our vniuersall and vngodlie silence, in so
weightie a mater. We se our countrie set furthe for a pray to foreine
nations, we heare the blood of our brethren, the membres of Christ
Iesus most cruellie to be shed, and the monstruous empire of a cruell
woman (the secrete counsel of God excepted) we knowe to be the onlie
occasion of all these miseries: and yet with silence we passe the time as
thogh the mater did nothinge appertein to vs. But the contrarie
examples of the auncient prophetes[b] moue me to doubte of this our
fact. For Israel did vniuersalie decline frome God by embrasing
idolatrie vnder Ieroboam. In whiche they did continue euen vnto the
destruction of their common welthe[c]. And Iuda withe Ierusalem did
followe the vile superstition and open iniquitie of Samaria[d]. But yet
ceased not the prophetes of God to admonishe the one and the other:
Yea euen after that God had poured furthe his plagues vpon them[e].
For Ieremie did write to the captiues of Babylon, and did correct their
errors, plainlie instructing them, who did remaine in the middest of that
idolatrouse nation. Ezechiel[f] frome the middest of his brethren
prisoners in Chaldea, did write his vision to those that were in
Ierusalem, and sharplie rebukinge their vices, assured them that they
shuld not escape the vengeance of God by reason of their abominations
[Sidenote g: God alway had his people amongst the wicked, who neuer
lacked their prophetes and teachers.] [Sidenote h: Isaie. 13. Ierem. 6.
Ezech. 36.] [Sidenote i: Examples what teachers oght to do in this time.]
[Sidenote j: Ezech. 2, Apoca. 6.] [Sidenote k: Thre chef reasons, that do
stay man from speaking the truthe.] [Sidenote l: 1. Cor. 9.] [Sidenote m:
Mat. 26. Act. 18, 21.] [Sidenote n: Psalm. 2. Act. 4.] [Sidenote o: It is
necessarie for everie man to open the impietie, whiche he knoweth to
hurt his commonwelth.] [Sidenote p: No man can repent except he
knowe his synne.]
The same prophetes for comfort of the afflicted and chosen saintes of
God, who did lie hyd amongest the reprobate of that age[g] (as
commonlie doth the corne amongest the chaffe) did prophecie and
before speake the changes of kingdomes, the punishmentes of tyrannes,
and the vengeance[h] whiche God wold execute vpon the oppressors of
his people. The same did Daniel and the rest of the prophetes euerie
one in their season. By whose examples and by the plaine precept,
which is geuen to Ezechiel, commanding him that he shall say to the
wicked: Thou shalt die the death. We in this our miserable age are
bounde to admonishe[i] the world and the tyrannes thereof, of their
sodeine destruction, to assure them, and to crie vnto them, whether they
list to heare or not. That the blood of the saintes, which by them is shed,
continuallie crieth and craueth[j] vengeance in the presence of the
Lorde of hostes. And further it is our dutie to open the truthe reueled
vnto vs, vnto the ignorant and blind world, vnlest that to our owne
condemnation we list to wrap vp and and hyde the talent committed to
our charge. I am assured that God hath reueled to some in this our age,
that it is more then a monstre in nature, that a woman shall reigne and
haue empire aboue man. And yet with vs all, there is suche silence, as if
God therewith were nothing offended. The naturall man, ennemy to
God shall fynd, I knowe, many causes why no suche doctrine oght to
be published in these our dangerous dayes. First, for that it may seme to
tend to sedition[k]: secondarilie, it shal be dangerous, not onlie to the
writer or publisher, but also to all such as shall reade the writinges, or
fauor this truth spoken: and last it shall not amend the chief offenders,
partlie because it shall neuer come to their eares, and partlie because
they will not be admonished in such cases. I answer, yf any of these be
a sufficient reason that a truth knowen shalbe conceled, then were the
auncient prophetes of God very fooles, who did not better prouide for
their owne quietnes, then to hasard their liues for rebuking of vices, and
for the opening of such crimes, as were not knowen to the world, And
Christ Iesus did iniurie to his Apostles, commanding them to preache
repentance and remission of synnes in his name to euerie realme and
nation. And Paule did not vnderstand his owne libertie, when he cried,
wo be to me, if I preache not the Euangile. Yf feare, I say, of
persecution[l], of sclander, or of any inconuenience before named
might have excused, and discharged the seruantes of God[m], from
plainlie rebuking the sinnes
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