~Bur-dash~, _n._ Can. French, BERDACHE (Anderson). _An hermaphrodite._ The reputation of hermaphroditism is not uncommon with Indians, and seems to attach to every malformation of the organs of generation. The word is of very limited use.
~Cal'-li-peen~, _n._ French, CARABINE. _A rifle._
~Ca-nim~, _n._ Chinook, EKANIM. _A canoe._ Canim stick, _the cedar, or wood from which canoes are usually made._
~Ca-po'~, _n._ French, CAPOT. _A coat._
~Chah'-ko~, _v._ Nootka, Clayoquot, CHAKO; Tokwaht, TCHOKWA. _To come; to become._ Ex. Kansik mika chahko? _when did you come?_ Chahko kloshe, _to get well._
~Chák chak~, _n._ Chinook, idem. The bald eagle (by onoma.), from its scream. Of only local use on the lower Columbia.
Chee, _adv., adj._ Chinook, T'SHI. _Lately; just now; new._ Chee nika ko, _I have just arrived._ Hyas chee, _entirely new._
~Chet'-lo~, or ~Jet'-lo~, _n._ Chihalia, CHETLOKH. _An oyster._ Used on the lower Columbia.
~Chet-woot~, _n._ Nisqually, idem. _A black bear._ Used only on Puget Sound.
~Chik'-a-min~, _n., adj._ Tokwaht, TSIKAMEN; Nootka, SICKAMINNY (Jewitt); SEEKEMAILE (Cook). _Iron; metal; metallic._ T'kope chikamin, _silver;_ pil chikamin, gold or _copper._ Chikamin lope, _wire; a chain._
~Chik-chik~. See TSIK-TSIK.
~Chil-chil~. See TSIL-TSIL.
Chitsh, _n._ Chihalis, TSHITSH. _A grandmother._
Chope, _n._ Chihalis, TSHUP. _A grandfather._
~Cho'-tub~, _n._ Nisqually, idem. _A flea._ Used on Puget Sound.
Chuck, _n._ Nootka, CHAUK (Cook); CHAHAK, fresh water (Jewitt); Chinook, TLTSUK (Shortess); Clatsop, TL'CHUKW. _Water; a river or stream._ Salt chuck, _the sea;_ skookum chuck, _a rapid;_ solleks chuck, _a rough sea;_ chuck chahko or kalipi, _the tide rises or falls;_ saghilli and keekwillie chuck, high and _low tide._
~Chuk-kin~, _n., v._ Chihalis, TSUKAEN. _To kick._ Of local use only.
~Close.~ See KLOSE.
Cly, _v._ English. _To cry._
Cole, _adj._ English, COLD. Cole illahie, _winter;_ icht cole, _a year;_ cole sick waum sick, _the fever and ague._
Comb, _n._ English. _A comb._ Mamook comb, _to comb;_ mamook comb illahie, _to harrow._
~Coo'-ley~, _v._ French, COUREZ, imp. of COURIR. _To run._ Cooley kiuatan, _a race-horse;_ yahka hyas kumtuks cooley, _he can,_ i.e., _knows how to run well._
~Coop'-coop~, _n._ Chinook, idem. _The smaller sized dentalium or shell money._ See HYKWA.
~Co'-sho~, _n._ French, COCHON. _A hog; pork._ Siwash cosho, _a seal;_ literally, _Indian pig._
~Cul'-tus~, _adj._ Chinook, KALTAS. _Worthless; good for nothing; without purpose._ Ex. Cultus man, _a worthless fellow;_ cultus potlatch, _a present or free gift;_ cultus heehee, _a jest; merely laughing;_ cultus nannitsh, _to look around;_ cultus mitlite, _to sit idle; to do nothing;_ cultus klatawa, _to stroll._ _Ques._ What do you want? _Ans._ Cultus, i.e., _nothing._
~De-láte~, or ~De-létt~, _adj., adv._ French, DROITE. _Straight; direct; without equivocation._ Ex. Klatawa delett, _go straight;_ delett wauwau, _tell the truth._
~Di-áub~, or Yaub, _n._ French, DIABLE. _The devil._ Sometimes used combined with the article, as LEJAUB.
