full of grace! The Lord is with you. You are blessed above all women, and you are blessed above all men, that have been hitherto born.
4 But the Virgin, who had before been well acquainted with the countenances of angels, and to whom such light from heaven was no uncommon thing,
5 Was neither terrified with the vision of the angel, nor astonished at the greatness of the light, but only troubled about the angel's words,
6 And began to consider what so extraordinary a salutation should mean, what it did portend, or what sort of end it would have.
7 To this thought the angel, divinely inspired, replies;
8 Fear not, Mary, as though I intended anything inconsistent with your chastity in this salutation:
9 For you have found favour with the Lord, because you made virginity your choice.
10 Therefore while you are a Virgin, you shall conceive without sin, and bring forth a son.
11 He shall be great, because he shall reign from sea to sea, and from the rivers even to the ends of the earth?
12 And he shall be called the Son of the Highest; for he who is born in a mean state on earth, reigns in an exalted one in heaven.
13 And the Lord shall give him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
14 For he is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and his throne is forever and ever.
15 To this discourse of the angel the Virgin replied, not, as though she were unbelieving, but willing to know the manner of it.
16 She said, How can that be? For seeing, according to my vow, I have never known any man, how can I bear a child without the addition of a man's seed.
17 To this the angel replied and said, Think not, Mary, that you shall conceive in the ordinary way.
18 For, without lying with a man, while a Virgin, you shall conceive; while a Virgin, you shall bring forth; and while a Virgin shall give suck.
19 For the Holy Ghost shall come upon you, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow you, without any of the heats of lust.
20 So that which shall be born of you shall be only holy, because it only is conceived without sin, and being born, shall be called the Son of God.
21 Then Mary stretching forth her hands, and lifting her eyes to heaven, said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord! Let it be unto me according to thy word.
1 Joseph returns to Galilee, to marry the Virgin he had betrothed; 4 perceives she is with child, 5 is uneasy, 7 purposes to put her away privily, 8 is told by the angel of the Lord it is not the work of man but the Holy Ghost; 12 Marries her, but keeps chaste, 13 removes with her to Bethlehem, 15 where she brings forth Christ.
JOSEPH therefore went from Judaea to Galilee, with intention to marry the Virgin who was betrothed to him:
2 For it was now near three months since she was betrothed to him.
3 At length it plainly appeared she was with child, and it could not be hid from Joseph:
4 For going to the Virgin in a free manner, as one espoused, and talking familiarly with her, he perceived her to be with child,
5 And thereupon began to be uneasy and doubtful, not knowing what course it would be best to take;
6 For being a just man, he was not willing to expose her, nor defame her by the suspicion of being a harlot, since he was a pious man:
7 He purposed therefore privately to put an end to their agreement, and as privately to send her away.
8 But while he was meditating these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, and said, Joseph, son of David, fear not;
9 Be not willing to entertain any suspicion of the Virgin's being guilty of fornication, or to think any thing amiss of her, neither be afraid to take her to wife:
10 For that which is begotten in her and now distresses your mind, is not the work of man, but the Holy Ghost.
11 For she of all women is that only Virgin who shall bring forth the Son of God, and you shall call his name Jesus, that is, Saviour: for he will save his people from their sins.
12 Joseph thereupon, according to the command of the angel, married the Virgin, and did not know her, but kept her in chastity.
13 And now the ninth month from her conception drew near, when Joseph took his wife and what other things were necessary to Bethlehem, the city from whence he came.
14 And
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