Ernest Maltravers

Edward Bulwer Lytton
Ernest Maltravers

The Project Gutenberg EBook Ernest Maltravers, by Bulwer-Lytton, Complete #77 in our series by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
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Title: Ernest Maltravers, Complete
Author: Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Release Date: March 2005 [EBook #7649] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first posted on March 11, 2004]
Edition: 10
Language: English
Character set encoding: ASCII


This eBook was produced by Dagny, [email protected] and David Widger, [email protected]


TO THE GREAT GERMAN PEOPLE, A race of thinkers and of critics; A foreign but familiar audience, Profound in judgment, candid in reproof, generous in appreciation, This work is dedicated By an English Author.

HOWEVER numerous the works of fiction with which, my dear Reader, I have trespassed on your attention, I leave published but three, of any account, in which the plot has been cast amidst the events, and coloured by the manner, of our own times. The first of these, /Pelham/, composed when I was little more than a boy, has the faults, and perhaps the merits, natural to a very early age,--when the novelty itself of life quickens the observation,--when we see distinctly, and represent vividly, what lies upon the surface of the world,--and when, half sympathising with the follies we satirise, there is a gusto in our paintings which atones for their exaggeration. As we grow older we observe less, we reflect more; and, like Frankenstein, we dissect in order to create.
The second novel of the present day,* which, after an interval of some years, I submitted to the world, was one I now, for the first time, acknowledge, and which (revised and corrected) will be included in this series, viz., /Godolphin/;--a work devoted to a particular portion of society, and the development of a peculiar class of character. The third, which I now reprint, is /Ernest Maltravers/,** the most mature, and, on the whole, the most comprehensive of all that I have hitherto written.
* For /The Disowned/ is cast in the time of our grandfathers, and /The Pilgrims of the Rhine/ had nothing to do with actual life, and is not, therefore, to be called a novel.
** At the date of this preface /Night and Morning/ had not appeared.
For the original idea, which, with humility, I will venture to call the philosophical design of a moral education or apprenticeship, I have left it easy to be seen that I am indebted to Goethe's /Wilhelm Meister/. But, in /Wilhelm Meister/, the apprenticeship is rather that of theoretical art. In the more homely plan that I set before myself, the apprenticeship is rather that of practical life. And, with this view, it has been especially my study to avoid all those attractions lawful in romance, or tales of pure humour or unbridled fancy, attractions that, in the language of reviewers, are styled under the head of "most striking descriptions," "scenes of extraordinary power," etc.; and are derived from violent contrasts and exaggerations pushed into caricature. It has been my aim to subdue and tone down the persons introduced, and the general agencies of the narrative, into the lights and shadows of life as it is. I do not mean by "life as it is," the vulgar and the outward life alone, but life in its spiritual and mystic as well as its more visible and fleshly characteristics. The idea of not only describing, but developing character under the ripening influences of time and circumstance, is not confined to the apprenticeship of Maltravers alone, but pervades the progress of Cesarini, Ferrers, and Alice Darvil.
The original conception of Alice is taken from real life--from a person I never saw but twice, and then she was no longer young--but whose history made on me a deep impression. Her early ignorance and home--her first love--the strange and affecting fidelity that she maintained, in spite of new ties--her final re-meeting, almost in middle-age, with one lost and adored almost in childhood--all this, as shown in
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