Fort Lafayette | Page 7

Benjamin Wood

air in which anger and contempt were strangely blended. The latter
leaned with awkward carelessness against the counter, sipping a glass
of spirits and water with a malicious smile.
"You are an insolent scoundrel," said Harold, "and I would horsewhip
you, if you were worth the pains."
Rawbon looked around and for a second seemed to study the faces of
those about him. Then lazily reaching over toward Harold, he took him
by the arm and drew him toward the counter.
"Say, you just come and drink to South Carolina."
The heavy horsewhip in Harold's hand rose suddenly and descended
like a flash. The knotted lash struck Rawbon full in the mouth, splitting
the lips like a knife. In an instant several knives were drawn, and
Rawbon, spluttering an oath through the spurting blood that choked his
utterance, drew a revolver from its holster at his side.
The entrance of the two young men was timely. They immediately
placed themselves in front of Harold, and Arthur, with his usual mild
expression, looked full in Rawbon's eye, although the latter's pistol was
in a line with his breast.
"Stand out of the way, you two," shouted Rawbon, savagely.
"What is the meaning of this, gentlemen?" said Beverly, quietly, to the
excited bystanders, to several of whom he was personally known.
"Squire Weems," replied one among them, "you had better stand aside.
Rawbon has a lien on that fellow's hide. He's an abolitionist, anyhow,
and ain't worth your interference."
"He is my very intimate friend, and I will answer for him to any one
here," said Beverly, warmly.
"I will answer for myself," said Hare, pressing forward.
"Then answer that!" yelled Rawbon, levelling and shooting with a rapid

movement. But Wayne's quiet eye had been riveted upon him all the
while, and he had thrown up the ruffian's arm as he pulled the trigger.
Beverly's eyes flashed like live coals, and he sprang at Rawbon's throat,
but the crowd pressed between them, and for a while the utmost
confusion prevailed, but no blows were struck. The landlord, a sullen,
black-browed man, who had hitherto leaned silently on the counter,
taking no part in the fray, now interposed.
"Come, I don't want no more loose shooting here!" and, by way of
assisting his remark, he took down his double-barrelled shot-gun and
jumped upon the counter. The fellow was well known for a desperate
though not quarrelsome character, and his action had the effect of
somewhat quieting the excited crowd.
"Boys," continued he, "it's only Yankee against Yankee, anyhow; if
they're gwine to fight, let the stranger have fair play. Here stranger, if
you're a friend of Squire Weems, you kin have a fair show in my house,
I reckon, so take hold of this," and taking a revolver from his belt, he
passed it to Beverly, who cocked it and slipped it into Harold's hand.
Rawbon, who throughout the confusion had been watching for the
opportunity of a shot at his antagonist, now found himself front to front
with the object of his hate, for the bystanders had instinctively drawn
back a space, and even Wayne and Weems, willing to trust to their
friend's coolness and judgment, had stepped aside.
Harold sighted his man as coolly as if he had been aiming at a squirrel.
Rawbon did not flinch, for he was not wanting in physical courage, but
he evidently concluded that the chances were against him, and with a
bitter smile, he walked slowly toward the door. Turning at the threshold,
he scowled for a moment at Harold, as if hesitating whether to accept
the encounter.
"I'll fix you yet," he finally muttered, and left the room. A few
moments afterward, the three friends were mounted and riding briskly
toward Riverside manor.

Oriana, after awaiting till a late hour the return of her brother and his
friend, had retired to rest, and was sleeping soundly when the party
entered the house, after their remarkable adventure. She was therefore
unconscious, upon descending from her apartment in the morning, of
the addition to her little household. Standing upon the veranda, she
perceived what she supposed to be her brother's form moving among
the shrubbery in the garden. She hastened to accost him, curious to
ascertain the nature of the excitement in Richmond on the preceding
afternoon. Great was her astonishment and unfeigned her pleasure,
upon turning a little clump of bushes, to find herself face to face with
Harold Hare.
He had been lost in meditation, but upon seeing her his brow lit up as a
midnight sky brightens when a passing cloud has unshrouded the full
moon. With a cry of joy she held out both her hands to him, which he
pressed silently for a moment as he gazed tenderly upon the
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