Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission | Page 9

Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
the exposition grounds except upon the recommendation of the proper authorities, approved by the president of the Exposition Company, and then to a restricted degree only.
SEC. II. Exhibitors' business cards and brief descriptive circulars only may be conveniently placed within such exhibition space for distribution; but the right is reserved to the chief of the department, upon the approval of the director of exhibits, to restrict or discontinue this privilege whenever it is carried to excess or becomes an annoyance.
SECTION I. Exhibitors will be held responsible for the cleanliness of their exhibits and the space surrounding same.
SEC. II. All exhibits must be in complete order each day at least thirty minutes before the buildings are open to the public. No janitor or other work of this character will be permitted during the hours the buildings are open to the public. In case of failure on the part of any exhibitor to observe these rules, the chief of the department, with the approval of the director of exhibits, may adopt such means to enforce the same as circumstances may suggest.
SECTION I. No crates, barrels, or packing cases will be permitted to remain upon the exhibition space after their contents have been removed, except upon the recommendation of the chief of the department where the exhibit is installed, approved by the director of exhibits.
SEC. II. The Exposition Company will provide a storage warehouse for crates, barrels, and packing cases, under a reasonable schedule of charges based upon those levied by similar warehouses, which it will be optional for exhibitors to use.
SEC. III. Facilities for the conveyance of empty crates, barrels, or packing cases to storage places will be provided at a moderate price.
SECTION I. No exhibit or object upon exhibition may be sketched, copied, or reproduced in any way whatever without the permission of the exhibitor, approved by the director of exhibits, except that the president of the company may give such permission.
SECTION I. Exhibitors desiring to contract for service of electricity, steam, compressed air, power from shafting, gas, or water, must make application to the chief of the department in which their exhibits are installed. No application for service will be entertained unless made upon a blank furnished by the director of works, which may be obtained from a chief of a department, and when an application for service has been approved by the director of exhibits the contract will be executed on the part of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company by the director of works on terms and conditions that will be stated in each case. The director of exhibits and the director of works, in their discretion, are authorized to furnish gratuitously to exhibitors a limited amount of power for the operation of machines and processes. The character of the exhibit requiring power for its operation will have much to do with determining the amount of power that will be furnished gratuitously.
SECTION I. Concessions may be granted for private exhibitions for which a charge for admission may be made; for restaurants, for places of amusement, for merchandising, and for other purposes not incompatible with the scope and dignity of the exposition, under terms and conditions to be determined upon by the proper authorities in each case.
SECTION I. An official catalogue of all exhibits will be published in English by the Exposition Company. Foreign governments and the governments of the States, Territories, and Districts of the United States, making a collective exhibit, may publish separate catalogues of their own exhibits when recommended by the director of exhibits to the president and approved by him.
SEC. II. The sale of catalogues is reserved exclusively by the Exposition Company.
SECTION I. The Exposition Company will organize, equip, and maintain an efficient police system for the protection of property and the preservation of peace and good order.
SEC. II. The exposition will maintain a corps of janitors and scavengers, whose duty it will be to properly care for and clean the roadways, approaches, paths, etc., in general of the exposition and the aisles within the exhibit buildings; but their duties and responsibilities will not extend to exhibit spaces, to the subsidiary aisles, or to the buildings of foreign or domestic governments or individuals.
SEC. III. Exhibitors may employ watchmen and janitors of their choice to guard and care for their material during the hours the exposition is open to the public. Such watchmen will be subject to the rules and regulations governing employees of the exposition; but no exhibitor will be permitted to employ attendants for service of this character except upon the written consent of the chief of the department, approved by the director of exhibits.
SEC. IV. Each country, commission, organization, corporation and individual, by becoming an exhibitor, agrees to conform to all the rules and regulations established for
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