Geordies Tryst | Page 8

Mrs. Milne Rae
little cottages may be sheltered behind those
hillocks, Grace thought; and she began to examine how the grey rocks
lay among the water, and whether she could possibly find dry footing
across the stream. Presently she came upon a smooth row of stones,
that were evidently used as a thoroughfare. She had already begun to
cross them, keeping her eye cautiously fixed on the stepping-stones as
she went along, when she was startled by a voice which sounded close
beside her. On glancing round she saw on the opposite bank a boy
standing with a huge twisted cudgel in his hand, brandishing it in a
warlike attitude. He seemed to have suddenly appeared round one of
the hillocks, and was now shouting excitedly, in his rough northern
dialect, as he waved his stick:
"Hold back, mem; hold back, I tell ye. Blackie is in one o' his ill moods
the day, and he's no safe. Dinna come a foot farther."
Grace stood bewildered, balancing herself on the stepping-stones; the
apparition was so sudden that it almost took away her breath, and the
commands were so peremptory that she did not dare to disregard them
by going forward; but it seemed very hard to beat an ignominious
retreat, for here seemed to be just what she was in search of--a boy as
neglected-looking as any that were to be seen in the courts and alleys of
Edinburgh; of the very type which old Adam declared there was not
one to be found in all the lands of Kirklands. His head was bare, and
his flaxen hair so bleached by the sun that it looked quite white against
his bronzed face. He looked at Grace with a grave interest in his large
blue eyes, as if he would like to know a little more; but he still
brandished his cudgel before her, and shouted resolutely:
"Hold back, or Blackie will be at ye."
"But who is Blackie?" asked Grace, with a gasp, looking furtively
round in the direction of the birch wood, in case the said Blackie might
be approaching from behind.

"Who's Blackie!" said the boy, repeating the question, as if to hold up
to ridicule the absurd ignorance which it implied. "Do ye no ken that
Blackie is Gowrie's bull--the ill-natertest bull in a' the country-side?"
"And what have you to do with Blackie?" asked Grace, glancing across
to the hillocks, where some cattle grazed inoffensively, in search of the
formidable animal.
"I herd him--I'm Gowrie's herd-laddie. They're all terrible
easy-managed beasts but him, and he's full o' ill tricks. He can't bear
woman-folks," added the boy, with a slight mischievous twinkle in his
eye; for he felt more at his ease now, having assured himself that
Blackie was much too intent on some sweet blades of grass to give any
trouble at that moment.
"Gowrie! that's the old farm down in the hollow there, isn't it? And how
long have you been herding?" asked Grace, who still stood on the
stepping-stones, and pursued the conversation with the noisy little
stream babbling round her.
"I was hired to Gowrie two year come Marti'mas, and afore that I
herded some sheep on the hill yonder. We had a hut all to oursels. I
slept wi' them a' night, and liked them terrible weel, a hantle better than
the cattle," and his eye wandered regretfully to a bleak mountain slope,
which had evidently pleasant associations for the little herd-boy.
"Did you ever go to school?" asked Grace, anxious to introduce her
subject, for she thought she would like this boy for a scholar.
"Ay, did I once, when I was a wee laddie. I was in the 'Third Primer,'
and could read pretty big words," and he fumbled in his jacket-pocket
for the collection of dog-eared leaves which represented his store of
"Of course you can't go to school now on week days, when you have to
watch the cows; but perhaps you go to Sunday-school?" Grace asked;
and will it make her desire to do good appear very narrow and small, if
it must be confessed that she hoped to hear that he did not go to any?

Her mind was soon set at rest, however, for he presently replied:
"The school at the kirk, ye mean? No; granny's dreadful deaf, and we
don't go to the kirk. I belong to Gowrie a' the week, but I'm granny's on
Sabbath; there's aye a deal to do, brakin' sticks and mendin' up things,
ye see."
"And you really don't go to a Sunday-school?" exclaimed Grace, hardly
able to restrain her satisfaction at this piece of information. "But,
by-the-by, I have never asked your name. I should like to hear it,
because I hope we are going to be friends."
"They call me Geordie
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