Five Thousand Miles Underground | Page 9

Roy Rockwood
ship instantly and sent the craft ahead at a rapid
rate. By elevating or depressing the tube the craft could be sent obliquely up or down.
Then, by forcing the air from the forward tube, the Mermaid was reversed and scudded

But it was more with the ship's ability to rise and descend that Professor Henderson was
concerned, since on that depended their safety. So various tests were made, in generating
the gas and using the negative gravity apparatus.
All worked to perfection. Obeying the slightest turn of the wheels and levers the
Mermaid rose or fell. She stood still, suspended herself in the air, or rushed backward and
Of course the machinery was new and did not operate as smoothly as it would later, but
the professor and his friends were very well satisfied.
"Now we'll try something new," said the scientist to the two boys as they stood beside
him in the tower. "I only hope this part succeeds, and we shall soon be off on our
He turned several levers. There was a hissing sound as the gas rushed from the container,
and the ship began to settle down.
"What's th' matter? Are we goin' t' hit th' earth?" yelled Washington, rushing from the
engine room.
"Keep quiet," ordered the professor. "We are only going down, that's all."
"But good land! Perfesser!" exclaimed the colored man. "The ocean's right under us! You
forgot you sailed sway from the island! We'll be drowned suah!"
"Leave it to me," said Mr. Henderson. "The Flying Mermaid is going to take a bath!"
"As long as it swims it will be all right," observed Mark in a low tone to Jack. "I'm glad I
can take care of myself in the water."
Before Jack could reply the Mermaid seemed to take a sudden dive through the air. The
next instant she struck the water with a splash that sent the waves rolling all about. The
craft rocked violently to and fro on the surface of the sea. For a while there were anxious
hearts aboard, for there was no certainty but that the ship might not sink to the bottom.
But the old professor had not calculated and builded in vain. After rocking about like a
vessel newly launched, the strange craft rode safely and upright on the water. It set down
far enough to bring the propelling tubes well under, but not so far but that the conning
tower was well out and there was a small deck available.
"Now to see if we can conquer the water as we did the air!" cried the professor. "Mark,
start the air pump. Jack, you steer, for I want to watch the machinery under the additional
From the rear tube rushed such a volume of air that the ocean near it bubbled and foamed.
The ship trembled from stem to stern, and then, after hanging for an instant as if
undecided what to do, it began to move forward as easily as though it had never sailed

any other element than the sea.
"She fits her name!" the professor cried. "She is indeed the Flying Mermaid, for she sails
the ocean as easily as she navigates in the clouds!"
For a mile or two the craft was sent ahead over the waves. Then it was reversed and run
backwards. Satisfied that his long months of work had not gone for naught, the professor
after trying several experiments, decided to try and raise the ship while in motion.
With Jack and Mark to look after the air pumps, while Washington, Tom and Bill busied
themselves in the engine room, Mr. Henderson began to generate the gas and start the
negative gravity apparatus. All the while the craft was forging ahead.
There was again the hissing sound that told of the aluminum holder being filled. For a
few minutes there seemed to be no change, the Mermaid plowing forward.
Then like a bird rising from the waves, or like a flying fish leaping from the sea to escape
some pursuing monster of the deep, the new ship shot up diagonally from the surface and
winged its way into the upper regions of the air.
"Success! Success!" cried the professor. "This proves all I wanted to know. Now. we are
ready for our great trip!"
Great were the rejoicings in the camp that night. It was like living over again the days
when they were aboard the diving Porpoise or the flying Monarch. To the recollections
were added the anticipations of what was before them in the trip to the interior of the
Busy days followed, for there was still much to be done to the Flying Mermaid. The
machinery, which was only partly completed, had to be finished. Besides this the
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