Eric, or, Little by Little | Page 7

Frederic William Farrar
but there was no answer. He
knocked again a little louder; still no notice; then, overdoing it in his
fright, he gave a very loud tap indeed.
"Come in," said a voice, which to the new boy sounded awful; but he
opened the door, and entered. As he came in every head was quickly

raised, he heard a whisper of "New fellow," and the crimson flooded
his face, as he felt himself the cynosure of some forty
intensely-inquisitive pairs of eyes.
He found himself in a high airy room, with three large windows
opening towards the sea. At one end was the master's throne, and facing
it, all down the room, were desks and benches, along which the boys
were sitting at work. Every one knows how very confusing it is to enter
a strange room full of strange people, and especially when you enter it
from a darker passage. Eric felt dazzled, and not seeing the regular
route to the master's desk, went towards it between two of the benches.
As these were at no great distance from each other, he stumbled against
several legs on his way, and felt pretty sure that they were put out on
purpose to trip him, especially by one boy, who, pretending to be much
hurt, drew up his leg, and began rubbing it, ejaculating sotto voce,
"awkward little fool."
In this very clumsy way he at last reached the desk, and presented his
missive. The master's eye was on him, but all Eric had time to observe
was, that he looked rather stern, and had in his hand a book which he
seemed to be studying with the deepest interest. He glanced first at the
note, and then looked full at the boy, as though determined to read his
character at a glance.
"Williams, I suppose?"
"Yes, Sir," said Eric, very low, still painfully conscious that all the boys
were looking at him, as well as the master.
"Very well, Williams, you are placed in the lowest form--the fourth. I
hope you will work well. At present they are learning their Cesar. Go
and sit next to that boy," pointing towards the lower end of the room;
"he will show you the lesson, and let you look over his book. Barker,
let Williams look over you!"
Eric went and sat down at the end of a bench by the boy indicated. He
was a rough-looking fellow, with a shock head of black hair, and a very
dogged look. Eric secretly thought that he wasn't a very nice-looking

specimen of Roslyn school. However, he sate by him, and glanced at
the Cesar which the boy shoved about a quarter of an inch in his
direction. But Barker didn't seem inclined to make any further advances,
and presently Eric asked in a whisper,
"What's the lesson?"
The boy glanced at him, but took no further notice.
Eric repeated, "I say, what's the lesson?"
Instead of answering, Barker stared at him, and grunted,
"What's your name?"
"Eric--I mean Williams."
"Then why don't you say what you mean?"
Eric moved his foot impatiently at this ungracious reception; but as he
seemed to have no redress, he pulled the Cesar nearer towards him.
"Drop that; 't isn't yours."
Mr. Gordon heard a whisper, and glanced that way. "Silence!" he said,
and Barker pretended to be deep in his work, while Eric, resigning
himself to his fate, looked about him.
He had plenty to occupy his attention in the faces round him. He
furtively examined Mr. Gordon, as he bent over his high desk, writing,
but couldn't make our the physiognomy. There had been something
reserved and imperious in the master's manner, yet he thought he
should not dislike him on the whole. With the countenances of his
future schoolfellows he was not altogether pleased, but there were one
or two which thoroughly attracted him. One boy, whose side face was
turned towards him as he sat on the bench in front, took his fancy
particularly, so, tired of doing nothing, he plucked up courage, and
leaning forward whispered, "Do lend me your Cesar for a few
minutes." The boy at once handed it to him with a pleasant smile, and

as the lesson was marked, Eric had time to hurry over a few sentences,
when Mr. Gordon's sonorous voice exclaimed,
"Fourth form, come up!"
Some twenty of the boys went up, and stood in a large semicircle round
the desk. Eric of course was placed last, and the lesson commenced.
"Russell, begin," said the master; and immediately the boy who had
handed Eric his Caesar, began reading a few sentences, and construed
them very creditably, only losing a place or two. He had a frank open
face, bright intelligent fearless eyes, and a very taking voice and
manner. Eric listened
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