Evening Round Up | Page 4

William Crosbie Hunter
on to our purpose with smiles on our faces, courage in our hearts, and song on our lips.
Every moment of our journey shall be worth while and positively helpful if we take the trip with conscientious applications, and continuity of purpose.
Our path is strewn with roses and thorns; we must enjoy the roses and escape the thorns.
We welcome you, the neophyte, who has joined us in our pilgrimage.

Are YOU Pleasant to Live With?
Let's be personal; that's a good way to establish a good idea in place of a bad one.
Are YOU pleasant to live with? Keep this personal question before you, even if you are cocksure that you can answer, yes.
Maybe there are some little jars, rattles, gratings, you are not aware of. Few of us are honest when looking for our own faults. There may be some sand in your gear box. It won't hurt you to keep the personal question alive for a few days,--"Am I pleasant to live with?"
I love the pleasant people whether they are fat, lean, tall, short, red heads, brown heads, homely, handsome, republicans or democrats.
The complaining, unpleasant grouch is like a bear with a toothache, miserable himself and spreading misery all around.
A freckle-faced, red-headed, cross-eyed man with a healthy funny bone will spread more cheerfulness and sunshine than a bench full of sad and solemn justices of the supreme court, or a religious conference.
What a different story would be written of Job, if he had only possessed a servant who could dance a double shuffle and whistle "Dixie" while cooking breakfast.
David was a man after my own heart; he brought gladsome songs into the world. He, said "Live the ways of pleasantness."
You can pray, sing, play, work, think, rest, hope, you can be well or ill, rich or poor and still be pleasant to live with.
Being pleasant helps you to be strong in body and mind, and it keeps you young a long time. It's good medicine, I know it. My little motto, "Be pleasant every morning until ten o'clock, the rest of the day will take care of itself," has brought sunshine into many homes.
If you frown it will soon get to be a habit--and give you a heavy heart. If you smile your face will be attractive, no matter how unlucky you were in the lottery of beauty.
Be pleasant and you will never feel old.
Every girl wants to catch a husband. Remember this, girls: A pleasant disposition is more benefit than seven barrels of beauty cream.
The pleasant disposition is a sure route to happy land and happy homes.
Old Ponce de Leon lost out in searching for the fountain of youth. If he had been pleasant he would have kept the smiles on his wife's face and there would have been no excuse to leave her to find the mythical fountain.
Hoe cake, bacon and smiles beat lobster, champagne and frowns.
Our land is thrice blessed with its peaceful, happy homes--for "happy homes are the strength of a nation."
Be pleasant in your home, make the children feel home is the pleasantest place in the world.
Every act and example is written in the child's memory tablet. Let your hours with the children be loving, laughing, living hours.
Pat them on the head, joke with them, whisper affection, express love to them. Those acts will be remembered in all their years to come, for you are planting everlasting plants that may pass onto a hundred generations and make children happy a thousand years from now.
Be pleasant to live with and the people will turn to you as you pass and shine your cheerfulness like the sunflowers turn to face the sun.
Be pleasant to live with and you will have more pleasant things to live for, and there will be kindnesses, kisses, beauty, health, peace, fun, happiness and content coming your way all along the great big road of life you are traveling.
Be pleasant, don't be cross and crabbed because someone else in the household is not pleasant. Do your part; you will likely thereby cure the frown habit on the face of the unfortunate disturber of your peace.
Make yourself right before you criticize your life partner. Answer this question, "Am I pleasant to live with?"
Don't fool yourself in the matter. Get right down to brass tacks with yourself, watch your moves and acts and attitude for ten days carefully before answering the question.
If your answer is no, then now is your time to change your attitude and try the pleasant plan, and here is my blessing and good wishes in such an event.

Dealing With Actual Conditions You Are Facing
I have been fortunate in having splendid eye-sight and hearing, and with these, a good memory.
I've traveled much and my education has been getting experience directly or learning experience directly from those who had experience.
All the while I've
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