Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases | Page 9

Grenville Kleiser
power [necromancy = communicating with the dead to predict the future. Black magic; sorcery.]
needless depression
nefarious scheme
negative approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
negligible quantity
neighboring mists
nerveless hand
nervous solicitude
nettled opponent
neutral eye
new perplexities
nice discrimination
niggardly allowance
nightmare fantasy
nimble faculty
noble condescension
nocturnal scene
nodding approval
noiseless reverie
noisy platitudes
nomadic life
nominal allegiance
nonchalant manner
non-committal way
nondescript garb
nonsense rhymes
noonday splendor
normal characteristics
notable circumstance
noteworthy friendship
noticeably begrimed
notoriously profligate
novel signification
nugatory cause [nugatory = little or no importance; trifling]
numbed stillness
numberless defeats
numerical majority
obdurate courage [obdurate = hardened in wrongdoing]
obedient compliance
objectionably apologetic
obligatory force
obligingly expressed
oblique tribute
obscure intimation
obsequious homage [obsequious = servile compliance; fawning]
observant eye
obsolete phraseology
obstinate defiance
obstreperous summons [obstreperous = noisily and stubbornly defiant]
obtrusive neatness
obvious boredom
occasional flights
occult sympathy
ocean depth
odd makeshifts
odious tyranny
odorous spring
offensive hostility
official asperity [asperity = harshness; ill temper or irritability]
olfactory sense
olive grayness
ominous rumors
omnipotent decree
omniscient affirmation
oncoming horde
onerous cares
onflaming volume
opalescent sea
opaque mass
openly disseminated
opinionated truculence [truculence = ferociously cruel behavior]
opportunely contrived
oppressive emptiness
opprobrious epithet [opprobrious = contemptuous reproach; scornful]
oracular utterance [oracular = solemnly prophetic; enigmatic; obscure]
oratorical display
ordinary delinquencies
organic assimilation
oriental spicery
originally promulgated
oscillatory movement
ostensible occupation
ostentatious display
outlandish fashion
outrageously vehement
outspoken encouragement
outstanding feature
outstretching sympathies
outward pomp
outworn creed
overbearing style
overestimated importance
overflowing sympathy
overhanging darkness
overmastering potency
overpowering argument
overshadowing dread
overstrained enthusiasm
overt act
overvaulting clouds
overweening sense [overweening = presumptuously arrogant; overbearing]
overwhelming solicitude
overworked drudge
pacific disposition
painful obstinacy
painstaking reticence
palatable advice
pallidly illumined
palpable originality
palpitating emotion
paltry hypocrisies
pampered darling
panic fear
panting eagerness
parabolic obscureness
paradoxical talker
paralyzing sentimentalism
paramount authority
parasitical magnificence
parental permission
paroxysmal outburst
particularly notable
partizan prejudice
passing panorama
passionate insistence
passive obedience
patchwork manner
patent example
paternal tenderness
pathetic helplessness
patient endurance
patriarchal visage
patriotic enthusiasm
peacefully propagated
peculiar piquancy [piquancy = appealingly provocative; charming]
pecuniary privation
pedantic ineptitude [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]
pedestrian vigor
peerless raconteur [raconteur = skilled storyteller]
peevish ingratitude
pending determination
penetrating warmth
penitential cries
penniless wanderer
pensive reflections
perceptible difference
peremptory punishment [peremptory = ending all debate or action]
perennial charm
perfect embodiment
perfunctory inquiries
perilous expedient
permanent significance
pernicious doctrine
perpetual oscillation
perplexing problem
persecuting zeal
persistent adherence
personal predilection [predilection = a preference]
persuasive eloquence
pert prig
pertinacious solemnity [pertinacious = stubbornly persistent]
pertinent question
perusing earnestness
pervading tendencies
perverse quaintness
pessimistic skepticism
pestiferous career [pestiferous = evil or deadly; pernicious]
pet aversion
petrified smile
petticoat diplomacy
pettifogging business
petty pedantries [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]
phantom show
philanthropic zeal
philosophical acuteness
phlegmatic temperament [phlegmatic = calm, sluggish; unemotional]
phosphorescent shimmer
photographic exactitude
physical convulsion
pictorial embellishments
picturesque details
piercing clearness
pinchbeck dignity [pinchbeck = cheap imitation]
pining melancholy
pioneering spirit
pious platitudes
piquant allusions [piquant = attracting or delighting]
pitiable frenzy
pitiless precision
pivotal point
placid stupidity
plainly expedient
plainspoken rebuke
plaintive cadence
plastic mind
plausible commonplaces
playful wit
pleasing reveries
pleasurable excitement
plenary argument
plentiful harvest
plighted word [plighted = promised by a solemn pledge]
poignant clearness
pointless tale
poisonous counsels
polished ease
polite indifference
political malcontent
polluting taints
pompous platitudes
ponderous research
pontifical manner
popular resentment
populous fertility
portentous gulf
positively deteriorating
posthumous glory
potential energy
powerful stimulant
practical helpfulness
precarious path
precautionary measure
precipitous flight
precise purpose
precocious wisdom
preconceived view
predatory writers
predestined spinster
predominant habit
pregnant hint
preliminary assumption
premature ripening
premonitory symptoms
preoccupied attention
prepossessing appearance
preposterous assertion
prescient reflection [prescient = perceiving the significance of events before they occur]
prescribed conditions
presiding genius
pressing necessity
pretended surprise
pretentious dignity
preternatural sagacity [preternatural = extraordinary] [sagacity = farsighted; wise]
pretty plaintiveness
prevailing misconception
priestly austerity
primal energy
prime factor [no integer factors; irreducible; 1,2,3,5,7,11...]
