Fraternity | Page 7

John Galsworthy
a movement of annoyance. "Who told you?"
"Ah!" said Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace, "I do think your sister gets such
attractive people at her At Homes. They all take such interest in
A little surprised at herself, Cecilia answered "Too much for me!"
Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace smiled. "I mean in art and social questions.
Surely one can't be too interested in them?"
Cecilia said rather hastily:
"Oh no, of course not." And both ladies looked around them. A buzz of
conversation fell on Cecilia's ears.
"Have you seen the 'Aftermath'? It's really quite wonderful!"
"Poor old chap! he's so rococo...."
"There's a new man.
"She's very sympathetic.
"But the condition of the poor....

"Is that Mr. Balladyce? Oh, really.
"It gives you such a feeling of life.
The voice of Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace broke through: "But do please
tell me who is that young girl with the young man looking at the picture
over there. She's quite charming!"
Cecilia's cheeks went a very pretty pink.
"Oh, that's my little daughter."
"Really! Have you a daughter as big as that? Why, she must be
"Nearly eighteen!"
"What is her name?"
"Thyme," said Cecilia, with a little smile. She felt that Mrs. Tallents
Smallpeace was about to say: 'How charming!'
Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace saw her smile and paused. "Who is the young
man with her?"
"My nephew, Martin Stone."
"The son of your brother who was killed with his wife in that dreadful
Alpine accident? He looks a very decided sort of young man. He's got
that new look. What is he?"
"He's very nearly a doctor. I never know whether he's quite finished or
"I thought perhaps he might have something to do with Art."
"Oh no, he despises Art."

"And does your daughter despise it, too?"
"No; she's studying it."
"Oh, really! How interesting! I do think the rising generation amusing,
don't you? They're so independent."
Cecilia looked uneasily at the rising generation. They were standing
side by side before the picture, curiously observant and detached,
exchanging short remarks and glances. They seemed to watch all these
circling, chatting, bending, smiling people with a sort of youthful,
matter-of-fact, half-hostile curiosity. The young man had a pale face,
clean-shaven, with a strong jaw, a long, straight nose, a rather bumpy
forehead which did not recede, and clear grey eyes. His sarcastic lips
were firm and quick, and he looked at people with disconcerting
straightness. The young girl wore a blue-green frock. Her face was
charming, with eager, hazel-grey eyes, a bright colour, and fluffy hair
the colour of ripe nuts.
"That's your sister's picture, 'The Shadow,' they're looking at, isn't it?"
asked Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace. "I remember seeing it on Christmas
Day, and the little model who was sitting for it--an attractive type!
Your brother-in-law told me how interested you all were in her. Quite a
romantic story, wasn't it, about her fainting from want of food when she
first came to sit?"
Cecilia murmured something. Her hands were moving nervously; she
looked ill at ease.
These signs passed unperceived by Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace, whose
eyes were busy.
"In the F.H.M.P., of course, I see a lot of young girls placed in delicate
positions, just on the borders, don't you know? You should really join
the F.H.M.P., Mrs. Dallison. It's a first-rate thing-- most absorbing
The doubting deepened in Cecilia's eyes.

"Oh, it must be!" she said. "I've so little time."
Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace went on at once.
"Don't you think that we live in the most interesting days? There are
such a lot of movements going on. It's quite exciting. We all feel that
we can't shut our eyes any longer to social questions. I mean the
condition of the people alone is enough to give one nightmare!"
"Yes, yes," said Cecilia; "it is dreadful, of course.
"Politicians and officials are so hopeless, one can't look for anything
from them."
Cecilia drew herself up. "Oh, do you think so?" she said.
"I was just talking to Mr. Balladyce. He says that Art and Literature
must be put on a new basis altogether."
"Yes," said Cecilia; "really? Is he that funny little man?"
"I think he's so monstrously clever."
Cecilia answered quickly: "I know--I know. Of course, something must
be done."
"Yes," said Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace absently, "I think we all feel that.
Oh, do tell me! I've been talking to such a delightful person--just the
type you see when you go into the City--thousands of them, all in such
good black coats. It's so unusual to really meet one nowadays; and
they're so refreshing, they have such nice simple views. There he is,
standing just behind your sister."
Cecilia by a nervous gesture indicated that she recognized the
personality alluded to. "Oh, yes," she said; "Mr. Purcey. I don't
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