Geek Mafia: Mile Zero | Page 6

Rick Dakan
and was scrubbing away the dirt and stains he found hidden below the dust. The kitchen's last encounter with food hadn't ended with a very thorough clean-up. "I'm going to go upstairs and try and make the bedrooms habitable," Chloe said. "Bee's supposed to bring by some clean sheets from one of the other houses, so keep an ear out for her."
"Ok," Paul muttered in reply. She knew he wasn't happy that his normal evening of partying and dealing with stripper contacts had suddenly taken a dramatic turn into domestic chores, but then neither was she. She wanted to make a good impression on her visiting friends, and putting them up in a filthy house was not the way to do that. Fortunately, there was no such thing as getting to The Party too late. He'd just have to wait a while for his evening's fun and games.
After about half an hour of scrubbing the upstairs bathroom, she felt a pair of arms snake around her torso from behind. She leaned back into them and felt Paul's chest pressing against her back. She sighed.
"How's it going, hot stuff ?" she said.
"All finished downstairs," he said, giving her a neck a long, soft kiss. "You know, I never thought a life of crime would involve so much housework."
"I did tell you it would be glamorous and exciting, didn't I?" she teased. "No one can say I'm not a woman of my word."
Paul motioned for her to put down the scrub brush and then pulled her to him. She turned around to face him as he drew her close and kissed her again. Then one more time. She nuzzled against him, nipping playfully at his neck. "You smell good," she said.
"Thanks," he replied, his hands roaming down her back to her ass. He gave her a squeeze.
"Actually, you smell like a stripper."
"Sandee says hi."
"I'll bet," said Chloe, still kissing his neck.
"You know the party's moved back to the Crawford place."
"I know."
"I like the Crawford place. It has those back rooms..."
"Oh, I remember." She pulled away from him just enough to make room for her hand to caress him through the front of his pants while she looked him in the eye. "I remember very well indeed."
"We did just watch the video last week," he reminded her, closing his eyes as he moaned in pleasure under her touch.
"That was you in that video?" she said.
"Not the Kennedy Assassination video, the other one."
"Oh right. That video," she laughed. "That was you, wasn't it?"
"It sure was. Maybe we could..."
Then Paul's pocket started singing The Clash again. "Did I do that?" asked Chloe. Then her pocket started singing as well, although for her it was The Misfits.
"No," sighed Paul. "I think that must be Bee."
They both took out their phones and looked at the caller ID screens. Paul's read "Verizon." Chloe's read "Keys Taxi Disp."
"She loves that new trick of hers," said Chloe as she answered the phone. "Heya, Bee, what's up with the sheets?" Paul answered his phone as well and was instantly conferenced into the conversation.
"I'm having Pia bring them by. I picked something up on the cameras and I thought you might want to see it."
"What is it?" said Chloe. "We're almost finished here."
"I got a boat coming in at the marina. I'm pretty sure it's your friend."
"Really?" said Chloe, excited and nervous. "Are you sure?"
"Nope. That's why I thought you might wanna come take a look."
"You're right. We're on our way. Can you call Pia and tell her the key's under the rock by the back door?"
"Sure thing," said Bee. "See you soon."
Paul and Chloe hung up their phones and looked at one another. Chloe had a big smile on her face.
"Are you nervous?" he asked her.
"What? Are you kidding? Of course not. I'm just psyched to see him again. Aren't you?"
"Definitely. I still owe him a lot. He's the only person who ever got shot on my behalf," said Paul. "I just thought you might be nervous. That's all."
"Why? Because I'm going fucking crazy trying to get this place hospitable before he gets here?"
"No," he said. "That's just being a good host. I thought you might be nervous for the same reason I'm nervous."
She looked at him for a long moment. They'd been dancing around this subject ever since he'd told them five days ago that he was coming to Key West. "You're wondering why he's coming at all," she said.
"It's a long way to come. Especially in a boat."
"I'm sure he got the boat once he got to this coast."
"Either way, it's a long way to come. And people like him - which is to say, people like us - don't make long trips without a reason."
"And I'm sure he'll tell us his reason," said Chloe. "Fuck, that's why I'm
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