primeval silence
primordial conditions
princely courtesy
prismatic blush
pristine dignity
private contempt
privileged caste
prized possession
problematic age
prodigally lavished
prodigious variety
productive discipline
profane denunciation
professedly imitated
professional garrulity [garrulity = excessive talkativeness]
proffered service
profitable adventure
profligate expenditure
profound conviction
profuse generosity
projected visit
prolegomenous babbler [prolegomenous = preliminary discussion]
prolific outpouring
prolix narrative [prolix = wordy]
prolonged happiness
promiscuous multitude
promising scions [scions = descendants]
prompt courage
propagandist literature
propelling impulse
proper punctilio [punctilio = fine point of etiquette]
prophetic vision
propitious moment [propitious = auspicious, favorable]
proportionately vigilant
proprietary sense
prosaic excellence [prosaic = dull and lacking excitement]
prospective success
prosperity revival
prostrate servility
protoplasmic ancestors
protracted agony
proud destiny
proverbial situation
provincial prejudice
provoked hostility
prudential wisdom
prurient desire
prying criticism
psychic processes
public derision
puerile fickleness [puerile = immature; childish]
pugnacious defiance
pulsating life
punctilious care [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]
pungent epigram
puny dimensions
purblind brutality [purblind = partly blind; slow to understanding]
pure coincidence
purgatorial fires
puritanical primness
purplish shadows
purposed attempt
purposeful drama
pursuing fancies
pusillanimous desertion [pusillanimous = cowardly]
pyrotechnic outburst
quailing culprit
quaint peculiarities
qualifying service
quavering voice
queer tolerance
quenchless despair
querulous disposition [querulous = habitually complaining]
questionable data
questioning gaze
quibbling speech
quick sensibility
quiescent melancholy
quiet cynicism
quivering excitement
quixotic impulse
quizzical expression
quondam foe [quondam = former]
racial prejudice
racy humor
radiant happiness
radical distinction
raging billows
rambling looseness
rampant wickedness
rancorous animosities
random preconceptions
rank luxuriance
ranting optimism
rapacious speculation [rapacious = taking by force; plundering]
rapid transitions
rapturous adoration
rare endowment
rarefied humor
rashly overrated
rational discourse
ravenous eagerness
ravishing spectacle
raw composition
reactionary movement
ready sympathy
realistic portrayal
reanimating ideas
reasonably probable
rebellious thought
reciprocal influence
reckless lavishness
recognized authority
recondite description [recondite = not easily understood; abstruse]
reconstructive era
recovered composure
recumbent figure
recurring doubt
reddening dawn
redoubled activity
refining influence
reflective habits
refractory temper
refreshing novelty
regal countenance
regretful melancholy
regular recurrence
relatively mild
relaxed discipline
relentless justice
religious scruples
reluctant tolerance
remarkable sagacity [sagacity = wisdom]
remedial measure
remorseless logic
remote epoch
renowned achievement
repeated falsification
repelling vices
repentant sense
reprehensible action
repressed ardor
reproachful misgiving
repulsive spectacle
reputed disposition
requisite expertness
resentful flame
resilient spirit
resistless might
resolute daring
resonant gaiety
resounding blare
resourceful wickedness
respectful condescension
resplendent brightness
responsive throb
restless inquisitiveness
restorative influence
restricted meaning
resultant limitation
retaliating blows
retarding influence
retreating footsteps
revengeful scowl
reverent enthusiasm
revolting cynicism
revolutionary tradition
rhapsodical eulogy
rhetorical amplification
rhythmical movements
richly emblazoned
righteous indignation
rightful distinction
rigid propriety
rigorous reservation
riotous clamor
ripe reflection
rising misgivings
riveted attention
robust sense
rollicking mirth
romantic solitudes
rooted habits
roseate tints
rough brutality
roundabout approach
rousing chorus
royal exultations
rubicund tinge [rubicund = healthy rosiness]
rude awakening
rudimentary effort
rueful conclusion
ruffled feelings
rugged austerity
ruling motive
rumbling hoarseness
ruminating mood
rural imagery
rustic simplicity
rustling forest
ruthless commercialism
sacerdotal preeminence [sacerdotal = priestly]
sacred tenderness
sacrilegious violence
sacrosanct fetish
sadly disconcerted
sagacious mind [sagacious = keen discernment, sound judgment]
sage reflections
saintly serenity
salient feature
salutary amusement
sanctimonious hypocrite [sanctimonious = feigning piety]
sane observer
sanguinary measures [sanguinary = eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty]
sanguine expectations [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
sarcastic incredulity
sardonic taciturnity [sardonic = cynically mocking] [taciturnity = habitually untalkative]
satirical critic
satisfying equipoise [equipoise = equilibrium]
savage satirist
scalding jests
scandalous falsehood
scant recognition
scathing satire
scattered distractions
scholarly attainments
scientific curiosity
scintillating wit
scoffing defiance
scorching criticism
scornful negligence
scriptural exegesis [exegesis = Critical explanation or analysis]
scrubby foreland
scrupulous fidelity
sculptured sphinx
scurrilous blustering [scurrilous = foul-mouthed]
searching eye
secluded byways
secret dismay
sectarian sternness
secure anchorage
sedentary occupation
seditious speaking [seditious = arousing to action or rebellion]
seductive whisperings
sedulously fostered [sedulously = persevering]
seeming artlessness
seething hate
selective instinct
self-conscious activity
self-deprecating irony
selfish vindictiveness
selfsame strain
senile sensualist
senseless gibberish
sensibly abated
sensitively courteous
sensuous music
sententious wisdom [sententious = terse and energetic; pithy]
sentimental twaddle
sepulchral quiet
sequestered nook
seraphic promiscuousness
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