you will not be silent as to his
Early on the following morning Frank Harland, for such was the name
of Roland's friend, rode away towards Oatland's, the residence of the
coarse-haired Mr. Ham. He alighted at the gate, and throwing his bridle
rein over a post entered the grounds. Mr. Ham was at the moment
crossing the field towards his residence; but when he perceived the
early visitor he changed his course and proceeded to meet the comer.
'Oh, how do you do, Mr. Harland? Did not know it was you. It is a long
time since we have seen each other. Was over looking at some of my
fellows who are clearing the bush of a piece of intervale. Rascals will
not work if one's eye is not constantly upon them.'
In a similar strain did he chatter on; but his ease of manner Harland
could see was only counterfeited. The early visit and the grave face of
the visitor had alarmed him; but he had not the courage to put any of
the questions that had turned his face into a note of interrogation. At
last they were at the door of the dwelling; and Harland paused upon the
'I come to you this morning, Mr. Ham, upon an important and delicate
mission; and should be glad if you would accompany me to your office
or library.'
A flush of scarlet came into Ham's face, and it was vivid through the
roots of his coarse black beard.
'Certainly; I shall attend to you with pleasure. I hope, at least, that the
matter is capable of an amicable and satisfactory settlement. I have
always sought to do what is right, and--
'I have no doubt Mr. Ham, that it can be arranged with entire
satisfaction.' With these words the visitor seated himself in the chair to
which Mr. Ham, with a hand that trembled, pointed.
'I am, sir, the bearer of a message from my old school friend, Roland
Gray. What the purport of such a message is you will no doubt very
readily guess, when you come to remember the language which you
recently employed respecting him, and the threat which your words
evoked. I am therefore ready to arrange the terms for a meeting with
any friend you may be good enough to designate.'
'I really fail to comprehend what you mean, Mr. Harland.'
'Oh that is impossible, Mr. Ham. There is a code of honour among
gentlemen under such circumstances, of which you must certainly be
The fellow's courage had quite failed him, if the pallor in his swarthy
cheek did not utter a huge lie.
'You surely do not mean that you come to propose terms for a duel?'
'I have come just for that purpose; and shall immediately wait upon any
friend you will name to me.'
'But there must really be some mistake. I am not aware of having used
any language that could evoke the resentment of your friend.' Harland
simply shrugged his shoulders.
'I am not here to discuss that point.' And he rose with scorn upon his
face. 'I take the word of my friend upon the matter; and he is a
gentleman and a man of honour.' At this reply Mr. Ham adopted a new
line of policy, and with it a completely altered manner and tone.
'Well, Mr. Harland, suppose that it be as you say with respect to the
provocation; there is another feature of the matter which I bring
forward with reluctance, considering your relations of friendship with
Mr. Gray.' Here he paused.
'Pray, proceed sir.'
'I may say, Mr. Harland, that the repute of Mr. Gray is not the highest;
and considering my own character and standing I do not see how it is
possible for me to engage in a combat of honour with him. My position
as I have said is unquestioned; but I know nothing of your friend save
that report speaks of him as an adventurer without character. He has
had a good education, and all that, and associates with people of my
own standing; but these facts count for little.'
'Pardon me, sir,' Harland replied with a haughty smile. 'I intend that
your position in this matter shall be made very plain. I intend to show
that one matter alone stands in the way of your acceptance of this
'And what, pray, may that matter be?' The fellow was once more ashy
pale, and he trembled.
'Your cowardice, sir.'
'What! Do you dare in my own house to use such words?'
'I use them, of course, most deliberately. And now, sir, that you have
raised the question of the worthiness of my friend to meet you in a
combat of honour, you must first permit me to state

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