divided leaves, and large showy poppy-like blossoms on stalks of from
6 to 9-in. high; the flowers are of various colours, but the principal are
scarlet, crimson, blue, purple and white. There are also double-flowered
varieties, in which the stamens in the centre are replaced by a tuft of
narrow petals. It is an old garden favourite, and of the double forms
there are named varieties. They grow best in a loamy soil, enriched
with well-rotted manure, which should be dug in below the tubers.
These may be planted in October, and for succession in January, the
autumn-planted ones being protected by a covering of leaves or short
stable litter. They will flower in May and June, and when the leaves
have ripened should be taken up into a dry room till planting time.
They are easily raised from the seed, and a bed of the single varieties is
a valuable addition to a flower-garden, as it affords, in a warm situation,
an abundance of handsome and often brilliant spring flowers, almost as
early as the snowdrop or crocus. The genus contains many other lively
spring-blooming plants, of which _A. hortensis_ and _A. fulgens_ have
less divided leaves and splendid rosy-purple or scarlet flowers; they
require similar treatment. Another set is represented by _A. Pulsatilla_,
the Pasque-flower, whose violet blossoms have the outer surface hairy;
these prefer a calcareous soil. The splendid _A. japonica_, and its white
variety called Honorine Joubert, the latter especially, are amongst the
finest of autumn-blooming hardy perennials; they grow well in light
soil, and reach 2-1/2 to 3 ft. in height, blooming continually for several
weeks. A group of dwarf species, represented by the native British _A.
nemorosa_ and _A. apennina_, are amongst the most beautiful of
spring flowers for planting in woods and shady places.
The genus Hepatica is now generally included in anemone as a
subgenus. The plants are known in gardens as hepaticas, and are
varieties of the common South European _A. Hepatica_; they are
charming spring-flowering plants with usually blue flowers.
ANENCLETUS, or ANACLETUS, second bishop of Rome. About the
4th century he is treated in the catalogues as two persons--Anacletus
and Cletus. According to the catalogues he occupied the papal chair for
twelve years (c. 77-88).
ANERIO, the name of two brothers, musical composers, very great
Roman masters of 16th-century polyphony. Felice, the elder, was born
about 1560, studied under G.M. Nanino and succeeded Palestrina in
1594 as composer to the papal chapel. Several masses and motets of his
are printed in Proske's Musica Divina and other modern anthologies,
and it is hardly too much to say that they are for the most part worthy
of Palestrina himself. The date of his death is conjecturally given as
1630. His brother, Giovanni Francesco, was born about 1567, and
seems to have died about 1620. The occasional attribution of some of
his numerous compositions to his elder brother is a pardonable mistake,
if we may judge by the works that have been reprinted. But the
statement, which continues to be repeated in standard works of
reference, that "he was one of the first of Italians to use the quaver and
its subdivisions" is incomprehensible. Quavers were common property
in all musical countries quite early in the 16th century, and semiquavers
appear in a madrigal of Palestrina published in 1574. The two brothers
are probably the latest composers who handled 16th-century music as
their mother-language; suffering neither from the temptation to indulge
even in such mild neologisms as they might have learnt from the elder
brother's master, Nanino, nor from the necessity of preserving their
purity of style by a mortified negative asceticism. They wrote pure
polyphony because they understood it and loved it, and hence their
work lives, as neither the progressive work of their own day nor the
reactionary work of their imitators could live. The 12-part Stabat Mater
in the seventh volume of Palestrina's complete works has been by some
authorities ascribed to Felice Anerio.
[v.02 p.0004]
ANET, a town of northern France, in the department of Eure-et-Loir,
situated between the rivers Eure and Vègre, 10 m. N.E. of Dreux by rail.
Pop. (1906) 1324. It possesses the remains of a magnificent castle, built
in the middle of the 16th century by Henry II. for Diana of Poitiers.
Near it is the plain of Ivry, where Henry IV. defeated the armies of the
League in 1590.
ANEURIN, or ANEIRIN, the name of an early 7th-century British
(Welsh) bard, who has been taken by Thomas Stephens (1821-1875),
the editor and translator of Aneurin's principal epic poem _Gododin_,
for a son of Gildas, the historian. Gododin is an account of the British
defeat (603) by the Saxons at Cattraeth (identified by Stephens with
Dawstane in Liddesdale), where Aneurin is said
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