= balzamo.?Balm-mint = meliso.?Balsam = balzamo.?Balustrade = balustrado.?Bamboo = bambuo.?Banana = banano.?Band (strap) = ligilo.?Band (gang, troop) = bando.?Bandage = bandagxi.?Bandit = malbonulo, rabulo.?Bane = pereigo.?Baneful = pereiga.?Banish (exile) = ekzili.?Banish (send away) = forpeli.?Bank (money) = banko.?Bank (river) = bordo.?Bank (sand) = sablajxo.?Bank (note) = banka bileto.?Banker = bankiero.?Bankrupt = bankroto.?Bankrupt, to become = bankroti.?Banner = flago, standardo.?Banns = edzigxanonco.?Banquet = festeno.?Banter = moki.?Baptism = bapto.?Baptize = bapti.?Bar = bari.?Barbarian = barbaro.?Barbarism = barbarismo.?Barber = barbiro.?Bard = bardo.?Bare = nuda.?Barefoot = nudpiede.?Bargain = marcxandi.?Barge = sxargxbarko.?Bark (ship) = barko.?Bark (of dog) = hundobleko, bojo.?Bark (of tree) = sxelo.?Bark (a tree) = sensxeligi.?Barley = hordeo.?Barm = fecxo.?Barn = garbejo.?Barometer = barometro.?Baron = barono.?Barrack = soldatejo.?Barrel = barelo.?Barrel-organ = gurdo.?Barren = senfrukta.?Barrenness = senfrukteco.?Barricade = barikado.?Barrier = barilo.?Barrister = advokato.?Barrow = pusxveturilo.?Barter = intersxangxi.?Barytone = baritono.?Basalt = bazalto.?Base = fundamento.?Base (mean) = malnobla.?Basely = perfide.?Baseless = senfundamenta.?Basement = subetagxo.?Baseness = perfideco.?Bashful = modesta.?Basin = pelvo.?Basis = fundamento.?Basket = korbo.?Bass (music) = baso.?Bastard = bastardo.?Baste = surversxi.?Bastion = bastiono.?Bat (animal) = vesperto.?Bath = banilo.?Bathe = bani sin.?Baths (place) = banejo.?Battalion = bataliono.?Battery (milit.) = baterio.?Battle = batalo.?Battle, fight a = batali.?Battledore = pilkraketo.?Bauble = bagatelo.?Bawl = kriegi.?Bay (geog.) = golfeto.?Bay (bark) = hundobleki, boji.?Bay, to keep at = repusxi.?Bayonet = bajoneto.?Bazaar = bazaro.?Be = esti.?Be, able to = povi.?Be, obliged to = devi.?Be, willing to = voli.?Beach = marbordo.?Beacon = lumturo.?Bead = globeto.?Beadle = pedelo.?Beak = beko.?Beam (timber) = trabo.?Beam (light) = radio.?Beam (of scales) = vekto.?Bean = fabo.?Bear (animal) = urso.?Bear, give birth to = naski.?Bear with = suferi.?Bearable = tolerebla.?Beard = barbo.?Beardless = senbarba.?Bearer = alportanto.?Beast (animal) = besto.?Beast (brute) = bruto.?Beastly = bruta.?Beat = bati.?Beat (with a rod) = vergi.?Beatitude = felicxegeco.?Beau = koketulo.?Beautiful = bela.?Beauty = beleco.?Bearer = kastoro.?Because = cxar, tial ke.?Beckon = signodoni.?Become = igxi, farigxi.?Becoming = konvena, deca.?Bed = lito.?Bed (horse) = pajlajxo.?Bed (garden) = bedo.?Bed (river) = kusxujo.?Bedding = litajxo.?Bedroom = dormocxambro.?Bedstead = kusxejo.?Bee = abelo.?Beehive = abelujo.?Beech-tree = fago.?Beef = bovajxo.?Beer = biero.?Beet (root) = beto.?Beetle = skarabo.?Befall = okazi.?Befitting = deca.?Before (prep.) = antaux.?Before (adv.) = antauxe.?Before (conj.) = antaux ol.?Beforehand = antauxe.?Beg (entreat) = peti.?Beg (alms) = almozon peti.?Beggar = almozulo.?Beggary = almozpeto.?Begin = ek, komenci.?Beginning (origin) = deveno.?Begone! = for de tie cxi!?Beguile (deceive) = trompi.?Beguile = amuzi.?Behalf = parto.?Behave = konduti.?Behaviour = konduto.?Behead = senkapigi.?Behind (prep.) = post.?Behind (adv.) = poste.?Behold = rigardi.?Beholder = rigardanto.?Behoof = profito.?Being = estajxo.?Belabour = bategi.?Belch = rukti.?Belfry = sonorilejo.?Belgian = Belgo.?Belgium = Belgujo.?Belie = kalumnii.?Belief = kredo.?Believe = kredi.?Bell = sonorilo.?Bell (door, etc.) = sonorileto.?Bell (ornament) = tintilo.?Bell ringer = sonorigisto.?Belladonna = beladono.?Belle = belulino.?Bellow = blekegi.?Bellows = blovilo.?Belly = ventro.?Belong = aparteni.?Below (adv.) = sube, malsupre.?Below (prep.) = sub.?Belt = zono.?Bench (seat) = benko.?Bench (work) = stablo.?Bench (of judges) = jugxistaro.?Bend = fleksi.?Beneath = sub.?Benediction = beno.?Benefactor = bonfaristo.?Beneficial = profita.?Benefit = profito.?Benevolence = bonfaro.?Bent = kurba.?Benumb = rigidigi.?Bequeath = testamenti.?Bequest = heredajxo.?Bereave (of) = senigi (je).?Berry = bero.?Berth (ship) = kusxejo.?Beseech = petegi.?Beset = cxirkauxi.?Beside = apud.?Besides = krom.?Besiege = siegxi.?Besot = bestigxi.?Besprinkle = sxprucigi sur.?Best (adj.) = la plej bona.?Best (adv.) = la plej bone.?Bestial = besta.?Bestir, one's self = sin movetadi, vigligxi.?Bestow = donaci.?Bet = veti.?Bet = veto.?Betimes = frue.?Betray = perfidi.?Betroth = fiancxigi.?Betrothing = fiancxigxo.?Better (adj.) = pli bona.?Better (adv.) = pli bone.?Between = inter.?Bevel = trancxi oblikve.?Beverage = trinkajxo.?Bewail = ploregi.?Bewilder = konfuzi.?Bewitch = ensorcxi.?Bewitchment = ensorcxo.?Beyond = preter.?Beyond (across) = trans.?Biassed = partia.?Bible = Biblio.?Biblical = Biblia.?Bicker = disputi.?Bicycle = biciklo.?Bid (good day, etc.) = diri.?Bid (at auction) = pliproponi.?Bid (order) = ordoni.?Bidding = invito.?Bide = atendi.?Bifurcation = disduigxo.?Big = granda.?Bigamy = bigamio.?Bigot = fanatikulo.?Bigotry = fanatikeco.?Bilberry = mirtelo.?Bile = galo.?Bilious = gala.?Bill (a/c) = kalkulo.?Bill (of exchange) = kambio.?Bill (beak) = beko.?Bill (posted up) = afisxo.?Bill-poster = afisxisto.?Billhook = brancxhakileto.?Billet (note) = letereto.?Billet (wood) = sxtipo.?Billiard-ball = globo.?Billiards = bilardo.?Billow = ondego.?Bin = grenkesto.?Bind = ligi.?Bind (books) = bindi.?Bind (together) = kunligi.?Bind (wounds) = bandagxi.?Bind-weed = liano.?Biography = biografio.?Biology = biologio.?Biped = dupiedulo.?Birch (tree) = betulo.?Bird = birdo.?Birth = naskigxo.?Birthday = naskotago.?Biscuit = biskvito.?Bisect = bisekcii.?Bishop = episkopo.?Bismuth = bismuto.?Bit (piece) = peco.?Bit (horse) = enbusxajxo.?Bite = mordi.?Bitter = akra--ema.?Bitters = vermuto.?Bitumen = terpecxo.?Bivouac = bivako.?Blab = babili.?Black = nigra.?Blackboard = nigra tabulo.?Black-currant = nigra ribo.?Black pudding = sangokolbaso.?Blackbird = merlo.?Blacken = nigrigi.?Blackguard = sentauxgulo.?Blacking = ciro.?Blackish = dubenigra.?Blacksmith = forgxisto.?Bladder = veziko.?Blade (grass) = trunketo.?Blade (knife) = trancxanto.?Blamable = mallauxdinda.?Blame = mallauxdi.?Blanch = paligxi.?Bland = afabla.?Blanket = lankovrilo.?Blaspheme = blasfemi.?Blast = blovego.?Blaze = flamegi.?Bleach = blankigi.?Bleat = bleki.?Bleed (trans.) = sangeltiri.?Bleed (intrans.) = sangadi.?Blemish = makulo.?Blend = miksi.?Bless = beni.?Blessing = beno--ado.?Blight = velkigi.?Blind = blinda.?Blind, window = rulkurteno.?Blindness = blindeco.?Blind-alley = senelirejo.?Bliss = felicxegeco.?Blister = veziko.?Blister (plaster) = vezikigilo.?Blithe = gaja.?Bloat = sxveli.?Block (pulley) = rulbloko.?Block (log) = sxtipo.?Blockade = blokado.?Blockhead = malsagxulo.?Blond = blonda.?Blood = sango.?Bloodshed = sangversxo--ado.?Bloodvessel = sangvejno.?Bloom = flori.?Blossom
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