Dramatized Rhythm Plays | Page 9

John N. Richards
(Four counts.)
4th Line;-- Diddle, Diddle
Inter.;-- Jump, in place, once. (Two counts.)
Inter.;-- Jump, in place, once. (Two counts.)
my son John.
Inter.;-- Jump, in place, three times and hold. (Four counts.)
[Illustration: SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE (See page 40)]

Permission to use words and music:-- McLoughlin Bros.
+J. W. Elliot+
1st Verse.
[Music: Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of Rye; Four and twenty Blackbirds bak'd in a Pie. When the Pie was open'd, The Birds began to sing; Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before a King!]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle facing each other with hands on hips. (Open line formation; partners facing each other.)
1st Line;-- Sing a song of sixpence,
Interpretation;-- Step to the right, place left toe behind right heel, bending both knees slightly. Repeat to the left. (Cues:-- Step and bend and step and bend.)
2nd Line;-- A pocket full of Rye;
Inter.;-- Execute three slides to the right and bring heels together on the fourth count. (Cues; Slide, slide, slide and heels.)
3rd Line;-- Four and twenty Blackbirds,
Inter.;-- Repeat the activity of the first line, starting to the left.
4th Line;-- Bak'd in a Pie.
Inter.;-- Repeat activity of the second line to the left.
5th Line;-- When the Pie was open'd,
Inter.;-- Pupils face forward; raise arms forward (shoulder height) in circle form and then extend sideward, imitating the opening of the pie.
6th Line;-- The Birds began to sing;
Inter.;-- Fluttering of arms up and down, imitating the flying of birds.
7th Line;-- Wasn't that a dainty dish
Inter.;-- Replace both hands to hips on the word, "dainty." Upon the word, "dish," stretch the right hand forward as if holding the dish and nod the head in approval.
8th Line;-- To set before a King!
Inter.;-- Step sideward to the right, close feet and bow with arms stretched sideward.
2nd Verse.
[Music: The King was in the counting house, Counting out his money; The Queen was in the parlour, Eating bread and honey; The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes; There came a little Dicky Bird And popp'd upon her nose.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle with hands on hips, facing the front of room.
1st Line;-- The King
Interpretation;-- Jump, in place, with a quarter turn to the right.
was in
Inter.;-- Jump, in place, with a quarter turn to the left. (Front.)
the counting
Inter.;-- Place left foot in seat area.
Inter.;-- Sit in seat.
Counting out his money;
Inter.;-- Suit activity to words, holding imaginary coins in palm of left hand and count with the right hand.
2nd Line;-- The Queen
Inter.;-- Stand in the right aisle; face to the left and immediately place hands in support on back of seat and edge of desk.
was in
Inter.;-- Vault over seat, (Upon completion of vault, the hands assume normal position.)
the parlour,
Inter.;-- Face to the right; place right foot in seat area and become seated.
Eating bread and honey;
Inter.;-- Suit activity to words, encircling imaginary plate with left arm and imitate eating with the right hand.
3rd Line;-- The maid
Inter.;-- Place right foot in right aisle.
was in
Inter.;-- Stand in right aisle and place hands on hips.
the garden,
Inter.;-- Bow and assume erect position.
Inter.;-- Bend trunk forward downward; stretch arms downward, grasping clothes.
Inter.;-- Raise trunk, stretch arms upward and grasp imaginary clothesline.
the clothes;
Inter.;-- Using right hand, take clothes-pin out of mouth and pin clothes on the line.
4th Line;-- There came a little Dicky Bird,
Inter.;-- Replace hands to hips and mark time, in place. (Left, right, left and right.)
And popped
Inter.;-- Jump, in place, and clap hands once.
upon her
Inter.;-- Replace hands to hips; step right sideward and close left to right.
Inter.;-- Bow and assume erect position.

Permission to use words and music:-- McLoughlin Bros.
+J. W. Elliott+
[Music: Seesaw, Marjory Daw, Jack shall have a new master, He shall have but a penny a day, Because he won't work any faster.]
Formation;-- Arrange class so that three aisles may work together.
Center aisle;-- Jump to stride stand with arms raised sideward.
Outer aisles;-- Face the center and grasp with both hands the outstretched hand of pupil in center.
The center player acts as the Board; outer players as riders.
1st Line;-- See Saw, Marjory Daw,
Interpretation;-- Center activity;-- Pupil bends trunk to the right, left, right and left.
Outer aisles;-- When center pupils bend to the right, the children on the right act as riders on board, bending and stretching knees. In reversing the movement, similar activity for those on the left.
2nd Line;-- Jack shall have a new master,
Inter.;-- Center and outer aisles activity;-- Continue movement as described for the first line, finishing in erect position with hands on hips.
3rd Line;-- He shall have but a penny a day,
Inter.;-- Outer aisles;-- Placing left hand to right elbow, shake index finger three times upon the words, "he shall have"; repeat motion with the left hand upon the words, "but a penny a day." Finish with hands on hips.
Center activity;-- Nod to the right upon the words, "he shall have"; assume
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