Four Plays | Page 9

Alexander Ostrovsky

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. May my eyes burst if I did.
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Well, I know you. You're never at rest in
your own soul unless you're about to say something mean. You will
please be more careful; otherwise you'll drive me out of patience one of
these days; it'll be all the worse for you. [_Silence_] Serve the tea.
GAVRÍLOVNA. Right away, mistress.
She pours out two cups. POTÁPYCH hands them to MADAM
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Pour Grísha a cup, too; he went with me
to-day, and he's tired out.
GAVRÍLOVNA. Yes, mistress.
[She pours out a cup and hands it to GRÍSHA.
GRÍSHA. Why didn't you put more milk in it? Are you stingy, eh?
GAVRÍLOVNA. [_Adding milk_] As it is, you're fattened on milk, like
a calf.
GRÍSHA _takes the cup and goes out through the door into the
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. I have thought of marrying NÁDYA to
NEGLIGÉNTOV--with a decent settlement, of course. You say that he
leads a bad life; consequently we must hasten the wedding. She is a girl
of good principles, she'll hold him back, otherwise he'll ruin himself
with his bachelor habits. Bachelor life is very bad for young men.
NÁDYA. [To LÍZA] Do you hear, Líza? What's this? My God!
LÍZA. You just have to listen, and you can't say a word.

VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. It's high time she was married,
benefactress; why should she be hanging around here? And now your
young son, the angel, has come.
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. Oh, be still! What are you thinking up now?
Why, he's only a child!
VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. A child, benefactress! Well, there's
nothing more to be said; God gave you a son as a joy and a consolation.
And we can never feast our eyes enough on him. It's just as if the
sunshine had come into our house. So good-natured, so merry, so
gentle with every one! But he's already running after the girls so; he
never lets one pass; and they, silly things, are tickled to death; they
fairly snort with delight.
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. You're lying. He never has a chance to see
the girls anywhere, I think; all day long they are in their own side of the
house, and, besides, they never go anywhere.
VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Ah, benefactress, there are no locks to
keep a girl in, once she takes a notion to do something.
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. You hear, Gavrílovna! Look after my girls.
You know I won't have any loose conduct. You tell them that so they'll
know I mean it. [To VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA] But no, there can't
be anything like that. You're merely disturbing me with your silly
notions. What a dirty tongue you have! What business had you to
chatter? And now I can't get the stuff out of my head! Keep watch,
GAVRÍLOVNA. What's the use of listening to her, mistress?
VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. But really, benefactress, am I saying
anything bad? Would I dare to think any harm about him, that little
angel? Of course he's still a child, he wants to frisk a little; but here he
hasn't any companions, so he plays with the girls.
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. There's poison on your tongue. [She reflects.

POTÁPYCH takes the cups. GAVRÍLOVNA fills them and gives them
back. GRÍSHA _comes in from the garden, gives_ GAVRÍLOVNA _a
push, and makes a sign with his head that she is to pour him another
cup_. GAVRÍLOVNA does so. GRÍSHA _goes out_] However, I must
marry off Nádya.
NÁDYA. [_Almost weeping_] Mistress, you have shown me such
kindness that I can't even express it. Forgive me for daring to speak to
you now; but, because of your attitude towards me, I expected quite a
different favor from you. In what respect have I displeased you now,
mistress, that you wish to marry me to a drunkard?
MADAM ULANBÉKOV. My dear, it's not for you to argue about that;
you're just a girl. You ought to rely in all things upon me, your
patroness. I brought you up, and I am even bound to establish you in
life. And again, you ought not to forget this: that he is my godson.
Rather, you ought to be thankful for the honor. And now I tell you once
and for all: I do not like it when my girls argue, I simply do not like it,
and that's all there is to it. That's a thing I cannot permit anybody. I've
been accustomed, from my youth, to having people obey my every
word; it's time you knew that! And it's very strange to me, my dear, that
you should presume to oppose me. I see that I have spoiled you; and
you at once get conceited. [NÁDYA _weeps._
VASILÍSA PEREGRÍNOVNA. Benefactress, one must have feeling
for his fellow creature, one
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