their food and propagation, and, if I recollect aright, it stated
that he had ascertained that the eggs remained several months in the
gravel, and that then, in a few days or weeks after, they (i.e. the fish
hatched from them) were so much grown as to go down to the sea; but
none of the data which enabled him to arrive at this conclusion were
given, and since then I have heard nothing about the matter. As it is so
long since I read this article, I may have quoted it incorrectly, but I
believe its substance was what I have stated.
The only conclusive evidence I can find about the hatching of Salmon
fry is that of Mr. George Hogarth (second Parl. Report, p. 92), and his
account agrees with my own: he states that he took Salmon spawn from
the spawning beds, and by keeping it freely supplied with fresh water,
he succeeded in hatching some of the eggs; he gives drawings of the
appearance of the fry in three or four different stages, from the egg to
the age of eight days (see Appendix to second Parl. Report), that the
young fry, by keeping them well supplied with fresh water, were very
lively and vigorous for three weeks, but that they after this time
appeared to grow languid and uneasy, and as they would eat nothing
they died when one inch long. Unfortunately he does not state at what
time of the year they were hatched, but if this were in March or April,
which I see no reason to doubt, it is sufficient to prove that they would
not reach the size that Smolts are when they leave the river for the sea;
for supposing them to be hatched the last week in March, and that they
lived a month, this would bring us to the time when they are about to
migrate, at which time they average more than six inches long; many of
them are eight inches, and at this period they are fond of feeding upon
worms, flies, maggots, and caddis worms, as is known to every
schoolboy living on the banks of a river frequented by Salmon. It is
also my opinion that neither Salmon nor Trout spawn every year, [2]
for Salmon ascend the river as early as January, in the highest condition,
with roe in them no bigger than mustard seed: these could not have
spawned that season, as the Kelts, particularly the females, do not
return to the sea until March or April, [3] and at that time they are in
very bad condition, and do not appear to have a particle of spawn in
them; and in the evidence of Mr. Mackenzie (see Parl. Rep., p. 21), we
have an account of a Grilse Kelt which was caught and marked in
March, 1823, and was again caught as a Salmon on its return to the
river in March, 1824. In this case the fish had evidently required a
residence of twelve months in the sea before it was in a condition to
visit the river a second time, and in the Wharfe it is the constant
practice of the angler to catch Trout through the winter with very
minute roe in them, and in high condition with the worm and Salmon
roe, and also with night lines. In fact, one of the fishermen has
frequently remarked to me that he occasionally caught dishes of Trout
with the fly in January, and in finer condition, than he has found them
in April, which he accounted for by saying that the spawned fish (Kelts)
of that season had not begun to rise freely at the fly at the former period,
but they had at the latter, so that his pannier contained as many Kelts as
fresh fish. Another reason has just occurred to me: it is, that in January
the spawned fish will still be in the small brooks in which they are so
fond of breeding, and of course the bulk of the fish remaining in the
river at that time would be fish in good season.
As it is some years since I acquired this information, or at least a part of
it, I felt afraid of giving it incorrectly; and I therefore addressed a letter
to a friend living on the banks of the Wharfe, requesting him to send
me all the information in his possession on this subject, that derived
from his own observations, as well as that collected from others. He has
since the above was written sent me the following reply:--"I have seen
Robinson (one of the best anglers and fly makers between Cornwall
and Caithness), and have had some conversation with him on the
subject of Salmon, &c. He is of opinion that the

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