Elsies Girlhood | Page 5

Martha Finley
about you, papa; last evening I was out on the
veranda, and I heard John and Miss Stevens' maid, Phillis, talking
together. It was moonlight, you know, papa," she went on, turning her

face toward him again: "and they were out under the trees and John had
his arm round her, and he was kissing her, and telling her how pretty
she was; and then they began talking about Miss Stevens and you, and
John told Phillis that he reckoned you were going to marry her--"
"Who? Phillis?" asked Mr. Dinsmore, looking excessively amused.
"Oh, papa; no; you know I mean Miss Stevens," Elsie answered in a
tone of annoyance.
"Well, dear, and what of it all?" he asked, soothingly. "I don't think the
silly nonsense of the servants need trouble you. John is a sad fellow, I
know; he courts all the pretty colored girls wherever he goes. I shall
have to read him a serious lecture on the subject. But it is very kind of
you to be so concerned for Phillis."
"Oh, papa, don't!" she said, turning away her face. "Please don't tease
me so. You know I don't care for Phillis or John; but that isn't all." And
then she repeated what had passed between Annie and herself.
He looked a good deal provoked as she went on with her story; then
very grave indeed. He was quite silent for a moment after she had done.
Then drawing her closer to him, he said tenderly, "My poor little girl, I
am sorry you should be so annoyed; but you know it is not true,
daughter, and why need you care what other people think and say?"
"I don't like them to talk so, papa! I can't bear to have them say such
things about you!" she exclaimed indignantly.
He was silent again for a little; then said kindly, "I think I had better
take you away from these troublesome talkers. What do you say to
going home?"
"Oh, yes, papa, do take me home," she answered eagerly. "I wish we
were there now. I think it is the pleasantest place in the world and it
seems such a long, long while since we came away. Let us start
to-morrow, papa; can't we?"

"But you know you will have to leave Miss Rose."
"Ah! I forgot that," she said a little sadly; but brightening again, she
asked: "Couldn't you invite her to go home with us and spend the
winter? Ah! papa, do! it would be so pleasant to have her."
"No, my dear, it wouldn't do," he replied with a grave shake of the
"Why, papa?" she asked with a look of keen disappointment.
"You are too young to understand why," he said in the same grave tone,
and then relapsed into silence; sitting there for some time stroking her
hair in an absent way, with his eyes on the carpet.
At last he said, "Elsie!" in a soft, low tone that quite made the little girl
start and look up into his face; for she, too, had been in a deep reverie.
"What, papa?" she asked, and she wondered to see how the color had
spread over his face, and how bright his eyes looked.
"I have been thinking," he said, in a half hesitating way, "that though it
would not do to invite Miss Rose to spend the winter with us, it might
do very nicely to ask her to come and live at the Oaks."
Elsie looked at him for a moment with a bewildered expression; then
suddenly comprehending, her face lighted up.
"Would you like it, dearest?" he asked; "or would you prefer to go on
living just as we have been, you and I together? I would consult your
happiness before my own, for it lies very near my heart, my precious
one. I can never forgive myself for all I have made you suffer, and
when you were restored to me almost from the grave, I made a vow to
do all in my power to make your future life bright and happy."
His tones were full of deep feeling, and as he spoke he drew her closer
and closer to him and kissed her tenderly again and again.
"Speak, daughter, and tell me what you wish," he said, as she still

remained silent.
At last she spoke, and he bent down to catch the words. "Dear papa,"
she whispered, "would it make you happy? and do you think mamma
knows, and that she would like it?"
"Your mamma loves us both too well not to be pleased with anything
that would add to our happiness," he replied gently.
"Dear papa, you won't be angry if I ask another question?'"'
"No, darling; ask as many as you wish."
"Then, papa, will I
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