Divided - Book Five in the Fated Saga | Page 2

Rachel Daigle
one day that we did this for him, so he could have
a better life.” She swallowed hard, nervously handing him Milo coffee mug,
simultaneously putting on a restrained smile.
Kay grabbed the rest of her towels and shoved them into the drawer, then turned
back to Milo. “I'll be helping out at the school today. You'd better drink up yourself.
You wouldn't want to be late for work.”
They just stared into each others eyes, wondering how long they could pretend that
everything was normal, or, how much time they had until it was discovered that their
son had defected.


Meghan Jacoby sat on the floor leaning against her bed, staring deeply into the
flame of the candle sitting in front of her; the candle held the shape of her brother.
She whispered, “Colin,” thru barely open lips, but peering into the flames and
saying his name did not bring her to him. It did not give her the comfort she sought.
Since his forced retreat weeks prior alongside Catrina Flummer, suspected Projector,
there had been no contact. Meghan herself had turned Colin in for harboring the girl.
She had no idea if he heard her thoughts and chose to ignore them, or just did not

hear her at all. She sensed him still, deep in her mind, but she could no longer break
through the block he had in place.
She hoped he was at least listening, and whenever possible, repeated apologies
through her thoughts, hoping he would eventually forgive her, or at the very least, let
her know he was okay.
The flame on his candle had shown her other things, though. Scenes from his past,
mostly things she already knew, but nothing about his present or future. She refused
to give up, though, closing her eyes, focusing all her thoughts on him. “Colin,” she
spoke with more force.
A vision came.
Not the one she wanted, but she watched anyway as it was unfamiliar to her
Someone dressed in a thick, hooded cloak peered into a cradle, which rocked
gently, three babies sleeping inside. It was crowded, but the infants seemed content.
“There there. You'll be home with me soon, I promise,” a woman spoke in a soothing
voice. It was hard to tell which infant she spoke to, but then she reached down, as if
adjusting something and when she pulled back, Meghan gasped, disbelieving what she
was seeing.
Her locket... it was pinned to one of the infants blankets, holding it securely
closed. At first, Meghan thought it could not be the same locket. But she examined it
closely and every detail matched the one hanging around her neck. She'd never come
across another one like it. Two roses, one white and one black, entwining around each
other with thorns nestled into the vines that were sharp enough to actually pierce her
Meghan's thoughts swirled with the possibilities.
Could this be their mother? Was that Meghan and Colin in the cradle? Where were
they exactly? And where was Uncle Arnon?
The woman stood up, looking across the room. There were rows of cradles, cribs
and beds. Orphanage, Meghan realized. Then, as if the vision could not get any
stranger, Meghan also realized that she recognized one of the boys sleeping in a bed
“Timothy?” she asked, as if he could somehow hear her. “This must have been why
he stayed behind in Grimble,” she whispered. “And why he moved on with Uncle
Eddy. We had to be his unfinished business, too.”
She shook her head, still disbelieving. “Timothy died in a fire here,” she recalled.
Then she remembered the rest of Tim's story. There had been a woman, searching for
someone lost in the fire... “Was that us? Was she searching for Colin and me?”
Meghan wished she could speak with her brother and tell him what she was seeing.
If what she thought was happening was actually correct, then the woman Timothy had
told them about... “Was our mother,” she whispered aloud.
She kept her eyes open, taking in everything. However, inevitable questions filled
her mind. Why were they in an orphanage? Was the woman hiding them from
someone? This made sense, seeing as their Uncle Arnon had kept them on the move,
fearing someone would discover who they were.
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