really a
necessity of his existence to have Regina at home with him again--
Mrs. Alving (standing up suddenly). Regina!
Manders. --you ought not to set yourself against him.
Mrs. Alving. Indeed, I set myself very definitely against that. And,
besides, you know Regina is to have a post in the Orphanage.
Manders. But consider, after all he is her father--
Mrs. Alving. I know best what sort of a father he has been to her. No,
she shall never go to him with my consent.
Manders (getting up). My dear lady, don't judge so hastily. It is very
sad how you misjudge poor Engstrand. One would really think you
were afraid...

Mrs. Alving (more calmly). That is not the question. I have taken
Regina into my charge, and in my charge she remains. (Listens.) Hush,
dear Mr. Manders, don't say any more about it. (Her face brightens with
pleasure.) Listen! Oswald is coming downstairs. We will only think
about him now.
(OSWALD ALVING, in a light overcoat, hat in hand and smoking a
big meerschaum pipe, comes in by the door on the
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