Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines | Page 4

Henry Vizetelly

accomplished in a Melodramatic-looking Cave-- M. Duvau's
Vineyard-- His Sparkling Saumur of Various Ages-- Marked
Superiority of the more Matured Samples-- M. Alfred Ronsteaux's
Establishments at Saint-Florent and Saint-Cyr-- His convenient Celliers

and extensive Cellars-- Mingling of Wine from the Champagne with
the finer Sparkling Saumur-- His Vineyard at La Perrière-- M. E.
Normandin's Sparkling Sauternes Manufactory at Châteauneuf--
Angoulême and its Ancient Fortifications-- Vin de Colombar-- M.
Normandin's Sparkling Sauternes Cuvée-- His Cellars near
Châteauneuf-- High recognition accorded to the Wine at the Concours
Régional d'Angoulême 139
Sparkling Wines of the Côte d'Or at the Paris Exhibition-- Chambertin,
Romanée, and Vougeot-- Burgundy Wines and Vines formerly the
Presents of Princes-- Vintaging Sparkling Burgundies-- Their
After-Treatment in the Cellars-- Excess of Breakage-- Similarity of
Proceeding to that followed in the Champagne-- Principal
Manufacturers of Sparkling Burgundies-- Sparkling Wines of Tonnerre,
the birthplace of the Chevalier d'Eon-- The Vin d'Arbanne of
Bar-sur-Aube-- Death there of the Bastard de Bourbon-- Madame de la
Motto's Ostentatious Display and Arrest there-- Sparkling Wines of the
Beaujolais-- The Mont-Bronilly Vineyards-- Ancient Reputation of the
Wines of the Jura-- The Vin Jaune of Arbois beloved of Henri Quatre--
Rhymes by him in its Honour-- Lons-le-Saulnier-- Vineyards yielding
the Sparkling Jura Wines-- Their Vintaging and Subsequent
Treatment-- Their High Alcoholic Strength and General Drawbacks
Sparkling Wines of Auvergne, Guienne, Dauphiné, and Languedoc--
Sparkling Saint-Péray the Champagne of the South-- Valence with its
Reminiscences of Pius VI. and Napoleon I.-- The "Horns of Crussol"
on the Banks of the Rhône-- Vintage Scene at Saint-Péray-- The Vines
and Vineyards Producing Sparkling Wine-- Manipulation of Sparkling
Saint-Péray-- Its Abundance of Natural Sugar-- The Cellars of M. de
Saint-Prix and Samples of his Wines-- Sparkling Côte-Rotie,
Château-Grillé, and Hermitage-- Annual Production and Principal
Markets of Sparkling Saint-Péray-- Clairette de Die-- The Porte Rouge

of Die Cathedral-- How the Die Wine is Made-- The Sparkling White
and Rose-Coloured Muscatels of Die-- Sparkling Wines of Vercheny
and Lagrasse-- Barnave and the Royal Flight to Varennes-- Narbonne
formerly a Miniature Rome, now Noted merely for its Wine and
Honey-- Fête of the Black Virgin at Limoux-- Preference given to the
New Wine over the Miraculous Water-- Blanquette of Limoux and
How it is Made-- Characteristics of this Overrated Wine 165
Origin of Sparkling Hock and Moselle-- Sparkling German Wines First
Made on the Neckar-- Heilbronn, and Götz von Berlichingen of the
Iron Hand-- Lauteren of Mayence and Rambs of Trèves turn their
attention to Sparkling Wines-- Change of late years in the Character of
Sparkling Hocks and Moselles-- Difference between them and
Moussirender Rheinwein-- Vintaging of Black and White Grapes for
Sparkling Wine-- The Treatment which German Sparkling Wines
Undergo-- Artificial Flavouring and Perfuming of Sparkling Moselles--
Fine Natural Bouquet of High-Class Sparkling Hocks-- Impetus given
to the Manufacture of German Sparkling Wines during the
Franco-German War-- Annual Production-- Deinhard and Co.'s
Splendid New Cellars at Coblenz-- The Firm's Collection of Choice
Rhine and Moselle Wines-- Their Trade in German Sparkling Wines--
Their Sources of Supply-- The Vintaging and After-Treatment of their
Wines-- Characteristics of their Sparkling Hocks and Moselles 172
From Coblenz to Rüdesheim-- Ewald and Co.'s Establishment and its
Pleasant Situation-- Their Fine Vaulted Cellars and Convenient
Accessories-- Their Supplies of Wine drawn from the most favoured
Localities-- The Celebrated Vineyards of the Rheingau-- Eltville and
the extensive Establishment of Matheus Müller-- His Vast Stocks of
Still and Sparkling German Wines-- The Vineyards laid under
contribution for the latter-- M. Müller's Sparkling Johannisberger,
Champagne, and Red Sparkling Assmannshauser-- The Site of
Gutenberg's Birthplace at Mayence occupied by the Offices and
Wine-cellars of Lauteren Sohn-- The Sparkling Wine Establishment of

the Firm and their Fine Collection of Hocks and Moselles-- The
Hochheim Sparkling Wine Association-- Foundation of the
Establishment-- Its Superior Sparkling Hocks and Moselles-- The
Sparkling Wine Establishments of Stock and Sons at Creuznach in the
Nahe Valley, of Kessler and Co. at Esslingen, on the Neckar, and of M.
Oppmann at Würzburg-- The Historic Cellars of the King of Bavaria
beneath the Residenz-- The Establishment of F. A. Siligmüller 183
Sparkling Voslauer-- The Sparkling Wine Manufactories of Graz--
Establishment of Kleinoscheg Brothers-- Vintaging and Treatment of
Styrian Champagnes-- Sparkling Red, Rose, and White Wines of
Hungary-- The Establishment of Hubert and Habermann at Pressburg--
Sparkling Wines of Croatia, Galicia, Bohemia, Moravia, Dalmatia, the
Tyrol, Transylvania, and the Banat-- Neuchâtel Champagne-- Sparkling
Wine Factories at Vevay and Sion-- The Vevay Vineyards--
Establishment of De Riedmatten and De Quay-- Sparkling Muscatel,
Malmsey, Brachetto, Castagnolo, and Lacryma Christi of Italy--
Sparkling Wines of Spain, Greece, Algeria, and Russia-- The
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