Directions for Navigating on Part of the South Coast of Newfoundland, with a Chart Thereof, Includi | Page 5

James Cook
Dantzic Coves.]
Near 2 Miles North from Point May, is Little Dantzic Cove, and half a
Leag. from Little Dantzic is Great Dantzic Cove; these Coves are no
Places of safety, being open to the Westerly Winds; the Land about
them is of a moderate Height, bold too, and clear of Wood.
[Sidenote: Fortune.]
From Dantzic Point (which is the North Point of the Coves) to Fortune
the Course is N.E. near 3 Leagues; the Land between them near the
Shore is of a moderate Height, and bold too; you will have in most
Places 10 and 12 Fathom two Cables Length from the Shore, 30 and 40
one Mile off, and 70 and 80 two Miles off. Fortune lies North from the
East-end of Brunet, it is a Bar Place that will admit Fishing Boats at a
quarter Flood; and a Fishing Village situated in the Bottom of a small

Bay, wherein is Anchorage for Shipping in 6, 8, 10, and 12 Fathom; the
Ground is none of the best, and you lay open to near half the Compass.
[Sidenote: Grand Bank.]
[Sidenote: Great Garnish.]
[Sidenote: Frenchman's Cove.]
[Sidenote: Anchorage.]
Cape of Grand Bank is a pretty high Point, lying 1 League N.E. from
Fortune; into the E. ward of the Cape is Ship Cove, wherein is good
Anchorage for Shipping, in 8 and 10 Fathom, shelter'd from Southerly,
Westerly, and N.W. Winds. Grand Bank lies E.S.E. half a League from
the Cape, it is a Fishing Village, and a Bar Harbour, that will admit
Fishing Shallops at a quarter Flood; to this Place and Fortune resort the
Crews of Fishing Ships, who lay their Ships up in Harbour Briton.
From the Cape of Grand Bank to Point Enragee, the Course is NE. a
quarter E. 8 Leagues, forming a Bay between them, in which the Shore
is low with several sandy Beaches, behind which are Bar Harbours that
will admit Boats on the Tide of Flood, the largest of which is Great
Garnish, 5 Leagues from Grand Bank, it may be known by several
Rocks above Water laying before it, 2 Miles from the Shore, the
outmost of these Rocks are steep too, but between them and the Shore
are dangerous sunken Rocks. To the Eastward, and within these Rocks
is Frenchman's Cove, wherein you may Anchor with small Vessels, in
4 and 5 Fathom Water, tolerably well shelter'd from the Sea Winds, and
seems a convenient Place for the Cod Fishery: The Passage in is to the
Eastward of the Rocks that are the highest above Water; between them
and some other lower Rocks laying off to the Eastward from the East
Point of the Cove, there is a sunken Rock nearly in the Middle of this
Passage, which you must be aware of. You may Anchor any where
under the Shore, between Grand Bank and Great Garnish in 8 and 10
Fathom Water, but you are only shelter'd from the Land Winds.
[Sidenote: Point Enragee.]

Point Enragee is but low, but a little way in the Country is high Land;
this Point may be known by two Hommocks upon it close to the Shore,
but you must be very near, otherwise the Elevation of the high Lands
will hinder you from discovering them; close to the Point is a Rock
under Water.
From Point Enragee to the Head of the Bay, the Course is first N.E. a
quarter E. 3 Leagues to Grand Jervey; then N.E. by E. half E. 7
Leagues and a half to the Head of the Bay; the Land in general along
the South-side is high, bold too, and of an uneven Height, with Hills
and Vallies of various extent; the Vallies for the most Part cloathed
with Wood, and water'd with small Rivulets.
[Sidenote: Bay L'Arjent.]
Seven Leagues to the Eastward of Point Enragee, is the Bay L'Argent,
wherein you may Anchor in 30 or 40 Fathom Water, shelter'd from all
[Sidenote: Harbour Millee.]
The Entrance of Harbour Millee is to the Eastward of the East Point of
L'Argent; before this Harbour and the Bay L'Argent is a remarkable
Rock, that at a Distance appears like a Shallop under Sail. Harbour
Millee branches into two Arms, one laying into the N.E. and the other
towards the E. at the upper Part of both is good Anchorage, and various
Sorts of Wood. Between this Harbour and Point Enragee, are several
Bar Harbours in small Bays, wherein are sandy Beaches, off which
Vessels may Anchor, but they must be very near the Shore to be in a
moderate Depth of Water.
[Sidenote: Cape Millee.]
Cape Millee lies N.N.E. half E. 1 League from the afore-mentioned
Shallop Rock, and near 3 Leagues from the Head of Fortune Bay is a
high reddish barren Rock. The
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