Fiesco | Page 8

Friedrich von Schiller
come the conspirators, villains that deal in poison, and bravoes that rush upon their victims from some secret covert. Cowards they often are, but yet fellows that sell their souls to the devil as the fees of their apprenticeship. The hand of justice binds their limbs to the rack or plants their cunning heads on spikes--this is the third class.
FIESCO. But tell me! When comes thy own?
MOOR. Patience, my lord--that is the very point I'm coming to--I have already passed through all the stages that I mentioned: my genius soon soared above their limits. 'Twas but last night I performed my masterpiece in the third; this evening I attempted the fourth, and proved myself a bungler.
FIESCO. And how do you describe that class?
MOOR (with energy). They are men who seek their prey within four walls, cutting their way through every danger. They strike at once, and, by their first salute, save him whom they approach the trouble of returning thanks for a second. Between ourselves they are called the express couriers of hell: and when Beelzebub is hungry they want but a wink, and he gets his mutton warm.
FIESCO. Thou art an hardened villain--such a tool I want. Give me thy hand--thou shalt serve me.
MOOR. Jest or earnest?
FIESCO. In full earnest--and I'll pay thee yearly a 'thousand sequins.
MOOR. Done, Lavagna! I am yours. Away with common business--employ me in whate'er you will. I'll be your setter or your bloodhound--your fox, your viper--your pimp, or executioner. I'm prepared for all commissions --except honest ones; in those I am as stupid as a block.
FIESCO. Fear not! I would not set the wolf to guard the lamb. Go thou through Genoa to-morrow and sound the temper of the people. Narrowly inquire what they think of the government, and of the house of Doria-- what of me, my debaucheries, and romantic passion. Flood their brains with wine, until the sentiments of the heart flow over. Here's money-- lavish it among the manufacturers----
MOOR. Sir!
FIESCO. Be not afraid--no honesty is in the case. Go, collect what help thou canst. To-morrow I will hear thy report.
MOOR (following). Rely on me. It is now four o'clock in the morning, by eight to-morrow you shall hear as much news as twice seventy spies can furnish.

SCENE X.--An apartment in the house of VERRINA.
BERTHA on a couch, supporting her head on her hand--
VERRINA enters with a look of dejection.
BERTHA (starts up frightened). Heavens! He is here!
VERRINA (stops, looking at her with surprise). My daughter affrighted at her father!
BERTHA. Fly! fly! or let me fly! Father, your sight is dreadful to me!
VERRINA. Dreadful to my child!--my only child!
BERTHA (looking at him mournfully). Oh! you must seek another. I am no more your daughter.
VERRINA. What, does my tenderness distress you?
BERTHA. It weighs me down to the earth.
VERRINA. How, my daughter! do you receive me thus? Formerly, when I came home, my heart o'erburdened with sorrows, my Bertha came running towards me, and chased them away with her smiles. Come, embrace me, my daughter! Reclined upon thy glowing bosom, my heart, when chilled by the sufferings of my country, shall grow warm again. Oh, my child! this day I have closed my account with the joys of this world, and thou alone (sighing heavily) remainest to me.
BERTHA (casting a long and earnest look at him). Wretched father!
VERRINA (eagerly embracing her). Bertha! my only child! Bertha! my last remaining hope! The liberty of Genoa is lost--Fiesco is lost--and thou (pressing her more strongly, with a look of despair) mayest be dishonored!
BERTHA (tearing herself from him). Great God! You know, then----
VERRINA (trembling). What?
BERTHA. My virgin honor----
VERRINA (raging). What?
BERTHA. Last night----
VERRINA (furiously.) Speak! What!
BERTHA. Force. (Sinks down upon the side of the sofa.)
VERRINA (after a long pause, with a hollow voice). One word more, my daughter--thy last! Who was it?
BERTHA. Alas, what an angry deathlike paleness! Great God, support me! How his words falter! His whole frame trembles!
VERRINA. I cannot comprehend it. Tell me, my daughter--who?
BERTHA. Compose yourself, my best, my dearest father!
VERRINA (ready to faint). For God's sake--who?
BERTHA. A mask----
VERRINA (steps back, thoughtfully). No! That cannot be!--the thought is idle--(smiling to himself ). What a fool am I to think that all the poison of my life can flow but from one source! (Firmly addressing himself to BERTHA.) What was his stature, less than mine or taller?
BERTHA. Taller.
VERRINA (eagerly). His hair? Black, and curled?
BERTHA. As black as jet and curled?
VERRINA (retiring from her in great emotion). O God! my brain! my brain! His voice?
BERTHA. Was deep and harsh.
VERRINA (impetuously). What color was--No! I'll hear no more! 'His cloak! What color?
BERTHA. I think his cloak was green.
VERRINA (covering his face with his hands, falls on the couch). No more. This can be nothing but a dream!
BERTHA (wringing her hands). Merciful heaven! Is this my father?
VERRINA (after a
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