Exiled for the Faith | Page 8

W.H.G. Kingston

It was evening, and a number of people were thronging that pleasant
meadow on the banks of the Seine, the Hyde Park of that period. A
party of young men coming by struck up one of the hymns of Marot, a
translation of one of the psalms of David, written some years before by
the Protestant poet. Others joined in, and evidently sang them heartily;
several other parties, as they passed along, were indulging in the same
"How is it, after what you have told me, that the people venture to sing
these hymns?" asked Nigel. "I know them well, for they have already
been introduced into our Protestant congregations in Scotland."
"They became the favourites of the king and court before they had the
significance they now possess," answered the steward; "and it is only
thus that many who hate the papal system can give expression to their
sentiments. Before long, however, I fear that they will be prohibited, or
those who sing them will be marked as suspected. Alas, alas! our lovely
France will be deprived of all freedom of thought, opinion, and action."

The worthy Maitre Leroux seemed greatly out of spirits as they took
their way back to the inn. They parted at the door, for Nigel felt no
inclination to go forth again, and the steward had business, he said, to
attend to. He promised to call for Nigel at an early hour the next
morning to set out for Meaux, undertaking to direct Jacques Cochut to
have his horses in readiness.
Maitre Leroux did not call at as early an hour as Nigel expected. His
own horse and attendant had been at the door for some time before the
steward made his appearance. He had an ample apology to offer,
having been employed in an important matter till late at night.
"Come," he said, "we will make up for it. The lateness of the hour
matters not, for, with your permission, we will halt on the road, so as to
arrive early at the chateau to-morrow." They set out, followed by their
two attendants. After leaving the gates of Paris they continued some
distance along the banks of the Marne. The road was rough in places,
and often deep in dust; full of holes and ruts in others, which made it
necessary for the riders to hold a tight rein on their steeds, and
prevented them generally from going out of a walk.
Maitre Leroux carried a brace of huge pistols in his holsters, while
Nigel had a sword and a light arquebus, both their attendants being also
armed; so that they were well able to defend themselves against any
small party of marauders such as infested the roads in the
neighbourhood of the capital.
"We must make but a short stage to-day," said Maitre Leroux. "In truth,
I am unwilling to travel late in the evening, and prefer stopping at the
house of a friend to taking up our quarters at an inn where we might
meet with undesirable companions."
"But I shall be intruding on your friend," said Nigel.

"Pardon me; you will, on the contrary, be heartily welcomed. I am very
sure of your principles, and they agree with those of our host and his
family, so you need not be under the restraint which would be
necessary were we to sleep at a public inn."
These arguments at once overcame any scruples Nigel might have felt
at going to a stranger's house uninvited.
It yet wanted a couple of hours to sunset when they reached a
good-sized mansion, though not possessing the pretensions of a
nobleman's chateau. The owner, a man advanced in life, of gentlemanly
refined manner, received Maitre Leroux in a friendly way, and on
hearing from him who Nigel was, welcomed him cordially. Nigel was
conducted into a saloon, where he was introduced to his host's wife and
daughters and several other members of the family. Supper was quickly
prepared, and Nigel found himself at once at home.
As soon as the meal was over several other persons came in, some
apparently of the same rank as the host, and others of an inferior order,
but all staid and serious in their demeanour. The doors and windows
were then carefully closed, and Nigel observed that two of the party
went out armed with swords and pistols, apparently to watch the
approach to the house.
A large Bible was now produced, and several of the party drew forth
smaller editions from beneath their garments. The host then offered up
a prayer, and opening the Bible, read a portion, commenting as he
proceeded. A hymn was then sung and more of the Scriptures read,
after which the host delivered an address full of
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