Food and Health | Page 4

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am a different woman since then. I recommend your Vegetable Compound as much as I can and you may use my letter as a testimonial."?MRS. WM. J. THOMAS,?Melaval, Saskatchewan.
Ingredients?2 cups steamed rice?2 cups chopped seasoned meat?1 cup gravy or tomato sauce?1/2 cup buttered crumbs
Method--Place in a baking dish a layer of rice, over this sprinkle a layer of chopped meat and repeat until the dish is nearly filled; then pour gravy or tomato sauce over the meat. Cover with the buttered crumbs and bake until brown.
HELPFUL HINTS?To keep the daily paper from blowing away when it is left on the porch, get the carrier to snap it into a spring clothes-pin which is tied to the railing.
WHEN A WOMAN KNOWS?that a certain medicine is good she wants no substitute or makeshift. The women who take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound are of this class. They know what they want and they will take nothing else.
"COULD NOT SLEEP"?"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness of the female organs. I had pains in the back and bearing-down pains in the abdomen and was in a general run-down condition. I could not sleep, rest or work, and was quite unfit to do even light household tasks. A friend told me about your Vegetable Compound and I in my turn truly recommend it, as my severe symptoms vanished and I am better in every way. I do my own work, look after my children and see to chickens, a cow, and my garden. I also recommend it for young girls who are weak and rundown, as my 16-year-old daughter has taken it and is quite her own gay self again."?MRS. FRED. WILEY,?Viscount, Saskatchewan.
FILIPINO ROLL?[Illustration]
Ingredients?1 sweet green pepper?2 onions?1 lb. Hamburg steak?1 cup bread crumbs?1 egg?2 teaspoons salt?1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce?5 or 6 slices of bacon
Sauce?1 cup tomato soup?1 tablespoon flour?1 teaspoon sugar?1/2 cup water
Method--Wash the pepper and remove the seeds, add onions and chop together. Mix with meat, breadcrumbs and well beaten egg. Add seasonings and form into a roll. Cover with bacon and bake 45 minutes in a moderately hot oven. Remove to platter, add water to make gravy and strain into it the thickened tomato soup. Let it boil a few minutes then pour around the roll.
A FEW MINUTES?of any woman's time is well spent if she will read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does for sick and ailing women.
"ONE OF YOUR LITTLE BOOKS"?"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness and female disorders. I was so weak at times that I could not stand up. I had been this way for nearly three years, and the different medicines I had taken had not done me any good. I found one of your little books at my door one day and thought I would give your medicine a trial. I am now on my fifth bottle and it is wonderful the way it has helped me. I am feeling much better, have no weak spells, and can do all my work now. I am recommending your Vegetable Compound to all I know."?MRS. CASEY LEMERY,?176 Abbott St., Brockville, Ontario.
MOCK MEAT CAKES?[Illustration]
Ingredients?1/2 cup dried peas or beans?5 medium potatoes?1/2 cup grated cheese?1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs?1 egg (beaten)?1 tablespoon melted bacon fat?salt and pepper
Method--Soak peas or beans over night, then boil until very tender. Boil and mash potatoes. Add mashed beans, grated cheese, bread-crumbs, beaten egg, bacon fat and seasonings. When cool shape into cakes, dip into cornmeal and fry.
WHY ARE SOME WOMEN?happy, beloved, and successful, while others drag out a negative existence, of no use to themselves or anyone else? Except in a few cases the answer is to be found in a state of freedom from the troubles known as "female." The well woman radiates cheerfulness and serenity, while the ailing one repels you with her despondency. It is not necessary, however, to harbor aches and pains, and the "blues," which make one a detriment to society. The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought relief to such women, and given them a new lease of life.
"A GENERAL RUN-DOWN CONDITION"?"I was in a general run-down condition, with a weak back and tired feeling, so that I did not feel like working. My mother was taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and recommended it to me, so I have taken it, and my back is better and I am now able to do my work. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my neighbors and you may publish this letter."?MRS. JOSEPHAT A. GRENIER,?Hesketh, Alberta.
DRY BEAN CHOWDER?[Illustration]
Ingredients?1 cup dried beans?2 slices bacon (diced)?1 can corn?1 can tomatoes?salt and pepper?cracker crumbs
Method--Soak the beans over night and boil until tender. Drain into a fire-proof casserole. Try out the fat from the bacon until it is perfectly crisp, care
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