Diet and Health | Page 4

Lulu Hunt Peters

loose they will show to the world that you are reducing. A fat person in
a tight suit, unless it is perfectly new, should be interned.
[Sidenote: Food Only]
[Sidenote: Impossible]
I have said that food, and food only, causes fat. That gives you the cue
to what you must do to get rid of it. No anti-fat medicines unless under
the supervision of your scientific, educated physician. They are
dangerous; most of them contain thyroid extract, arsenic, or mercury.
Even the vendors of these harmful compounds in their advertisements
are now saying to "stop harmful drugging," but urge you to adopt their
particular delightful product, and, "without dieting or exercises, you
will positively reduce," and so forth.

No drastic purges, no violent exercises, especially at first, and not too
frequent nor prolonged Turkish baths. Epsom salts baths have little
effect. If salts are used habitually internally, they are harmful. All of
these are unscientific and unsuccessful, and the things they bring on are
worse than the fat.
Now, if food is the only source of body substance, you see that you
must study that question, and that is what I will give you--some lessons
on foods and their values.
[Sidenote: Candy Cake, Pie, Rich Meats, Thick Gravy, Bread, Butter,
Nuts, Ice Cream]
[Sidenote: Whipped Cream, Candied Sweet Potatoes]
Heretofore you have known only in a dumb, despairing sort of way that
all the foods you like are fattening, and all the advice you read and hear
is that you must avoid them as a pestilence. And you settle down to
your joyless fatness, realizing that it is beyond human strength to do
that forever, and that you would rather die young and fat, anyway, than
to have nothing to eat all your life but a little meat, fish, and sloshy
vegetables. Study on, and you will find the reason your favorite foods
are fattening.
But cast off your dejection. You don't have to avoid them!
Eat what you like and grow thin? Yes; follow me. I know it will be an
exertion, but you must persist and go through with it. Nothing in life
worth while is attained without some effort. So begin now; it is the
price of liberty.
1. Give rule for normal weight.
2. How much excess food have you stored away?
3. Why more important than ever to reduce?

4. Why are fat individuals fireless cookers?
5. Give causes of excess fat.
NOTE: The Reviews which follow the chapters are important and the
questions should be answered. To get the full benefit, Little Book must
be studied, for it is the only authorized textbook of the "Watch Your

Key to the Calories
Some one page the thin? They come back here.
[Sidenote: Don't Skip This]
Definition to learn:
CALORIE; symbol C.; a heat unit and food value unit; is that amount
of heat necessary to raise one pound of water 4 degrees Fahrenheit.
[Sidenote: Pronounced Kal'-o-ri]
There is a good deal of effort expended by many semi-educated
individuals to discredit the knowledge of calories, saying that it is a
foolish food science, a fallacy, a fetish, and so forth.
They reason, or rather say, that because there are no calories in some of
the very vital elements of foods--the vitamines and the mineral
salts--therefore it is not necessary to know about them. They further
argue that their grandfathers never heard of calories and they got along
all right. That grandfather argument always enrages my mortal mind.
[Sidenote: A Unit of Measure]
Now you know that a calorie is a unit of measuring heat and food. It is

not heat, not food; simply a unit of measure. And as food is of supreme
importance, certainly a knowledge of how it should be measured is also
of supreme importance.
[Sidenote: Yes, They Are Kosher]
You should know and also use the word calorie as frequently, or more
frequently, than you use the words foot, yard, quart, gallon, and so
forth, as measures of length and of liquids. Hereafter you are going to
eat calories of food. Instead of saying one slice of bread, or a piece of
pie, you will say 100 Calories of bread, 350 Calories of pie.
The following is the way the calorie is determined:
An apparatus known as the bomb calorimeter has two chambers, the
inner, which contains the dry food to be burned, say a definite amount
of sugar, and an outer, which is filled with water. The food is ignited
with an electric connection and burned. This heat is transferred to the
water. When one pound of water is raised 4 degrees Fahrenheit, the
amount of heat used is arbitrarily chosen as the unit of heat, and is
called the Calorie.
Food burned (oxydized) in the body has been proved
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