~D'ly~, or ~De-ly~, _adj._ English, DRY. Chahko dely, _to become dry;_ mamook dely, _to dry, v. a._
~Doc'-tin~, _n._ English. _A doctor._
~Dol'-la~, or ~Táh-la~, _n._ English. _A dollar; money._ Chikamin dolla, _silver;_ pil dolla, _gold;_ dolla siághost, _spectacles._
~Eh-káh-nam~, _n._ Chinook, EKANAM. _A tale or story._ Used only on the Columbia river. Often erroneously pronounced Ay-keh-nam.
~Eh-ko-li~, _n._ Chinook, éKOLI. _A whale._
~Ee'-na~, _n._ Chinook, IINA. _A beaver._ Eena stick (literally, _beaver wood_), _the willow._
~Ee'-na-poo~, or ~In-a-poo~, _n._ Chinook, INAPU. _A louse._ Sopen inapoo, _a flea._
~Ek'-keh~, _n._ Chinook, EKKE. _A brother-in-law._
~E'-la-han~, or ~E-lánn~, _n._ Chihalis, YELAáN. _Aid; assistance; alms._ Mamook elann, _to help._
~E'-lip~, or ~El'-ip~, _adv._ Chihalis, ILIP. _First; before._ The superlative. Klatawa elip, _go before;_ elip lolo chuck, _in the first place carry water;_ elip kloshe, _best;_ elip tilikum, _n._ (literally, _the first people), a race of beings who inhabited the world before the Indians._
~E-li'-te~, _n._ Chinook, ILAITEKH. _A slave._
~E-sált'h~, or ~Ye-sált'h~, _n._ Probably Wasco. _Indian corn or maize._
~Get-up~, or ~Ket-op~, _v._ English. _To get up; rise._
Glease, _n._ English, GREASE, _fat, grease, or oil._ Hyeu glease, _very fat;_ too-toosh glease, _butter._ See, also, LAKLES.
~Háh-lakl~, _adj._ Chinook, HáLAKL. _Wide; open._ Ex. Mamook hahlakl la pote, _open the door;_ chahko hallakl (as of the woods), _to open out; become less dense._
~Háht-haht~, _n._ Nisqually, HATHAT. _The mallard duck._
~Hák-at-shum~, _n._ English. _A handkerchief._
~Ha'-lo~, _adj._ Qu?re u. d. not Chinook. _None; absent. Q._ Halo salmon mika? _have you no fish? A._ Halo, _none. Q._ Kah mika papa? _where is your father? A._ Halo, _he is out._ Halo wind, _breathless; dead;_ halo glease, _lean;_ halo ikta, _poor; destitute._
Haul, _v._ English, idem. _To haul or pull._ Used with the active verb mamook; as, mamook haul.
~Hee'-hee~, _n._ By onoma., HIHI (Hale). _Laughter, amusement._ Cultus heehee, _fun;_ mamook heehee, _to amuse;_ heehee house, _any place of amusement,_ as a tavern, bowling-alley, &c.
~Hóh-hoh~, _n., v._ Chinook (by onoma.), HOKHHOKH. _To cough._
~Hó-ku-melh~, _v._ Chihalis, idem. _To gather; to glean,_ as grain. Of local use.
~Hóol-hool~, _n._ Chinook, KHOLKHOL; Klikatat. KHOILKHOIL. _A mouse._ Eyas hoolhool, _a rat._
House, _n._ English. _A house._ Mahkook house, _a store;_ Boston house, _an American-built house,_ as distinguished from a lodge.
Howh, _interj._ HAUKH. _Turn to; hurry._
~How'-kwutl~, _adv._ Chinook, HAUKATLH. An expression of inability. Ex. Howkwutl nika klatawa? _how could I go?_
~Hul-lel'~, _v., n._ Chinook,
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