Esther | Page 3

Jean Baptiste Racine
the noble character of the queen, is as touching as it is lofty. The poet found it entirely in the Bible, which should be read side by side with the play from beginning to end. Several inspirations, notably that of the beautiful prayer in the first act, are drawn from the "Rest of the Book of Esther," i.e., those chapters which being found only in the Greek, and neither in the Hebrew nor in the Chaldee MSS., are relegated to the Apocrypha.
Racine follows the theory of the Abb�� de Saci, and takes the Ahasuerus of Scripture to be the Darius of secular history. Modern criticism, however, inclines to see in him neither Darius, nor, as has been proposed on the authority of the "Rest of the Book of Esther" (xii. 2), Artaxerxes Longimanus, but Xerxes, the immediate successor of Darius.
The idea of a Chorus is borrowed from the Greeks, as Racine expressly declared in his preface. In this play, as in Greek tragedy, the Chorus comments upon the action as it unfolds itself, and the great interests at stake lift the poet to lofty heights of lyrical inspiration. The lyrics of the chorus, far from being a relapse into the pernicious practice, prevalent before the time of Corneille, of providing such passages for the mere display of the actor's ability, are pure chants and hymns, like the Cantiques Spirituels which Racine composed subsequently in detached form, and are a highly appropriate ornament to religious plays such as Esther and Athalie.
Of the form into which the poet has cast his materials, it is impossible to speak too highly. It is adequate praise to say that the language, in its perfect simplicity and exquisite beauty, is in keeping with the elevation of the thought, which is that of the Scriptures themselves. Nor should the constructive skill be unnoticed with which the dramatist has filled in the characters sketched by the Bible; the humility and grace of Esther's account of her own triumph (ll. 31-80), the art with which Haman betrays his cruel nature by the very offer of services he makes to the queen (ll. 1151-4), the adroitness of the court he pays to the king (ll. 593-7), and his readiness of resource in adversity (ll. 1142-67).
The subjoined chronological table will enable the student to follow the events referred to in the play.
B. C. 718 Shalmaneser takes the kingdom of Israel captive. 606 Nebuchadnezzar takes the kingdom of Juda captive. 606-536 Captivity of the Jews under the Assyrians. 587 Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem and destroys the temple. 536 Cyrus, King of Persia, conquers Balthasar, King of Babylon, and suffers the Jews to return to their own country. 529-522 Cambyses II. reigns over Persia. 522-521 Pseudo-Smerdis " " 521-485 Darius " " 485-465 Xerxes " " 465-425 Artaxerxes Longimanus "
[1]These words recur most frequently in her later correspondence with St. Cyr.

Du s��jour bienheureux de la Divinit�� Je descends dans ce lieu, par la Grace habit��. L'Innocence s'y pla?t, ma compagne ��ternelle, Et n'a point sous les cieux d'asile plus fid��le. Ici, loin du tumulte, aux devoirs les plus saints 5 Tout un peuple naissant est form�� par mes mains. Je nourris dans son coeur la semence f��conde Des vertus dont il doit sanctifier le monde. Un roi qui me prot��ge, un roi victorieux, A commis �� mes soins ce d��p?t pr��cieux. 10 C'est lui qui rassembla ces colombes timides, ��parses en cent lieux, sans secours et sans guides. Pour elles �� sa porte ��levant ce palais, Il leur y fit trouver l'abondance et la paix.
Grand Dieu, que cet ouvrage ait place en ta m��moire. 15 Que tous les soins qu'il prend pour soutenir la gloire Soient grav��s de ta main au livre o�� sont ��crits Les noms pr��destin��s des rois que tu ch��ris. Tu m'��coutes. Ma voix ne t'est point ��trang��re. Je suis la Pi��t��, cette fille si ch��re, 20 Qui t'offre de ce roi les plus tendres soupirs. Du feu de ton amour j'allume ses desirs. Du z��le qui pour toi l'enflamme et le d��vore La chaleur se r��pand du couchant �� l'aurore. Tu le vois tous les jours, devant toi prostern��, 25 Humilier ce front de splendeur couronn��, Et confondant l'orgueil par d'augustes exemples, Baiser avec respect le pav�� de tes temples. De ta gloire anim��, lui seul de tant de rois S'arme pour ta querelle, et combat pour tes droits. 30 Le perfide int��r��t, l'aveugle jalousie S'unissent centre toi pour l'affreuse h��r��sie; La discorde en fureur fr��mit de toutes parts; Tout semble abandonner tes sacr��s etendards, Et l'enfer, couvrant tout de ses vapeurs fun��bres, 35 Sur les yeux les plus saints a jet�� ses t��n��bres. Lui seul, invariable et fond�� sur la foi, Ne cherche, ne regarde et n'��coute que toi; Et bravant du demon l'impuissant artifice, De la religion
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