Freedom Talks, number 2 | Page 3

Julia Seton
law and there is no
appeal from it.
When we first meet a diseased person we find his field of
consciousness full of all kinds of negative thoughts of disease, worry,

fear and anxiety--these have been persisted in so long that they have
weakened both the idea centers and the power of willing. We at once
create for him the positive idea motor-form, and if his conscious mind
is too weak to receive the impulse, we project it into his psychic mind,
helping him hold on to the new idea until his own mind is able to grasp
it, and it becomes registered for him.
After he has learned the truth of the abundance of health energy within
and without to be aroused into action by the simple law of his own
thoughts and feelings, he sets to work to regenerate himself, and he
finds that he can really breathe the breath of life into his own nostrils.
After we have seen the scientific side of the real power of healing, then
if we want to get health and keep it, we set about studying how to live
our life so as to be able to generate thoughts and feelings, at all times,
which shall always move us at a creative health vibration. The very
next thing for anyone seeking health is to get easy in his everyday life;
no one can ever be well and live with every nerve on a tension. We
need to know the higher law of life that teaches us that no one put us
anywhere but ourselves; that no one is to blame but ourselves for what
we have or have not; we get and have in this world just what we have
the power to relate with and will get free from the thing we do not like
in just the hour that we build something better for ourselves. All we
need to do is to cease resisting conditions and agree with our adversary
quickly. Freedom, liberty and happiness are not things of the external
world; they come from within and we are sad or happy, bound or free,
sick or well, not by our external but by our internal conditions.
The sick, nervous, peevish, worrying mind sees everything as positive
to itself and must be taught that there is nothing in all the world that has
any power over us except that with which we endow it, and it must
begin to live under this idea rather than the old foolish one of being
controlled by every external condition.
"God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a
sound mind," and with persistent thought culture we can soon form a
habit of thought and feeling that will build us away from our old
consciousness of disease and pain into a higher law of health and
Good, positive, strong health thoughts are a certain preventive and cure
for every kind of disease. Disease and health have absolutely no

relation with each other; disease is the expression of a faltering,
undeveloped soul life, while health is the expression of a consciousness
that has not broken its law of universal recognition.
There are very good people who are sick and very many so-called bad
folks who are well; health is not bestowed as a reward of merit, it
simply is by the natural universal law, and it exists for those who know
how to fulfill the law within their own being. There are many so-called
wicked people who live in greater harmony with their wickedness than
some so-called Christians can ever do with their religion and goodness.
Wholeness or holiness means simply harmony, and harmony inside and
outside gives health. Anyone who has health has earned it by obeying
the laws that produce it.
Another great factor active in producing inharmonious vibrations and
registering destructive energy, is the old thought habit of living under
the laws of opposites, thinking thought of health today and of disease
tomorrow; to be passing daily between hope and despair. This is
sowing mixed thought seeds and cannot help bringing mixed
The path to a health consciousness is to get the strong, positive idea of
UNITY and live under the law of similars. To begin at once to affirm
UNION with all the health and strength of the universe and stick to it in
the face of all the opposing negative thought vibrations generated
within ourselves, or thrown into our minds by others. This can be done
by resolutely substituting a health thought for a diseased one; no matter
how fast negative thoughts crowd in upon the mind, they can be
antidoted by the strong positive affirmation of HEALTH.
In order to register health vibrations we must _think, feel_ and be
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