the mediastinal, the scapular, and the ulnar veins in Orthoptera.
Areae or Areolae: wing cells or spaces between veins.
Arenicolous: applied to species frequenting sandy areas.
Arenose: a surface that is sandy or gritty.
Areola: a small cell on the wings of certain Hemiptera: see also areae Hymenoptera; the central of three median areas on the metanotum: = 2d median area; upper median area.
Areolate: with small defined areas, like a network.
Areole: Lepidoptera; see accessory cell, cell and cellule.
Areolet: one of the small spaces between veins of net-veined insects.
Argentate: shining, silvery white.
Argenteous: silvery.
Argillaceous: of the texture, appearance or color of clay.
Arid: Applied to regions in which the normal rainfall is insufficient to produce ordinary farm crops without irrigation, and in which desert conditions prevail: see humid.
Arid transition area: comprises the western part of the Dakotas, northern Montana east of the Rockies, southern Assiniboia, small areas in southern Manitoba and Alberta, the higher parts of the Great Basin and the plateau region generally, the eastern base of Cascade Sierras and local areas in Oregon and California.
Arista: a specialized bristle or process on antennae of certain Diptera.
Aristate: Diptera; that type of antennae that bears an arista: = athericerous.
Aristiform: of the form or appearance of an arista.
Armature: applied to the spinous or chitinous processes on the legs, body or wings; or the corneous parts of genitalic structures.
Armatus: set with spines, claws or other chitinous processes.
Armillate: with a ring or annulus of raised or different tissue.
Arolium -ia: cushion-like pads on the tarsi of many insects: one of the lobes of the pulvillus; in Orthoptera, used only for the terminal pad between the claws: see empodium; pulvillus; palmula; plantula; onychium, paronychium, pseudonychium.
Arquate: see arcuate.
Arrhenotokous: capable of producing male offspring only, as in worker bees and some saw-flies.
Arrhenotoky: parthenogenetic reproduction when the progeny are all males: see thelyotoky and deuterotoky.
Arthrium: Coleoptera; the minute, concealed tarsal joint in pseudotetramera and trimera.
Arthroderm: the outer skin or covering of articulates.
Arthrodial: an articulation that permits motion in any direction.
Arthromere: a body segment or ring: = somite.
Arthropleure: the side piece of an arthromere.
Arthropods: all those articulates having jointed legs.
Article: a joint or segment.
Articular pan: the cup or dish-like depression forming the socket into which an articulation is fitted.
Articulate: that branch of the animal kingdom whose members are made up of rings, segments or articulations.
Articulate: divided into joints or segments.
Articulated apex: see clasp filament.
Articulation: the point or place where two parts or segments are joined: also applied to an individual joint or segment.
Articulatory epideme: the partly chitinized membrane by which the wings are attached to the thorax.
Artus: the organs of locomotion generally.
Asexual: applied where the reproductive organs are incompletely developed and eggs or young are produced by cell-budding: = parthenogenetic.
Ash-gray: a mixture of black and white, with a faint orange tinge: like ashes of anthracite coal.
Aspect: indicates the direction to which a surface faces or in which it is viewed; it may be dorsal, ventral, caudal, cephalic or lateral.
Asperities: surface roughenings or dot-like elevations.
Aspersus: rugged, with distinct elevated dots.
Assembling: gathering together; applied when a virgin female is exposed to attract such males as may be near, either to secure a pairing or merely to obtain specimens; also called sembling.
Assurgent: down-curved at base, then upcurved to an erect position.
Asymmetrical: not alike on the two sides; not symmetrical.
Asymmetry: a state of unlikeness in lateral development; absence of symmetry in form or in the development of members.
Ater: deep black; not shining.
Aterimus: the deepest black.
Athericerous: see aristate.
Atom -us: a minute dot or point.
Atomarius: with minute dots or points.
Atrachelia: Coleoptera in which there is no visible constriction between head and prothorax: Rhynchophora and some Heteromera.
Atrium: a chamber just within the spiracle and before the occluding structure to the trachea.
Atrocoeruleus: very deep, blackish, sky-blue.
Atrophied: wasted away; unfit for use.
Atropurpureus: dark purplish, nearly black [an admixture of mauve and black].
Atrous: jet black.
Atrovelutinus: velvety black.
Atrovirens: dark green, approaching blackish [prussian green].
Attenuated: drawn out; slender; tapering.
Attingent: touching.
Atus: suffix; denotes possession of a quality or structure.
Atypic -ical: off type; not of the usual form.
Auchenorhynchus: with the beak issuing from the inferior portion of head, as in Homoptera.
Auditory: relating to the sense of hearing.
Auditory organs: Orthoptera; specialized structures covered by a tense membrane, on the anterior tibia or base of abdomen; any structure that functions as an ear.
Aurantiacus: orange colored; a mixture of yellow and red [chrome orange].
Aurate: with ears or ear-like expansions: also = auratus.
Auratus: golden yellow [pale cadmium yellow].
Aurelia: = chrysalis or pupa; specifically of butterflies.
Aurelian: a lepidopterist.
Aureolate: with a diffused colored ring.
Aureole: a ring of color which is usually diffuse outwardly.
Aureous -eus: gold-colored.
Aurichalceous: brassy yellow.
Auricle -cula: an appendage resembling a little ear; in Odonata the tumescent area at the sides of the second abdominal segment: in Andrenidae, a short membranous process placed laterally on the ligula.
Auricular: applied to the space or cavity surrounding the dorsal vessel.
Auriculate: with an ear-like appendage or, in antennae, with the
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