Five Thousand Miles Underground | Page 5

Roy Rockwood
or backward by means of a novel arrangement. This was by the
power of compressed air. From either end of the lower hull there projected a short pipe
working in a ball and socket joint, so it could be turned in any direction. By means of
strong pumps a current of compressed air could be sent out from either pipe. Thus when
floating above the earth the ship was forced forward by the blast of air rushing from the
pipe at the stern. It was the same principle as that on which a sky rocket is shot
heavenward, save that gases produced by the burning of powder in the pasteboard rocket
form its moving impulse.
In the case of the Flying Mermaid, it could be made to move backward by sending the air
out of the forward tube. Thus, when in the water, the compressed air rushing from the
pipe struck the fluid and forced the ship forward or backward as was desired. It floated on

the surface, the deck being about three feet out of water, while the aluminum gas bag was
The engine room was a marvel of machine construction. It contained pumps for air and
water, motors, dynamos, gas engines, and a maze of wheels and levers. Yet everything
was very compact and no room was wasted.
The use of the air method of propulsion did away with the necessity of a large propellor
such as most airships have to use, a propellor which must of necessity be very light and
which is easily broken.
Next to the engine room was the kitchen. It contained an electric range and all necessary
appliances and utensils for preparing meals. There were lockers and a large reserve
storeroom which when the time came would be well stocked with food. Forward of the
kitchen was the living and dining room. It contained comfortable seats, folding tables and
a small library. Here, also were many instruments designed to show how the various
machines were working. There were gages, pointers and dials, which told the direction
the ship was traveling, the speed and the distance above the earth or below the surface.
Similar indicators were in the conning tower, which had a powerful search light.
The ship was lighted throughout by incandescent lamps, and there was even a small
automatic piano worked by the electric current, on which popular airs could be played.
If the gas and the gravity neutralizer worked as Professor Henderson hoped they would,
as soon as the ship was completed, all that would be necessary to start on the voyage
would be to fill the aluminum bag and set the air compressor in motion.
The gas was made from common air, chemically treated and with a secret material added
which by means of a complicated machine in a measure did away with the downward
pull of the earth. Thus all that was necessary to carry on a long voyage was a quantity of
gasolene to operate the engine which worked the electric machines, and some of this
secret compound.
The professor and his helpers had been working to good advantage. At last all was in
readiness for the gas test.
It was proposed to try it on an experimental scale. Some of the fluid was to be generated
and forced into an aluminum cylinder under the same pressure it would be used in the air
ship. To this cylinder were attached weights in proportion to the weight of the Flying
Mermaid with its load of human freight, engines and equipment.
"This cylinder is just one one-hundredth the size of the cylinder of the ship," said the
professor. "I am going to fasten to it a hundred pound weight. If it lifts that our latest
contrivance will be a success."
"You mean if the little cylinder pulls a hundred pounds up the big ship will take us and
the machinery up?" asked Mark.

"Certainly," answered the professor. "If this cylinder lifts a hundred pounds, one a
hundred times as big (as that of the Mermaid is), will lift a hundred times as much, or ten
thousand pounds. That is five tons, or more than a ton over what I figure to be the weight
of our ship and contents. The latest war balloon can lift one ton with ease, and if my
machine can not do five times as well I shall be disappointed."
The last adjustments were made, pipes were run from the gas generator to the cylinder,
and the hundred pound weight was attached.
"Everybody look out now," said Mr. Henderson. "I am going to start the machine and let
the gas enter the cylinder. It is a very powerful gas and may break the cylinder. If it does
you must all duck."
The scientist gave a last look
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