of New Jersey and now Director of Physical Education and Medical Inspection of the Public Schools of Atlantic City, N.J., for the Introduction.
To Mr. Randall D. Warden, Director of Physical Education, Public Schools, Newark, N.J., for the Preface.
Special acknowledgment and thanks are due Miss A. E. Barth of the Charlton Street School, Newark, N.J., for her contribution of "Rhythm Plays" and to Miss Louise Westwood, Director of Music, Newark Public Schools, as hereinafter stated.
Thanks are also due to McLoughlin Bros. for permission to use the words and music of the following songs found in J. W. Elliott's book entitled, "Nursery Rhymes, Set to Music":
Little Jack Horner See Saw, Marjory Daw Dickory, Dickory, Dock Sing a Song of Sixpence Humpty Dumpty
To D. Appleton & Company for permission to use the words and music of the following songs found in "Songs the Whole World Sings":
Rock-a-bye, Baby Little Boy Blue
To Miss Lydia Clark, author of "Physical Training for Elementary Schools," and to B. H. Sanborn & Company, for permission to use the words and music of the following songs:
Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Looby Loo
J. N. Richards
Aisles of Classroom Page
Bye O Baby Bunting 29 Bean Porridge 37 Dickory, Dickory, Dock, 1st and 2nd verses 25, 26 Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling 39 Fly Away Jack and Jill 38 Humpty Dumpty 24 Hey, Diddle, Diddle 32 Jack Be Nimble, No. 1 22 Jack Be Nimble, No. 2 23 Jack and Jill 28 Little Jack Horner 20 Little Miss Muffet 27 Little Boy Blue 30 Pat-a-cake 36 Rock-a-bye, Baby 21 Ride a Cock-horse 34 Sing a Song of Sixpence, 1st and 2nd verses 40, 41 See Saw, Marjory Daw 42 The Band 19 Wee Willie Winkie 31 Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 33 Yankee Doodle, verse and chorus 35
Circle Page
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 50 Bean Porridge 51 Dapple Grey 54 Dickory, Dickory, Dock 48 Fly Away Jack and Jill 52 Jack and Jill 47 Little Jack Horner 45 Little Miss Muffet 46 Looby Loo 49 Pop Goes the Weasel, verse and chorus 55 Sing a Song of Sixpence, 1st and 2nd verses 57
First Grade
Aisle Page 1. The Band 19 2. Little Jack Horner 20 3. Rock-a-bye Baby 21 4. Jack Be Nimble, No. 1 22 5. Humpty Dumpty 24 6. Dickory, Dickory, Dock, 1st and 2nd verses 25, 26 7. Little Miss Muffet 27 8. Jack and Jill 28 9. Bye O Baby Bunting 29 10. Little Boy Blue 30 11. Wee Willie Winkie 31 12. Jack Be Nimble, No. 2 23
Circle Page 1. Little Jack Horner 45 2. Little Miss Muffet 46 3. Jack and Jill 47 4. Dickory, Dickory, Dock 48
Second Grade
Aisle Page 1. Hey, Diddle, Diddle 32 2. Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 33 3. Ride a Cock-horse 34 4. Yankee Doodle, verse and chorus 35 5. Pat-a-cake 36 6. Bean Porridge 37 7. Fly Away Jack and Jill 38 8. Sing a Song of Sixpence, 1st and 2nd verses 40, 41 9. Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling 39 10. See Saw, Marjory Daw 42
Circle Page 1. Looby Loo 49 2. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 50 3. Bean Porridge 51 4. Fly Away Jack and Jill 52
Third Grade
Circle Page 1. Dapple Grey 54 2. Pop Goes the Weasel, verse and chorus 55 3. Sing a Song of Sixpence, 1st and 2nd verses 57
Aisles of Classroom Page 1. The Band (File Alignment) 19 2. Little Jack Horner " " 20 3. Rock-a-bye, Baby " " 21 4. Jack Be Nimble, No. 1 " " 22 5. Humpty Dumpty " " 24 6. Dickory, Dickory, Dock, 1st and 2nd verses " " 25, 26 7. Little Miss Muffet " " 27 8. Jack and Jill " " 28 9. Bye O Baby Bunting " " 29 10. Little Boy Blue " " 30 11. Wee Willie Winkie " " 31 12. Jack Be Nimble, No. 2 " " 23 13. Hey, Diddle, Diddle " " 32 14. Where Has My Little Dog Gone? " " 33 15. Ride a Cock-horse " " 34 16. Yankee Doodle, verse and chorus " " 35 17. Pat-a-cake (Open line formation, partners facing) 36 18. Bean Porridge " " " " " 37 19. Fly Away Jack and Jill. " " " " 38 20. Sing a Song of Sixpence, 1st and 2nd verses " " " " 40, 41 21. Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling " " " 39 22. See Saw, Marjory Daw. " " " " 42
(Outer aisles of classroom) Page 1. Little Jack Horner 45 2. Little Miss Muffet 46 3. Jack and Jill 47 4. Dickory, Dickory, Dock 48 5. Looby Loo 49 6. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 50 7. Bean Porridge 51 8. Fly Away Jack and Jill 52 9. Dapple Grey 54 10. Pop Goes the
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